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MOOCs, An Opportunity for Learning Ted Blake August 14, 2013 For audio call Toll Free 1-888-886-3951 and use PIN/code 285883.

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Presentation on theme: "MOOCs, An Opportunity for Learning Ted Blake August 14, 2013 For audio call Toll Free 1-888-886-3951 and use PIN/code 285883."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOOCs, An Opportunity for Learning Ted Blake August 14, 2013 For audio call Toll Free 1-888-886-3951 and use PIN/code 285883

2 Audio Settings

3 Chat Messages If you have a question during the webinar, please type it in the chat window, preface it with ???, and raise your hand. This will help streamline the question and answer process. *

4 Participant Interaction ** Type it in the chat window, preface it with ???, and raise your hand.

5 Closed Caption

6 Save Chat or Whiteboard

7 MOOCs, An Opportunity for Learning Ted Blake If you have a question during the webinar, please type it in the chat window, preface it with ???, and raise your hand. This will help streamline the question and answer process. *

8 Teaching Experience Which answer best describes your teaching experience: A.I have never taught an online class before. B.I will teach at least one online class this fall, and its my first time. C.I teach several online courses every semester. D.I used to teach online courses, but I dont teach them anymore.

9 Teaching vs. Learning In your opinion, is learning more like A.Filling a storehouse? OR B.Riding a bicycle?

10 Teaching vs. Learning In your opinion, is learning A.Teacher centered? OR B.Student centered?

11 Teaching vs. Learning In your opinion, an ideal learning environment is A.Competitive and individualistic? OR B.Cooperative, collaborative, & supportive?

12 Teaching vs. Learning In your opinion, learning should occur with A.One teacher, one classroom? OR B.Whatever learning experience works?

13 From Teaching to Learning. Barr & Tagg, 1995 A paradigm shift is taking hold in American higher education. In its briefest form, the paradigm that has governed our colleges is this: A college is an institution that exists to provide instruction. Subtly but profoundly we are shifting to a new paradigm: A college is an institution that exists to produce learning. This shift changes everything. It is both needed and wanted.

14 From Teaching to Learning. Barr & Tagg, 1995 To say that the purpose of colleges is to provide instruction is like saying that General Motors' business is to operate assembly lines or that the purpose of medical care is to fill hospital beds. We now see that our mission is not instruction but rather that of producing learning with every student by whatever means work best.

15 Experience with MOOCs? Please choose the option that best explains your experience with MOOCs: A.I have never heard of MOOCs B.I have heard of MOOCs but have not taken a MOOC C.I have taken one MOOC D.I have taken more than one MOOC

16 Coursera Type it in the chat window, preface it with ???, and raise your hand.

17 Who we thought our students would be: California Community College students Prospective college students who needed grammar review for assessment/placement test Individuals in the workplace who wanted to brush up on writing

18 Who our students were:

19 Course Statistics from 1st class, May/June 2013 Total Students: 45,469 Active Students: 31,252 Unique Videos Watched: 190,058 Total Streaming Views: 241,883 Total Video Quiz Submissions: 545,381 Peer Assessment Submissions: 17,253 Peer Evaluations: 76,238 Unique Students who Submitted Writing: 6,648 Discussion Threads: 8,206 Discussion Posts: 28,099 Students who Received Certificates: 2,749

20 Type it in the chat window, preface it with ???, and raise your hand.



23 From Teaching to Learning. Barr & Tagg, 1995 In the Instruction Paradigm, faculty are conceived primarily as disciplinary experts who impart knowledge by lecturing. They are the essential feature of the instructional delivery system. The Learning Paradigm, on the other hand, conceives of faculty as primarily the designers of learning environments; they study and apply best methods for producing learning and student success.

24 Design Type it in the chat window, preface it with ???, and raise your hand.

25 Videos

26 In-Video Quizzes Type it in the chat window, preface it with ???, and raise your hand.

27 In-Video Quiz Feedback

28 Peer Review Type it in the chat window, preface it with ???, and raise your hand.

29 Are MOOCs the end of the community college? Did home taping kill music? Did free software kill the software industry? Does creating a thirst for and enjoyment of learning create less of a demand for college? Does the act of opening ourselves to change create less or more opportunity? The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. -Albert Einstein

30 MOOCs for the Community Colleges? Alternative Pathway for Basic Skills Pre-Assessment Activity 6 week grammar review within semester for students in writing intensive classes (English, history, philosophy, etc.) and beyond. Summer Bridge curriculum (cf. Cal State remediation) Your thoughts??

31 Its a Team Effort....

32 Evaluation Survey Help us improve our seminars by filling out a short online evaluation survey at: Type it in the chat window, preface it with ???, and raise your hand.


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