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Why we need post construction cleaning? By TODAY’S.

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Presentation on theme: "Why we need post construction cleaning? By TODAY’S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why we need post construction cleaning? By TODAY’S

2 Post Construction Cleaning Services in Dubai ★ Whenever someone is constructing a new building or renovating the old one with some additional construction work, there is lot of debris and scrap material which get left out. ★ Thus, the property owner ends up hiring a post construction cleaning service UAE team if they want to make sure that their property shines and sparkles.

3 A Professional Post Construction Cleaning always Involve three basic things ➢ Debris (Especially Trash) Removal ➢ Dust Removal ➢ Hygienic Cleaning and Sanitization

4 Debris (Especially Trash) Removal ★ The first and foremost thing one must look at is to remove trash and other scraps from the construction site. ★ Trashes collected and separate the same if it can be recycled. ★ Every single material which is unwanted at site and coming under the list of debris comes under trash removal.

5 Dust Removal ★ The most tiresome job under cleaning is post construction cleaning ★ These dusts come from different construction procedures and thus it contains hazardous dusts too. ★ To make sure that dust is getting removed properly, one must need to imply correct tools and equipments for the same.

6 Hygienic Cleaning and Sanitization ★ One of the most important aspects of Post construction cleaning services is maintaining hygiene and sanitization. ★ Once the whole trash is removed post construction activities, and dust has been cleaned, it’s time to clean thing once again thoroughly and sanitize it.

7 ★ Post construction cleaning is required to make sure that the premise is habitable at its best. Inside the premise and even outside, cleaning must be done to ensure execution or installation of further things such as furniture, carpets, paintings etc. Post construction cleaning ★ Today’s provide one of the best post cleaning services across UAE and offers premier methods of cleaning in an affordable range.

8 Contact Us TODAY’S Call : 06-5584198 Visit :

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