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How to Read Web Articles on Kindle?

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Presentation on theme: "How to Read Web Articles on Kindle?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Read Web Articles on Kindle? (Here’s the best guide for you) Welcome To Tech Helperz

2 Introduction To get articles on your Kindle, you need to integrate two systems Pocket and Amazon Kindle. The pocket is a web application used for “saves for later reading”, the device3 has support to an API, so can easily work with new devices, the pocket is a very popular device used for “later reading purpose”.

3 www Kindle Com Support We provide the best customer service for Amazon Kindle Fire, Paperwhite, Oasis and Voyage. For more information please visit us at www kindle com support and Call us on our Kindle Tech Support Phone Number to get most suitable help and support for your Kindle.

4 Step 1- Create Pocket Account Go to and get registered for free, after that, download “Pocket Browser Plug-in”, you can access it through browsers like Chrome and Firefox. On your “Internet Explorer”, go to the bookmark option and save your article in the pocket.

5 Step 2 – Create Gmail Account If you don’t have your Gmail account, then create your Gmail account.

6 Kindle Fire Support We always try to provide the best support to all the kindle users. If you are struggling with any technical messes. just Dial Kindle Fire Support ​ Number and we'll fix your device for you asap.

7 Step 3- Create “Amazon Kindle Account” If you are having Kindle device, then you will also have a “kindle Account”, go to your web browser and then log in to your Amazon Account and after that go to “Device Manager Menu”. In this Menu you will be finding your email address (specific to Kindle).if you will send any document to this mail address, then that particular document will be directly delivered to your kindle. Generally, the email address is in the form of “username” ”first name”, for example, After that, go to “setting menu “and enter your “Gmail address”, add it to the “approved personal document email list”. This is very important so that only you would able to send the documents to your Kindle device.

8 Step 4 – Set the 5 filters Now open the email account and after that send the new email to your email address on Kindle. After the symbol “@” never write “’ but always write it as “”, in the body of your Email address, provide the link to your article. In practice, all this will work as – open your email account, send mail to john ray here you have to enter your real email information and put a link in your email. Sending up this email will sign up you automatically for 5 filter accounts, they will end you with a reply as an email for your account sign up confirmation, open the “five filter email “ and selects the link for your account activation. You can use these 5 filters 25 times without any charge and after that charges are $12 for 6 months.

9 Kindle Tech Support Kindle is the best E-book to read. but sometimes it irritates us a lot due to technical issues. In such case just Dial Kindle Tech Support and we'll fix your device for you ASAP. So next time just don't worry. Achieve any untouchable specialized backing store up immediately to adjust your issues. for other queries just make a call to us.

10 Step 5 – Connect five filters and pocket Now you have to connect your pocket with these 5 filters, for doing this, you are required to sign up with (IFTTT). Now go to and get registered for free and after that open up “pr3e made the recipe”. You will be asked for providing IFTTT permission for connecting the pocket account with your Gmail account. In address section, provide the details of your kindle mail address”, for example - to address -, in the subject – provide title and in the body – provide a link to your arti9cle.

11 Step 6 – Add articles to your Kindle Now you are ready to use kindle account and can add articles to your pocket kindle. In this way, you can read web articles from your Kindle device.


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