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What You Need To Know About Medical Laser Machine

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1  What You Need To Know About Medical Laser Machine

2  Synopsis

3  A Medical Laser Machine  Laser Cutting  Laser cutting is the most often utilized application of medical laser machine technology. The process is used for the creation of myriad medical devices. These devices are extremely small and would furthermore be used to improve on the health sector. Laser cutting is also used for laser surgery. There are different types of lasers based on their levels of wavelength they emit, their ability to clot, cut or vaporize body tissue. The most common lasers used to carry out laser surgery include the pulsed- dye laser, the YAG laser, the carbon dioxide laser, the argon laser, the excimer laser, the KTP laser, and the diode laser.  Laser surgery has been found by doctors, scientist and researchers to be the best way of carrying a surgery compared to using a scalpel. The medical laser machine can be used on the human skin and other tissues. It makes precise cuts, quickly and easily with same depth levels in the involved tissue. The medical laser machine makes a cut through the tissue without damaging it. The energy that a laser beam emits is also controlled hence the depth of the cut can be easily controlled. Laser surgery is also advantageous because it makes bloodless cuts hence makes it easy for surgeons to see clearly what they are undertaking.

4  The Medical Laser Machine  Cutting of tissues- Lasers can be used to cut tissues during a surgery procedure. An accurately focused beam of a carbon dioxide gas laser can easily cut through human tissue during surgery. The laser machine has been significantly advantageous during surgery. First, the light beam of the laser is consistent hence it gives the same amount of energy from the first beam to the last beam. This is advantageous because it makes cuts that do not vary in depth. The second advantage is that the light beam seals off any ruptured blood vessels as it passes through the human tissue.  Cleaning arteries- Lasers are used to clean plaques from the human arteries. The laser beam is directed to the artery that has been clogged by the plaque and it burns away the plaque.  Healing and reshaping of the eyes- Lasers have contributed to remarkable breakthroughs in the field of ophthalmology. They have been used to remove extraneous blood vessels that might form in the retina of the eyes. The laser machine can also be used to repair a detached retina. This is important during eye surgery as it repairs damaged tissues that could have been affected during the surgery.

5  The Medical Laser Machine  Cosmetic use- Medical lasers are also used for several types of cosmetics surgery. They are used to remove birthmarks, port-wine stains and skin blotches that could appear in some children. These lasers apply the monochromatic quality of laser light to perform these procedures. The application of the monochromatic quality of laser light can also successfully remove tattoos from the human body. This has replaced the previous methods that involved burning out the tattoos using acids or performing a surgery. Another application of a laser-assisted cosmetic process is the removal of unwanted hair. The laser machine omits energy which is then absorbed by the hair follicles. This heat destroys hair and hence it falls off.  Laser-assisted dentistry- Dentistry is a branch of medicine that has also benefited significantly from the medical laser machine. Many dentists have adopted the use of lasers to eliminate decayed tissues that often form in teeth cavities. This type of laser is known as the Nd-YAG laser. It uses crystal, hence it can form a lasting medium that is long enough to remove the decays in the cavity.

6  The Medical Laser Machine  Angioplasty- This involves a minimally invasive procedure that entails widening a narrow or obstructed blood vessel, especially arteries and veins. A deflated balloon is attached to a catheter and is passed to the artery by the light beam to the affected blood vessel.  Cancer diagnosis and treatment- Cancer is an infection that involves the over-multiplication of cells. The laser machine is used to kill cells that have grown abnormally hence reduces cancer. It is used in radiation therapy and targeted therapy to help curb the cancer disease.  Cosmetic dermatology- The laser machine is used for many types of cosmetic surgery. Scar revision, skin resurfacing, hair and tattoo removal are some of the cosmetic dermatology that applies the technology of the laser machine.  Medical imaging- Lasers are used to create a visualized representation of the interior of the human body. These visualized representation help doctors, researchers and scientist to analyze human anatomy. Medical imaging forms a database for anatomy and physiology to make it possible to identify anomalous infections in the human body. Imaging of tissues and organs by use of lasers also help medics to learn about the functioning of these organs.

7  The Medical Laser Machine  Ophthalmology- It is a field of medicine that deals with the structure, functioning and diseases of the human eye. It applies the use of laser technology in several ways. These include removal of extraneous blood vessels that might form in the retina and repairing of a detached retina.  Frenectomy- A procedure which involves the removal of the frenulum, a tiny fold of tissue that blocks an organ from moving. CO lasers are used surgically to make an incision in the affected tissue.  Surgery- Several types of lasers are applied in different kinds of surgical procedures. Lasers can cut through tissues consistently and this is a vital step during surgery. The machine uses an accurately focused beam of carbon dioxide gas. The light beam is consistent and gives out the same amount of energy from the first point of focus to the final point. Lasers are used in eye surgery to correct the retina. They are also used in skin surgery and teeth surgery to remove tattoos and tooth cavities respectively.

8  Types of Lasers Used in Medicine  Dye Laser  This is a type of laser that radiates using a natural dye. This laser is often used in dermatology to help remove lesions from the skin. In cardiology, dye lasers are often used in the attempt to remove blood clots and other infections that have covered the heart.  Diode Laser  This is a type of edge-emitting laser used for cutting things. A Diode laser is often used for hair removal treatments. Because of this lasers safety and effectiveness, it is considered one of the best lasers. It can be applied to all body types and hair types. Diode lasers are often used for therapeutic surgery and diagnostic treatment.  CO2 Lasers  This laser is comprised of carbon dioxide. The CO2 laser treats a number of skin disorders. The laser has the ability to go in and cut the infected layer of skin out of the body without causing injury. This allows the skin to heal and reconstruct the layer of skin that was removed.

9  Types of Lasers Used in Medicine  Fiber Lasers  This laser uses very little laser power to amplify light using rare elements of the earth such as erbium. Fiber lasers are very popular in endoscopy as they assist in helping the doctor diagnose a patient while looking into certain parts of the body. Fiber lasers are also used for fat and tattoo removal. Fiber lasers aren’t entirely composed of ionic bonds like the other lasers but are said to shine the brightest in comparison to the others.  Gas Lasers  This laser is created when an electric current flows out of a gas to form light. Gas lasers are used for skin and vein removal surgery. Gas lasers are also often used for medical and surgical eye diseases as well.  Excimer Lasers  This is an ultraviolet laser that uses noble gases such as helium and argon. The excimer laser is commonly used in Lasik eye surgery. Dermatologists use Excimer lasers to treat vitiligo.

10  Understanding Vascular Lesions  Cavernous Lesions  As the name suggests, this type of lesion turns into a cavern-like anomaly in which the lesion will slow down the blood flow to the part of the body it has inhabited. Cavernous lesions are generally found clumped together in the brain. But cavernous lesions can be found in the spine and, very rarely, will develop in the eye. The leakage of blood from this type lesion is a common symptom of its appearance. The detection of this lesion can be a sign of illness and possibly multiple complications.  Venous Lesions  This type of vascular lesion is a bizarre one because it is comprised of the lymphs and the veins of different parts of the body. This can be called an irregular combination of veins and unlike most lesions this doesn’t generally extend to actual blood vessels. The cause of this lesion is said to be due to some kind of infection that cuts off the cells that form in the veins. Because of this, a lump under the skin may develop. This lump can grow to the size of a small tennis ball on the arms and legs. If these kinds of lesions grow to an abnormal size, the risk of forming a blood clot or rupture can occur.

11  Understanding Vascular Lesions  Capillary Telangiectasia  This type of lesion is found underneath the normal tissue in the brain. This type of lesion can be found anywhere in the brain and sometimes in the spinal cord. An MRI needs to be performed in order to detect this kind of lesion.  How Lesions are Treated  Surgery is recommended for many of these lesions, but surgeons find it difficult to remove some of these lesions simply because of where they are. For skin lesions, surgeons can generally remove the infected layer of skin and maybe some of the surrounding skin. This is often a viable option because the skin can grow back in the area that was once infected. But for the brain and spine this is a totally different story. Given that the lesion is so close to the central nervous system of the infected, if the surgeon makes a tiny mistake that mistake can cause brain damage. What surgeons usually do is they try to stop the lesion by closing the blood flow to that lesion.

12  The Benefits of Skin Laser Surgery  Smooths the Surface  One of the benefits of laser skin surgery is that it will remove any defects on the surface of the skin. The surgeon will run a laser through the skin that will destroy the molecular break down which causes skin damage. Skin damage can happen many different ways. One of the most common ways is due to the absorption of too much sunlight. Depending on the DNA and the amount of melanin in one’s body, too much sunlight can cause skin damage.  Removes Wrinkles  This benefit is usually reserved for older people though age doesn’t really matter when it comes to laser skin surgery. Laser skin surgery can remove those lines that form on the skin as a result of aging. Skin laser surgery will create the appearance of younger, healthier skin. This kind of surgery will increase collagen which helps to make the skin smoother. It is also proven that a healthy diet rich in vitamin C is recommended to naturally increase collagen output.

13  The Benefits of Skin Laser Surgery  Acne Removal  Some people have a serious case of acne and removal can be painful and, quite frankly, just nasty under normal circumstances. Laser skin surgery will allow the dermatologist to heat the hemoglobin under the skin. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that moves oxygen from the lungs to the entire body, including skin tissue. Using the laser, the surgeon will deprive that portion of the skin oxygen, causing the acne to in a sense deflate and become easier to remove.  Skin Rejuvenation Center  If you’re looking to recreate the beauty in you, SharpLight is the skin care center for you. SharpLight specializes in the purest forms of skin rejuvenation. The treatments are simple and relatively painless and there is no sign of irritation months later.

14  Sharplight Cutting-Edge Laser Technology  Er-YAG Fractional Laser 2940nm  The Er YAG Fractional laser 2940 nm equips our providers with a powerful, ablative laser. Using an iridium garnet as a medium, this laser delivers the optimal amount of energy for skin resurfacing. The 2940 nm wavelength produces a high water absorption rate, and, as skin is 70% water, this wavelength is the most efficacious for skin remodeling. In addition, the laser allows for precise depth control without damaging the lower layers of the dermin. The skin is ablated with short pulses, and the duration of the pulse is shorter than a CO2 laser preventing substantial skin damage. Skin damaged by age and environment is remodeled. The downtime for your patients is substantially lower than with a CO2 laser as less damage to the skin occurs. The re- epithelialization rate is 5.5 days as opposed to CO2 at 8.5 days.

15  Sharplight Cutting-Edge Laser Technology  Nd: YAG Q-Switched 1064/532nm  The Nd: YAG Q-Switched Laser 1064/532 nm for tattoo removal offers cutting edge technology in the form of the Q-Switch. The Q-Switch allows for minute, powerful pulses at the rate of nanoseconds. This means the ink particles from tattoos are destroyed while surrounding tissue is protected. The 1064 nm wavelength targets darker pigment while the 532nm wavelength targets red pigment. This is why our Q- Switched 1064/532nm laser is ideal for tattoo removal as the 1064 and 532nm cover 90%to 95% of tattoo colors.  Nd: YAG Long Pulse 1064 nm  The longer pulses of the Nd: YAG Long Pulse laser 1064nm target hair follicles while reducing absorption by the epidermis. This allows for the quick and permanent removal of hair follicles. The long pulse permits the treatment of darker skin tones which in the past has proved elusive.

16  The End For more details, please visit:

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