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Magento Enterprise cloud Edition had launched this year, and is a platform as a service environment designed for amazon web service and for magento 2.0.

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2 Magento Enterprise cloud Edition had launched this year, and is a platform as a service environment designed for amazon web service and for magento 2.0 too. It is a platform service which is built on Amazon Web services global infrastructure. Magento merchants can now easily recognize their sites and can handle easily demand, and spend more time for optimising their stores for customers. Magento Enterprise cloud Edition setting up and running a magento store with flexibility. Less Limitation : Flexible Open Source Magento Enterprise cloud is developed for designed innovative Ecommerce websites. The plus point of cloud edition is, its totally customized, secure and scalable web storefronts. Magento Enterprise Cloud

3 It allows merchants to know the ability to offer highly customer experiences. In rapid environment our merchants have to agility to respond to customers can continuously deploy innovations easily and do not have to worry about the day to day management of infrastructure. Technologies used by the Magento commerce cloud 1.Git 2.Composer 3.Secure Shell (SSH) 4.MySQL (including command-line interaction) Magento Commerce (Cloud) architecture For every plan, we need a unique architecture to drive your Magento development and deployment process.

4 The starter plan architecture has four environments: ●Integration– For the each environment include active Git branch, database,web server, caching, configurations, and service environment variables. ●Staging- Staging active branch, database, web server, configurations, and caching services. ●Production – When your code ready and tested then all codes merges to master for deployment to the production live site. ●Inactive- You can have an unlimited number of inactive branches. Pro projects Pro plan architecture has a global master with three environments: Integration- You can easily deploy,develop and test your code before merging to the staging environment. Staging- The staging for pre production testing and includes a database,web server,caching,services, environment variables,configurations and services rapidly.

5 Easily can upgrades and patches We use composer for upgrades and patches to magento commerce cloud and recommend running the composer update command.Magento commerce cloud checks for pending paths and updates when code changes to the remote environment. Magento cloud offers you a better scale solution. With the AWS system its covers almost all locations around the world,merchants with global ambitions can quickly expand their reach with ease. READ MORE: Magento Enterprise CloudMagento Enterprise Cloud

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