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Is Global Warming a Myth Or Reality? What is weather? Weather is local and temporary. Weather happens at a particular time and place. Rain, snow, wind,

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Presentation on theme: "Is Global Warming a Myth Or Reality? What is weather? Weather is local and temporary. Weather happens at a particular time and place. Rain, snow, wind,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Is Global Warming a Myth Or Reality?

3 What is weather? Weather is local and temporary. Weather happens at a particular time and place. Rain, snow, wind, hurricane, tornadoes—these are all weather events.

4 What is climate? "Climate" describes conditions over the long term and over an entire region. It is the big picture of temperatures, rainfall, wind and other conditions over a larger region and a longer time than weather.

5 Global warming vs climate change GLOBAL WARMING is the increase of the Earth’s average surface temperature due to a build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. CLIMATE Change is a broader term refers to long- termchanges in climate, including average temperatand,precipitation.

6 What is Global Warming? Average increased in earth temperature which in turn cause changes in the temperature The Earth has warmed by an average of 1°C in the last century Global warming became more widely popular after 1988 when NASA climate scientist James Hansen used the term in a testimony to Congress. He said: "global warming has reached a level such that we can ascribe wit a high degree of confidence a cause and effect.

7 Need proofs? Is Global Warming a Myth Or Reality?



10 The glacier was one the largest south American but it is now disappearing at the rate of200 meter per year


12 Causes of global warming!


14 What causes climate change? Burning fossil fuels Over the past 150 years, industrialized countries have been burning large amounts of fossil fuels such as oil and gas The gases released into the atmosphere during this process act like an invisible ‘blanket’, trapping heat from the sun and warming the Earth. This is known as the “Greenhouse Effect”.

15 greenhouse? What causes global warming? Global warming is caused by a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect. Earth's atmosphere does the same thing as the greenhouse. During the day, the Sun shines through the atmosphere. Earth's surface warms up in the sunlight. At night, Earth's surface cools, releasing the heat back into the air. But some of the heat is trapped by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. That's what keeps our Earth a warm and warm 59 degrees Fahrenheit, on average. Greenhouse effect of Earth's atmosphere keeps some of the Sun's energy from escaping back into space at night.


17 Impact of Global Warming Increased respiratory health problems

18 Flooding Global warming change rainfall. Warmer air has more moisture. Warmer oceans release more moisture. Damage to societies.

19 Drought Dry areas will get dryer. Crops cannot be grown. Millions of people will have to starve.

20 Water Shortage Areas stricken by drought, will have less fresh water. Melting glaciers in mountains will provide water to millions of people and animals. Water scarcity will life of people and animals will be at risk Global tensions will rise.

21 Spread of pests and disease Warm earth will carry diseases harmful to humans and animals. Some of the pests will destroy the trees leading to deforestation.

22 Famine Water shortage and drought will lead to famine. World will face a big problem.

23 Soil Erosion There will be nothing to hold the soil when a tree or a plant is removed. Nutrients on the top layer will be washed away. It will be very hard to grow food. Millions of people will die of hunger.

24 Melting glaciers Melting glaciers will threaten water resources. When glaciers melt, sea level will rise. Darker land underneath will expose, suns heat cannot be reflected and will be trapped to speed up further melting.

25 Coral Reef Destruction Ocean will absorb more carbon dioxide. Acidic ocean will be dangerous for marine life. Ocean ecosystem will be effecting. Coral reefs and plankton will be damaged.

26 Fires Increased temperatures will and storms will lead to severe fire forests. Carbon dioxide will be increased in the atmosphere.

27 Species Extinction Change in climate will lead to many species to relocate or extinction. Polar bear is already in dander situation.

28 Economic instability Frequent natural disasters, droughts, water and food shortages, troubled oceans, high sea level will lead to economic instability among many nations.

29 Global Warming Myth The Earth has had many tropical climates and ice ages over the billions of years that it’s been in existence, so why is now so different? Reality: Well, this is because for the last 150 years human activity has meant we’re releasing a huge amount of harmful gases into the Earth’s atmosphere, and records show that the global temperatures are rising more rapidly since this time. A warmer climate could affect our planet in a number of ways: More rainfall Changing seasons Shrinking sea ice Rising sea levels

30 Global Warming Myth MYTH: Society can easily adapt to climate change; after all, human civilization has survived through climatic changes in the past. FACT: While humans as a species have survived through past climatic changes, individual civilizations have collapsed. Many densely populated areas, such as low-lying coastal zones, are highly vulnerable to climate shifts. A middle-of-the-range projection indicates the homes of 13 to 88million people would be flooded by the sea each year in the 2080s. Many ecosystems and species already threatened by other human activities may be pushed to the point of extinction.

31 Global Warming Myth Who is responsible? “The consensus is that global warming is real, that it's happening and that we humans -- with our cars, and especially our power plants, burning coal, oil and gas, and releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere -- are partly or mostly or entirely responsible.” (Eugene Robinson. “Ignoring the Smoke.” Washington Post, February 4, 2005, P.A17)

32 MYTH : Recent extreme events such as record heat waves, intense precipitation, massive forest fires and worldwide coral bleaching have no link to climate change. FACT: These recent events are all consistent with a warming world and can be expected to occur more frequently with global warming.

33 Global Warming Myth MYTH : The amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) generated by human activities is much smaller than natural sources; therefore, human activities cannot be responsible for the large observed increase in atmospheric CO2 over the past few centuries. FACT: It is undeniable that humans are entirely responsible for the increase in atmospheric CO2 over the past few centuries. In pre-industrial times, large natural sources of CO2 were balanced by equally large natural removal processes, such as photosynthesis in plants, maintaining a stable level of CO2 in the atmosphere for thousands of years. Human- produced emissions, though smaller than natural emissions, upset this balance. Because human-produced emissions aren’t completely absorbed by natural processes, they gather in the atmosphere, increasing the concentration of CO2

34 MYTH : Global warming and increased CO2 would be beneficial, moderating the climate in cold regions, reducing cold-related deaths, and increasing plant growth (“greening the Earth”). FACT: A small amount of warming may benefit limited areas. But if society does not make an immediate effort to limit further warming, the beneficial effects probably would be heavily outweighed by negative effects. Likely effects include increases in heat waves, flooding rainstorms, droughts, forest fires, and species extinctions. Coastal flooding due to rising sea levels would affect 13 to 88 million people across the globe each year (IPCC 2001; McLean et al. 2001). A lower probability exists that warming could trigger abrupt climate changes with catastrophic effects, such as a shutdown of the ocean currents that moderate the climate in Europe and other regions (NAS 2002; Sarmiento et al. 2004), and a rapid break-up of huge ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica, leading to a dramatic rise in sea level (NAS 2002)

35 MYTH : Society can easily adapt to climate change; after all, human civilization has survived through climatic changes in the past. We should put our resources into adapting to, rather than preventing, climate change. FACT: While humans as a species have survived through past climatic changes, individual civilizations have collapsed. Many climate and archeological studies provide firm evidence that the demise of various civilizations, If global warming is allowed to continue unrestrained, the rate and amount of warming may exceed anything seen in the last 10,000 years, the period during which human civilization has existed (IPCC 2001). Poorer countries may not have the resources to adapt. Adaptation measures for sea-level rise alone may cost several percent of GDP for certain developing countries and small island nations (McLean et al. 2001), and would be infeasible for many of the latter. Climate change would likely exacerbate economic and political problems. Disasters spawned by global warming could create many refugees, affecting both developed and developing countries. Increased scarcity of resources such as water and food could lead to conflicts across borders that might have broad ripple effects. Natural ecosystems may not have the capacity to adapt to rapid climate change, especially when combined with other human activities already affecting them


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