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Aero Snap/Aero Peek/Aero Shake And Windows Flip 3D

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1 Aero Snap/Aero Peek/Aero Shake And Windows Flip 3D

2 Create two MS Word 2007 documents
If you have already created the MS Word files, Test1 and Test2, you should skip this step Create two MS Word 2007 documents Open MS Word 2007 Type, This is a test Save the file to the desktop Name the file, Test1 Open a new document Type, This is another test Name the file, Test2 Close the file We will use these files later

3 Aero Snap Automatically resizes the window when the mouse pointer reaches the right, left, or the top of the screen Open Test1 file Point to the title bar, click and hold down the left mouse button while dragging the window to the far right of the screen

4 Notice how the window “snaps” to the right side of the screen.

5 Another feature of Aero Snap
Click on the title bar and drag the window down a small distance. Click on the title bar and drag the window to the very top of the screen. This will maximize your window You can also double click on the title bar to maximize the window

6 Aero Shake Automatically minimizes all open windows except for the Active Window
Aero Snap the Test1 file to the right side of the screen Open Test2 file and Aero Snap it to the left side of the screen Point to the title bar of the Test2 file, click and hold down the left mouse button and shake the mouse.

7 Notice the active window (Test2) is now the only window showing on the desktop
If you shake the title bar of Test2 all of the minimized windows will again display on the screen Close the Test1 and Test2 file

8 Windows 7 Flip 3D Windows 7 flip 3D renders 3D thumbnail images of the exact contents of your open windows. You can flip through the opened items on your desktop and you can click on the item to make the window active.

9 2. Press the Tab Key to display the open items
You can press and depress the tab key to flip through the open items. 1. Press and hold down the Windows Start Key

10 2. Press the Tab Key to display the open items
You can press and depress the tab key to flip through the open items. 1. Press and hold down the Alt Key

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