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Improving Service Through Single-Window Delivery Ralph Heintzman Assistant Secretary Service and Innovation Government of Canada Welcome everyone.

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1 Improving Service Through Single-Window Delivery Ralph Heintzman Assistant Secretary Service and Innovation Government of Canada Welcome everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Ralph Heintzman - Assistant Secretary - Service and Innovation with the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. I am also the co-chair of the Public Sector Service Delivery Council - the federal/provincial/municipal body hosting this learning event. On behalf of my fellow co-chair (Paavo Kavisto) and the Public Sector Service Delivery Council, I welcome you.

2 Outline of the Presentation
Objective of the learning event Setting the context Approaches to single-window service delivery Key issues for reference The opportunities ahead Avant d'amorcer cette journée qui, à mon avis, sera des plus enrichissantes, j'aimerais replacer notre activité d'apprentissage dans son contexte en précisant pourquoi les Canadiens et les Canadiennes jugent que la prestation des services par le biais d'un guichet unique est importante et pourquoi nous devons continuer de faciliter l'accès des Canadiens, ainsi que des clients et des visiteurs étrangers, aux services gouvernementaux par le biais d'un guichet unique. Je veux également cerner quelques-uns des enjeux qui, à mon avis, caractérisent bon nombre d'initiatives de création de guichets uniques afin que nous les gardions à l'esprit pendant le reste de la journée.

3 Objectives of the Learning Event
Focus on “whole of government” single-window service delivery Explore: The different approaches to single-window service delivery Common issues and challenges Good practices The focus of this learning event is “whole of government” single-window service delivery. As we all know, the term “single window” has been used quite broadly in the service community - to cover many different types of initiatives. Our focus today is on single-window initiatives that provide a whole-of-government window for citizens and businesses. That is, initiatives that provide access to a wide range of government services in a variety of program areas. In contrast, there are those single window initiatives that do not provide a whole-of-government approach - and exclusively target specific groups such as the unemployed, seniors, or aboriginal - providing single window service only for their program area. Today we will explore different approaches to”whole of government” single-window delivery, and hopefully identify some common issues, challenges and good practices.

4 Single Window Service: A World-Wide Phenomenon
Je ne crois pas qu'il soit exagéré d'affirmer que la prestation des services au moyen d'un guichet unique est un phénomène planétaire. Ces quelques exemples, qui ne forment qu'un modeste échantillon de ce qui se fait de nos jours, en témoignent. Service Canada Services for You

5 Business Needs & Expectations
Catalysts for Change Intergovernmental Co-operation Resource Constraints Citizen Needs & Expectations Modern government is one-stop government In view of multitude of single-window initiatives world-wide, one could almost say, as this slide does, that modern government is one-stop government. There are many reasons why. First and foremost, citizens and businesses want it. They have told us to make it easier for them to access government programs and services - and many jurisdictions are responding. I will come back to what we know about citizens’ views in a moment. We also know that citizens and businesses compare government to the private sector, and that the private sector has lead the way in single window delivery. This has raised citizens’ expectations. Those governments that have responded have a competitive advantage in a global economy - businesses (and citizens) want their relationships with government to be as efficient and convenient as possible. And those governments who have not responded have realized the risks associated with inaction. Another reason for the emergence of single-window service delivery is the advent of the e-channel. As we all know, there has also been a transformation in the way governments can deliver services - technology and the Internet allow government to radically improve service - 24/7 government accessible throughout the world is possible - technology allows for it. Technology is allowing us to do things not possible before. Governments have faced and continue to face resource issues - and are looking with ways to make service delivery more cost-effective through partnerships and single windows. This is being accelerated by the evolution of e-government - which presents opportunities to derive economies of scale and is requiring governments to explore the rationalization of infrastructure. Lastly, we are in an era of improved intergovernmental - and intragovernmental co-operation - which is facilitating the growth and development of single-windows. . Technology Business Needs & Expectations Global Competitiveness Private Sector Innovation

6 Why is Single-Window Service Important?
Citizens and business want it Service experience influences their view of government Government must be citizen-centred - designed from an outside-in perspective, not inside-out As I noted a moment ago, it is very clear that citizens and businesses want single window delivery. Just consider some of these statistics: 23% of Canadians feel confident they know where to start to get the service they need; 69% of Canadians feel the hardest part of getting a service is knowing where to start 67% feel that a one-stop service would help them access government services, and 50% of Canadians don’t care which government department delivers a service - they just want it delivered through a single window - (versus 30% who do not). We also know that service delivery affects citizens’ views of government’s overall performance. That is, those who rate service high, rate government performance high. Service is key to strengthening the relationship between government and the citizens it serves. For this reason, government must be citizen-centred - not government-centred.

7 Simple Concept…. Complex Business
Single-window service has simplicity as its aim - but is a complex business in reality There are a wide range of approaches Key focal points for comparison - Organizational Approaches (virtual/collaborative, utility, departmental) Channel Management Strategies Strategic Directions As we all know - single window service delivery is a relatively simple concept - but a very complex business in reality. Again, I will touch on some of the key issues in a moment. However, one of the things I think we will take away from this learning event is that there are a wide range of approaches to single window delivery out there - and I think we will want to keep in mind three key elements for comparison: First , the organizational approach adopted to provide whole of government single window service - and the challenges faced with those approaches - are a key focal point. We have defined three main organizational approaches typically used in single-window delivery - although we may hear of additional approaches today. The first approach is the virtual/collaborative approach where whole-of-government delivery is achieved with no organizational form or structure - that is, various service delivery policy/delivery organizations work together to establish the delivery infrastructure and service content for delivery. The second is the utility approach, where a jurisidction establishes a distinct organization with the role of providing an infrastructure through which other governments and agencies can have their services delivered in a whole-of-government approach. Lastly,there is a departmental approach where government restructures - bringing the key services and delivery infrastructure together within one organization to so that the program design and delivery dimensions are managed by the same organization - and may also deliver services for other departments, and may have other mandates such as GOL. In addition to organizational design, another key criteria for comparison across jurisdictions is the channel management approach being used. For example, some jurisdictions have chosen to only focus on the e-channel for single-window delivery - while others have full, multi-channel strategies in place. A better understanding the drivers for adopting either approach will be quite rewarding. Lastly, a very useful point for comparison are the strategic directions being taken by the jurisdictions - to understand where they plan to take their single window initiatives in the future.

8 Government of Canada One-stop strategies for business and citizens
Service Canada Services for You One-stop strategies for business and citizens Collaborative / Virtual organizational approach Multi-channel integration On-line target Let me now take a few moments to provide a brief overview of some of the initiatives underway around the world- hi-lighting these three areas for comparison wherever possible. Let me begin with my jurisdiction - the Government of Canada. We have developed one-stop strategies for both businesses - through the Canada Business Service Centre partnership -and citizens through Service Canada. You will hear more about both of these initiatives later today. At the federal level, both initiatives have been operating through a collaborative / virtual approach - given that there is no single organization that has a multi-channel delivery infrastructure and program authorities to provide one stop service for either businesses or citizens. Partnerships have been established across government to make these whole-of-government approaches possible. For example, our Department of Public Works and Government Services is a key partner, managing1 800 O-Canada, the Canada Site and the Canadians Gateway as part of Service Canada - which form two of the key pillars of Service Canada. In terms of strategic directions, a key priority for us in this area is the Government On-Line Initiative - which will facilitate improved single window service across all service channels in an integrated way. Our main government portal was recently redesigned, now presenting Canadians with gateways and service clusters designed around their needs.

9 Canada - Provincial Governments
Most have single-window approaches One-stop strategies for business and citizens Range of organizational models: Utility: Service New Brunswick; BC Agents Departmental: Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services; Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations In my view, the provincial governments in Canada are world-leaders in whole-of-government single window delivery - and much of the work we have done in this area at the federal level has drawn on their experiences. A key similarity in approach for most provinces is that they have adopted single-window strategies for both businesses and citizens. A comparison of organizational approaches is illustrative of the diversity that exists at the provincial level in Canada. Some provinces like BC and New Brunswick have established single-window utilities - that is, organizations that manage an optional delivery infrastructure that departments and agencies can use to deliver their services. In comparison, others like Nova Scotia ,and more recently Ontario, have established departmental models - that is , bringing together the service delivery infrastructure and a wide range of specific program authorities together within one organization. Throughout the day today I think we will see some of the strengths and challenges of both of these approaches, and of the virtual/collaborative approach we have taken at the federal level.

10 United States - Federal Government
Promotion of single-window and integrated service across federal public service E-channel / telephone approach to one-stop access In-person delivery at local level GOL Target At the federal level of the United States, one-stop government has been a focal point of management reform. The National Performance Review and the National Partnership for Reinventing Government, with strong leadership from the President, Vice-President and the General Services Administration, both focused in part on the need to bring services together to improve service access. The focus to date has primarily been on the development of e-portals to provide single window service. For example, the Access America initiative brought government services for seniors, students and business on-line in a one-stop format. More recently the Firstgov portal was launched in the Fall of This portal provides whole-of-government single window access to the federal government. In addition, the Federal Consumer Information Centre, which we will hear more about today, has provided whole of government access to information on federal programs and services via the telephone. Lastly, the US federal government has done some work on single-window in-person service, but primarily on a community-to-community basis or at the departmental level. For example, the Hassle-Free Communities project encourages communities to develop customized single window service. As with the Government of Canada, Government On-Line is also a priority for the US Federal government.

11 United States - State Governments
Many have one-stop service for citizens and business Major emphasis on e-channel - but many state governments have e-channel / telephone channel linkages In-person strategies commonly driven at the community or department level Chez nos voisins du Sud, bon nombre d'États ont achevé ou lancé des initiatives visant à fournir tous les services gouvernementaux par l'entremise d'un guichet unique. Toutefois, beaucoup ont opté pour un canal virtuel ou pour une combinaison de ce dernier et du téléphone. Ainsi, l'Indiana a combiné son portail Access Indiana et son State Information Centre pour dispenser ses services au moyen d'un guichet unique. D'après nos recherches, les stratégies de prestation en personne des services pangouvernementaux sont beaucoup moins répandues à l'échelle des États qu'à l'échelle communautaire, locale ou des départements.

12 Australia Federal Government
One-stop strategies for business and citizens Government Information Centre provides Internet and Call Centre access portals - virtual/collaborative model Centrelink - departmental / utility model - provides multi-channel delivery network GOL Target As we heard in Carolyn’s (Hogg) presentation last night, the Australian federal government has a well established and world leading single window service strategy. In my opinion, the Centrelink service agency is one of the most ambitious, innovative and successful approaches to single-window service delivery in the world. Its established organizational structure and governance arrangements present a best practice for others to learn from. It is also interesting to note the role of their Government Information Centre - which provides the whole of government telephone and Internet access points through a virtual/collaborative approach - complementing the multi-channel service delivery infrastructure managed by Centrelink.

13 Australia State Governments
Many state governments have single-window service A multi-channel approach is common Linkages between Federal and State government single windows A use of various organizatonal approaches - virtual / collaborative approach common Australia’s state governments have also shown some remarkable innovations as well - leading me to conclude that, as in Canada and other jurisdictions, innovation is contagious. Most Australian states have whole-of-government single window initiatives - and have established innovative partnerships with the federal and municipal governments and the private sector (e.g. Maxi) to enhance their initiatives. Service Tasmania is an excellent example of the virtual / collaborative model where multiple organizations are work together to provide multi-channel single window service. A network of 24 service “shops” is managed by the Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment; the Call Centre is managed by the Telecommunications Management Division, and the Internet portal is managed by the Department of Education. The initiative is governed by an interdepartmental Service Tasmaina Board, supported by a management group within the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

14 United Kingdom Commitment made to “join up” government
Central agency leadership for service improvement E-channel a key priority Leadership at local level for one-stop access GOL Target: 2005 In contrast to Australia and Canada, the United Kingdom has adopted a similar approach to the United States. The UK Cabinet Office has provided public sector-wide leadership in service improvement - and has emphasized access improvement through single window delivery - or joining up government - as a priority for government reform. However, the focus at the national level has been primarily on developing the e-channel (and to a lesser extent the telephone channel) as a source of whole-of-government single window service. The Government Information Service, and most recently the UK On-Line portal, provide a point for single-window access through the e-channel. For the most part, as in the United States, local governments have been leading the way in terms of multi-channel one-stop service. Local Councils such as Tameside and Yorkshire have established Customer Service Centres to provide single window in-person service for a wide range of local and central government services. Like other national governments, the UK has set a Government On-Line target and sees it as a key enabler of one-stop government.

15 Other Governments Singapore Netherlands Infocomm 21 Ecitizen portal
Government Forms Service and Shopfront Netherlands Public Counter 2000 (OL 2000) Other jurisdictions exploring the single window concept include: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden Singapour, sur lequel nous reviendrons plus tard, a également opté pour une stratégie pangouvernementale à guichet unique dans le cadre de son initiative de modernisation de l'État, appelée Infocomm 21. Beaucoup d'administrations considèrent encore le portail virtuel des citoyens comme un parfait exemple de la façon d'utiliser le canal électronique pour offrir un accès par guichet unique en regroupant les services en fonction des besoins des citoyens. Le service des formulaires gouvernementaux et Shopfront sont d'autres excellents exemples de l'utilisation du canal électronique pour améliorer l'accès. Nous entendrons aussi parler de l'initiative OL 2000 des Pays-Bas. Il s'agit d'une excellente façon de mieux comprendre les problèmes de complexité et les défis que pose l'intégration des systèmes administratifs et des processus opérationnels pour permettre aux citoyens d'avoir accès aux services par le biais d'un guichet unique. Beaucoup d'autres administrations ont opté pour le guichet unique. Comme je l'ai dit, il s'agit vraiment d'un phénomène planétaire.

16 Organizational Approaches and Channel Strategies
Ontario Multi- Channel Gov’t of Canada Nova Scotia Access PEI New Brunswick Alberta Single Channel BC Agents Virtual Utility Departmental

17 Key Issues Responding to Citizens’ Needs and Expectations
Channel Management and Integration Service Clustering Mandate Mandatory versus optional Government On-line Investment or rationalization approach Role: information / communications or service delivery Let me leave you now with what I think are some of the key issues for reference throughout the day. First, we know that citizens want single window service - and have very high expectations for convenience. How do we as government meet this challenge? And how do we manage citizens’ expectations? Given the emerging role and importance of the e-channel, and its convergence with other service channels, what sort of channel management approach should be taken? In light of the importance of service clustering in providing single window service, how is this best done? Mandate is a key issue for single window service. Should government-wide approaches be optional, or mandatory? Given the role of the e-channel as a catalyst for single window service, how important is it for these approaches to have a guiding role or mandate for Government On-Line? How should the implementation of single window service be approached? As an investment in service improvement? Or a means of rantionalization to reduce costs to allow for re-investment? What role should single window initiatives play? Many play solely an information/communications role, while others have an expanded role in service delivery.

18 Key Issues (Cont’d) Political Support / Championship
Partnership Management Governance / Accountability “Turf Protection” Cost Recovery / Resourcing Program Design / Delivery Divide Intergovernmental Partnerships Public / Private Partnerships Visibility / Recognition Operational Issues - HR, Technology Many single window initiatives have succeeded or failed based on the ability to garner political championship and support for single-window service - but the challenge is that management reforms are not always a top priority for governments? How do jurisdictions that do not have that support get it? There are also a range of partnership-related issues that are also important to keep in mind, including: How do you establish effective governance and accountability arrangements for single-window initiatives where one provider delivers service on behalf of an other? How do you overcome “turf protection” and get departments and agencies to buy into a single window approach? What is the most effective approach to resourcing - and what role does cost-recovery play? What are the issues that must be resolved when program design is separated from delivery? How do you establish - and overcome some of the issues related to - intergovernment partnerships? What role should the private sector play in single-window delivery? And lastly, how do you resolve the need for jurisdictions, and departments, to receive visibility and recognition - particularly as integrated government can reduce or eliminate this?

19 The Opportunity is Ours….
Technology is making possible: service integration to create value-added services improved convenience for citizens extended reach of Government Innovation and collaboration is flourishing across the public sector More progress can be made by sharing best practices and lessons learned Let me conclude by leaving you with three key points. First and foremost, technology is allowing us to do things we have never done before. We can integrate services to create value-added services; we can dramatically improve convenience for citizens - making government available when they want it - and we can extend the reach of government - making government available where citizens want it. Innovation and collaboration is also flourishing across the public sector - jurisdictions are working together to build on each other’s leadership to improve service. It is my view that learning events like the one we are at today are essential to share best practices and facilitate continued innovation and service improvements. The opportunity is ours to continue the transformation of public service delivery. Thank you

20 Improving Service Through Single-Window Delivery Ralph Heintzman Assistant Secretary Service and Innovation Government of Canada

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