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To have an interactive session To learn To get motivated and improve our health.

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2 To have an interactive session To learn To get motivated and improve our health


4 Definition: –are diseases associated with the way a person or group of people lives. –a disease that can be pontentially be prevented by change of diet, environment and lifestyle. Most of these diseases are generally of long duration and are of slow progression, also known as Non- Communicable Diseases, (NCDs).

5 Kills approximately 40 million people each year, this is equivalent to 70% of all death globally. More than 9 million of all deaths attributed to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) occur before the age of 60, and 80% of this premature deaths occurs in low & middle- income countries NCDs are largely preventable through effective interventions that tackle shared risk factors, i.e. tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and alcohol abuse.

6 NCDs causes development challenge as well. It forces many people into, or entrench them in poverty due to catastrophic expenditures for treatment. They also have a large impact on undercutting productivity. Approximately 1.5 billion adults, 20 years and older, were overweight in 2008 and nearly 43 million children under 5 years old were overweight in 2010. Around the world, NCDs affect women and men almost equally. Eliminating major risks could prevent most NCDs.

7 Population increase:- more than quadrupled since 1963. Economical changes: - Kenya is one of the Africa's “Lion economies.” Vision 2030 goals Health: although some progress in number of areas, it'll be a struggle to meet many health-related MDGs. Poverty: still a major challenge Change in Information and Technology: mobile phones, increansed computerization and internet use

8 Ever since since Kenya gained its Independence, What has really changed our lifestyles?

9 Complex etiologies (causes). due to unrelated causes; –rapid unplanned urbanization, –globalization of unhealthy lifestyles and –ageing population. HBP, High blood glucose levels may be representations of deep lying lifestyle. Multiple risk factors: Can be –modifiable behavioral risk factors, –non-modifiable risk factors and –metabolic risk factors

10 Non-contagious origin (noncommunicable): – are not communicated from one person to another Prolonged course of illness: –are chronic and may take years before opting medical support Functional impairment or disability: –It interferes with normal life of a person Long latency period: –NCDs usually take long before manifesting itself




14  Cardiovascular diseases  Cancer  Respiratory diseases  Diabetes  Kidney and Liver diseases  Gastrointestinal disorders  Arthritis  Gallbladder diseases  Sleep disorders

15 CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES:  The diseases and disorders that result from progressive damage to the heart and blood vessels.  Include:  Coronary Heart Disease (Heart Attack)  Atheroscleosis  Hypertension  Stroke  Rheumatic Heart Disease

16 DIABETES MELLITUS Inability of your body to control sugars Symptoms include:  Excess thirst  Hunger  Passing a lot of urine  Fatigue Can lead to serious complications if not controlled Risk factors: 1.Heredity 2.Obesity 3.Age 4.Physical Inactivity

17 CANCER Daily your body produces countless #’s of healthy, normal cells – but it also produces some abnormal cells Your immune system usually kills these abnormal cells before they become cancerous When immune system is weak or the abnormal cells multiply faster than the immune system can not destroy them, cancer MAY develop.

18 Types of Cancer –Breast –Prostate –Lung –Colon –Bladder –Lymphoma –Skin –Leukemia –Brain –Cervical

19 Risk Factors of Cancer: – Carcinogens i.e. tobacco smoking, exposure to certain chemicals. –Radiation i.e. UV light, X-rays –Dietary factors Low fibre, high fat –Sexually transmitted diseases. Some viruses has ability to cause cancer Hepatitis V is associated with cervical cancer Hepatitis B is associated with liver cancer


21 To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not keep our mind strong and clear.


23 Calculating your Body Mass Index (BMI)




27 Lifestyle diseases are those diseases whose occurrence is primarily based on the daily habits of people and are a result of an inappropriate relationship of people with their environment. It's very possible to prevent lifestyle diseases by controlling risk factors, making healthy lifestyle changes and choosing healthy diets. Early screening and treatments as well as palliative care are key components to response to NCDs. The elimination of the cause of illness is the obvious way to healing and health.


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