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Keep an Itchy Manhood at Bay by Staying Hydrated This Summer

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1 Keep an Itchy Manhood at Bay by Staying Hydrated This Summer

2 The last thing any guy wants is to be plagued by an itchy manhood, especially during the beautiful summer months. But men are particularly vulnerable to dehydration – which leads to an itching male organ – during the warmest part of the year. Summer is a time for backyard barbeques and hard-earned vacations, not a time to be worried about covertly scratching a crotch that’s uncomfortable. While there are many causes for an itchy manhood, a major one during the summer is as simple as dehydration. Without the proper amount of water intake, men can feel a host of adverse effects, including an insatiable itch in their shorts. It’s an important time to make sure to be drinking the proper amount of water so that you’re free to enjoy all the best that summer has to offer.

3 How much water is enough to be hydrated? How much water a given person should drink varies wildly depending on weight, lifestyle and a variety of other factors. While doctors typically recommend six to eight glasses of water per day, the formula is a little more complicated, especially during the summer when higher temperatures can lead to additional sweat and water loss. Instead, take your weight, half it, and drink that many ounces of water each and every day. For example, if you weigh in at 200 pounds, try to drink about 100 ounces of water, about 12 small glasses. However, for exercisers, you’ll need to increase your intake to offset the water lost during a workout by way of sweat. A good rule of thumb is drink an additional 16 ounces of water per hour of strenuous activity. Ideally, try to have a water bottle on hand to be able to sip throughout your session.

4 Additionally, not all hydration has to come from water alone. Many vegetables are fruit are known for high water content. During summer months, try incorporating food items to increase your hydration. Next time you’re in the grocery store, look for celery, cucumbers, apples, watermelon and spinach.

5 What are the signs of dehydration? Luckily, there are many ways to tell if they body has consumed enough water to be healthy. The easiest way is to note if you feel thirsty. Many doctors say that if you feel thirsty, the body is already dehydrated. Another way to tell if by noting the color of urine. Healthy urine should be nearly colorless, perhaps with a faint yellow tint. Urine that’s dark yellow or brown and accompanied by a distinct smell can generally indicate that the body is dehydrated. However, discolored urine can be a symptom of many other dangerous health problems. If urine is still discolored after consistent water intake, be sure to contact a medical professional.

6 In cases of prolonged dehydration, the skin can have adverse reactions. When epidermis cells lack water, the skin can appear tight, dry and flaky. The male organ area, which is especially sensitive, is particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of dehydration and can result in embarrassing itchy manhood pain.

7 What to do in the meantime Proper hydration is also dependent on routine and consistency. A string of minimal water drinking can quickly leave one parched and feeling the impacts of dehydration that won’t be immediately fixed with a glass of water. On days when full hydration just isn’t possible and symptoms of an itchy manhood are beginning, consider using a high-quality male organ health creme (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) specifically designed with the sensitive private area in mind. Be sure to pick a crème that has soothing ingredients, like shea butter, to relieve the itchiness, but also hydrating agents, like vitamin E, which lock in moisture to help solve the underlying problem.male organ health creme

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