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CJS 205Possible Is Everything/

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1 CJS 205Possible Is Everything/

2 CJS 205 Week 1 Communication in Criminal Justice Settings (2 Papers) For more course tutorials visit Write a 1,050- to 2,100-word paper that describes the communication process. Be sure to include: · The components of both verbal and nonverbal communication

3 CJS 205Possible Is Everything/ CJS 205 Week 2 Interview Approaches and strategies For more course tutorials visit Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation, in which you include the following: · Effectivng techniques that criminal justice personnel should use for gaining information from victims, witnesses, ane interview and questionid professionals in

4 CJS 205Possible Is Everything/ CJS 205 Week 4 Communicating with Various Age Groups (2 Papers) For more course tutorials visit Interview a young person (5 to 8 years old) and an older adult (65 years or older). Ask them the same question: "What is your favorite childhood memory?"

5 CJS 205Possible Is Everything/ CJS 205 Week 5 Agency Social Media Review (2 Papers) For more course tutorials visit Select a local, state, or federal criminal justice agency. Imagine that you are the Public Information Officer (PIO) for your chosen agency, and your managers want you to evaluate the

6 CJS 205Possible Is Everything/ CJS 205 Week 5 Communication and Technology (2 Papers) For more course tutorials visit Select a technology-based communication tool that helps criminal justice agencies and criminal justice personnel communicate within their agency, outside their agency, and/or with citizens.

7 CJS 205Possible Is Everything/

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