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The Equally Yoked in Multicultural Society - The Psychology of Coupleships - The Liberal Arts and Humanities - A Webinar -

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1 T he Equally Yoked in Multicultural S ociety The Psychology of Coupleships - The Liberal Arts and Humanities - - Webinar -

2 Royalty-Free The purpose of this presentation is intended for educational use only. It has been designed and developed for university social scientists and college student professionals alike, yet it can be suitable for the general public as well-however nothing constitutes psychotherapy or psychiatric advice. This presentation is not intended to create an provider-patient relationship. No confidential information has been revealed as a duty to keep any such personal information confidential. All creditable information presented here within may be considered either professional health arts and sciences depending upon the legal jurisdictions. Although the social science information here within is intended to be current, complete and accurate, no claim can be made that it shall be current, compete and accurate. No representation is made with regard to outcomes in any matters. The information presented may not be complete or accurate depending upon the specific legal issues. We reserve the right to share all research published science information, data, and outcome reports within this presentation for the general public as strictly royalty free. All prior research results, if applied, does not guarantee similar therapeutic outcomes. The general public should not take, or refrain from taking, psychotherapy based upon the information contained here within without first seeking professional counsel. - The Liberal Arts and Humanities -

3 Outline Welcome & Introductions Housekeeping & Disclosures Purpose of this Presentation: the Bio-Social Sciences Definitions: “Civil Identity” & “Equally Yoked” “Dyadic Psychology” & “Social Mores” Global BioStatistics: WHO-Worldwide Data A Few Case studies A Hypothetical Case Closing Remarks - The Liberal Arts and Humanities -

4 ‘Civil Identity” …a unique mosiac of… Ethnicity: Politics: Religion: Race: Color: Age: Sex: Sexual (pleasure preference) Orientation: Marital status: The Components of ‘Civil Identity’ ‘Social Mores” The social behaviours that an identified social group really values either formally or casually and is based upon their beliefs, morals, and best social outcomes. The Most Valued of ‘Social Mores’ Exhibit A - SocPsy222 The Modern Generation of Couples who are saving Old Social Mores in Multicultural Society

5 A Better Understanding “Equally-yoked” –Social Science – Clinical Social Psychology Defined: A Dyadic (Spouses) with the Same ‘Civil Identity’ “Equally Yoked” –Religious – Holy Bible /Christian /Doctrinal Defined: A Couple with the Same ‘Civil Identity’ with a special mutual focus on the same ‘Spirit’. “Equallyoked” –Secular – Social Ethics /Justice /Social Mores Defined: A Homegamous ‘Pair’ with the Same ‘Civil Identity’ Note: Pronounced the same and colloquially used interchangeably - practically meaning the same to all. - Social Psychology/Terminology Spellings & definitions (the study of the minds of such a unique couple) ( concerned with civil rights and human rights) (a special focus is on religion and spirit) Religious beliefs and the same ‘Spirit’ - Social Psychology/Terminology

6 A “Dyadic” Manifold concerned with basic civil rights and human rights a special focus is on religion and spirit religion and spirit “Equally Yoked” “Equally-yoked” “Equallyoked” Note: Pronounced the same and colloquially used interchangeably - practically meaning the same to all. Religious/Doctrinal Clinical Social Psychology Social Mores/Justice the study of the minds of such a unique couple - The Liberal Arts and Humanities - Exhibit B

7 + | - Social Influences “Some dyadic psychologists are interested in the roles that influences equally yoked couples right before engagement, marriage, and family.” (35) “In the areas of equally yoked mate selections some investigators examine; what conformity, positive persuasion, peer influences, and abiding in good social mores has to do with pre-marital coupling.” (36) “Such research has helped reveal what social influences has helped people to resist abnormal or ‘unequally yoked’ secular (negative) influences.” (37) - Social Influences in the Equally-yoked vs the Unequally-yoked

8 Are we..? - The Liberal Arts and Humanities - O.K., waaa sup? Are we Equally Yoked ? Dunn no.. Be ye not unequally yoked… Yeah, be ‘Equally Yoked’!....

9 Equally Yoked: Mate Selection Personality (Personal) –…report of close peers about one’s capabilities to represent law abidingness, social ethics (i.e., social mores), emotional stability and heartfulness/compassion, etc Character (Social) social mores –…report of other peers about one’s ability to defend or fight against illegal activities, infractions of the law, and violations of social mores,..lustfulness/ infatuation, ‘crushes’, …etc Reputation (Societal/Community) social mores – report of peers in general of how one really keeps the law and also how one really fights against crime and/or violations of well established and valued social mores. - The Liberal Arts and Humanities -

10 Differentiating Spiritually “Equally Yoked” (A ‘ Genuine ’ Coupleship) Believes in God with a good ability to concentrate on Spiritual values/things. Possesses emotional intelligence with a sense of compassion like Jesus. Relates to people situation/& feelings. Ability to cope with prayer, medita- tion, and a healthy lifestyle. Is somber, sober, serious about health Makes right choices in healthy foods. Genuine friendships with involvement in some community issues/projects. Has a clear picture of sexual health and seeks a heavenly sex life. Works hard at energy level and sleep time Yet, generally enjoys life. “Unequally Yoked” (A ‘Counterfeit’ Coupleship) Possesses a demonic ideation-has daily mental problems and/or in ability to cope with dystress/distress. Is drug orientated: feels lowly, down, or sad and/or confused or disorganized in thinking therefore makes drugs a goal. Has a history of eating junk food and/or alcohol or ‘social’ or street drugs. Feels guilt about past acts and/or daily feels excessive fears or worries about it. Has aberrant sex drive and/or is suicidal. Relates to evil by highs or lows and/or excessive anger, hostility or violence. But, can include withdrawal/detachment from reality (delusions), paranoia or hallucinations. - The Liberal Arts and Humanities - - Theology 101 Controlling Powers

11 “Equally Yoked” - BioStatistics ‘Equally Yoked’ Orientals –Japan –Mongolia –Indonesia –Malaysia –Brunei –Thailand –Laos –Myanmar –Bhutan Africa’s ‘Equally Yoked’ –N. Negrozoids –S. Negrozoids America’s ‘Equally Yoked’ Native Euro-Russia’s ‘Equally Yoked’ –Caucasians –Caucazoids - The Liberal Arts and Humanities - - BioPsychoSocial Health: Global Estimates - China - Japan - Korea - Mongolia - Thailand - Vietnam - Cambodia

12 Biopsychosocial Studies: “The Equally Yoked” Associated with higher level of happiness and enjoyment of life Stronger family values and conflicts resolution skills Prioritizes the ‘Equally Yoked’ primary relationship before all others Abstemiousness from tobacco, alcohol, recreational and illegal street drugs Is punctual at work or school, or other community responsibilities Maintains a sociable coupleship reputation “the Unequally Yoked” Socially, is either legal and/or financially orientated at best. More likely than not-have a history of poverty and/or homelessness History of absentees, late arrivals and loss of jobs, or more communicable diseases lifestyle diseases, eg., heart disease, cancer, and other degenerative conditions. Self-harm and harm to others, including suicide and homicide - The Liberal Arts and Humanities - - Psychosocial Health Concepts

13 >100 Generations of “Equally Yoked”! Yet, …“from 1661-1722 under Emperor Kangxi’s Qin Dynasty folklore suggests that there may have been over 100 generations of continuous ‘Equally Yoked Couples’, the largest ever in the history of China.” (13) But, Never Reported It - The Liberal Arts and Humanities -

14 A Few ‘Unequally Yoked’ Studies Some social psychologists are interested in how and why ‘unequally yoked’ dyads engage in anger, hatred and violence, or act aggressively. (51) Dyadic psychologists believe that a rudimentary cause of a lot of the violence and aggression in a multicultural society is the ‘unequally yoked’ 52 Other researchers claim that within the numerous factors that may cause aggression, a major social variable in the ‘unequally yoked’ is influenced by the secular media. (50a) – SocPsy610: Unequally Yoked Studies

15 Victorious Living! “After 1 st accepting Lord Christ Jesus, …and with a personal relationship, … it can lead to an Equally Yoked Coupleship… …then onward, to the salvation of victorious living!” (12) Pastor…….……….………… Sermon, Brooklyn, NY (1970) - The Liberal Arts and Humanities - Anonymous

16 Unequally Yoked Couples The most reoccurring data of unequally yoked couples is associated with at least one traumatic brain injury (e.g., a violent blow to the head) during abuse or neglect as an infant, a small child, a teenager, young adult, or even into later adulthood. (38) Some of the identified risk factors that are associated with the unequally yoked are: –A history a familial or personal mental illness –having very few true friends if any friends at all –little or no healthy equally yoked relationships around in life Studies have shown that having a blood relative in an unequally yoked relationship, e.g., a parent or sibling, and/or with or without a mental illness can be related to the history of an unequally yoking of a pair. (39a) Unequally yoked pairing has come about from distressful life situations, for example financial troubles, a death of a loved one, or a divorce. (38b) Any ongoing (degenerative or chronic) medical condition has been discovered as a risk factor for those who have been instigated into unequally yoked relationships and they themselves contracting a number of lifestyle diseases (37) Use or abuse of alcohol, social recreational drugs, or illegal street drugs, traumatic military combat or being assaulted in high crime neighborhoods have been associated with a higher prevalence of unequally yoked twosomes. (ibid) - The Liberal Arts and Humanities - - Psychosocial Health Concepts

17 Scientists and Amateurs “Whatever the species of mammal here on earth, whether it’s human or animals-pairing off, the ‘equally yoked’- can be readily identified, even by amateurs.” Hawaii, 2001 “ Scientists (i.e., of the social sciences) have identified the ‘equally yoked’ couple as a ‘more perfect union.” Australia, 2000 Social Psychology – Liberal Arts and Humanities –

18 The “Heart” of ‘Equally Yoked’ Longevity –Longevity studies comparing equally yoked vs unequally yoked are only just now in ‘progress’. (a) Medical –In a few statistical samples - a decreased rate of MI (Myocardial Infarction) exists amongst ‘equally yoked’ couples compared to an actual recognized increase rate in ‘unequally yoked’ couples. (b) Physiological –An increase levels of oxytocin in ‘equally yoked’ romantic couples behaviour when compared to ‘unequally yoked’ involved in acts of lust. (c) – SocPsy704: Medical/Physiologic Studies

19 “Be ye not unequally yoked…” II Corinthians 6:14 ‘equal to’/or ‘about equal to’ Quote - Liberal Arts and Humanities - Exhibit G

20 “Equally Yoked” Dyads A Little Preventive Care. The only sure way to promote a healthy equally yoked coupleship (and prevent an unequally yoked one) is to take active steps towards attaining and maintaining good mental health, with an integrated higher sense of spirituality, and a better control of a having a proper social life.. Social sciences researchers have proven that this also better secures psychosocial resilience, boosts the self-esteems, and social stability of a joint couple. 1 st “Equally Yoked” Orientated Psychotherapy. Work with a doctor or therapist to learn more about couples with the same ‘civil identity’. Make a plan that includes values important to the equally yoked. Contact the doctor or therapist and consider involving family members or friends. A Social Support Groups for the “Equally Yoked”. A small self-support group along with a ‘equally yoked’ orientated health care provider for any combination of new problems, or ongoing troubles, or any future difficulties has proven beneficial. Classes: Education/Information about the Equally Yoked Coupleship. Community health lectures, declared equallyokedtarian associations, or schools of religion, may be of help to better understand individual values and important social mores. A Membership in a Society for Equallyokedtarianism. Modern organisations with representives for the political advancement of general and specific equallyokedtarian families - especially equally yoked couples provide strong and yet diverse equitibility. - The Liberal Arts and Humanities - - Psychosocial Health Concepts

21 Concluding Remarks Studies of the “Equally Yoked” Coupleship is in order …why? …it just that normative SocPsy helps better serve humanity… Recall: “Sooner or later, … just about everyone has or will have heard the quote, “Be ye not Unequally yoked.” at some time in their lives.” …gradually over time, …new studies and resources on equallyokedtarians will evolve and contribute to even more of a psychosocially healthful society, i.e.,...fully funcational, and more peaceful relationships between men and women. – Liberal Arts and Humanities –

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