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Top 5 Hardware Issues And Troubleshoot By I FIX PC

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2 Our laptops are some of our most used devices, so we’re always particular that they should be running perfectly all the time. However, our laptop are taking too much cruelty so there’s no real assurance about that and things can go terribly doesn’t matter how careful we are but there is always a possibility of dropping the laptop, spilled or even worse. So in this segment we’re going to discuss some of the common issues that might occur in your laptop and how to troubleshoot your hardware issues.

3 One of the common issue faced by most of the users is power connection failure, power plug in failure, battery is not charging are all the issues of power connector. Basically powerjack is soldered on motherboard which make it quite weak and power jack is soldered only on three points so if user applied force on power jack it could leads to disattachment of atleast one power jack pin. To diagnose it there are some symptoms like flickering of screen because laptop is shift from Dc power to battery power, scratching sound in power jack, power pin is getting hot in few moments. Under such cases you should rush to nearest service center and get your laptop repaired as early as possible

4 Over heating is another common issue in most of the laptop. As laptop contains graphic card processor which get heat up after few hours of working. So it generate heat but laptop also consist cooling system link heat sink and fans. But in few weeks you will notice that fan’s speed is getting lower day by day its because of dust that get accumulated on fan and heatsink which lead to lower in performance of laptop’s cooling system and results in increase in temperature The way to prevent this is to fix your cooling system, regular removal of dust and place laptop on hard and flat surface.

5 This is one of the most frequent issue that might occurred in laptops. It may happen with anyone us if you are using versions after windows xp. Hard disk is most fragile part in our laptop a gentle kick can lead to hard disk failure which also leads to loss of your data and its very difficult to recover data from such hard disk. Some times hard disk failure also occurs due corrupt windows or default OS. Some times hard disk is also gets affected due virus. Even though you have antivirus it doesn’t mean your computer secured. You computer is secured till your anti virus is powerful enough but anti virus cannot repair damages. So if your hard disk is infected it cannot repaired and it leads to hard disk crash.

6 Random Access Memory(RAM) is known as system’s memory where system save the data temporarily. Its very hard to detect RAM issue in a laptop. If your computer processing speed is decreasing day by day and from slowing down it reaches upto crawling then it’s a RAM issue. RAM failure shows different types of errors like missing of RAM which windows is informing you that you have very less RAM space which can be solved by replacing the RAM. Other error is Blue Screen of death it means that your RAM has been crashed and now you have replace it with the new one

7 Being very much advance laptop are too much fragile all have to accept this truth. Laptop is a portable device which we can carry any where as its handy and light weight. Its too much fragile and needs to handle with care. Here we are talking about lcd screen of laptop which can easily crack. In most cases its done by user's mishandling and in very few cases its happens by some other issues. For eg if screen is blank there are lots of reason behind that. In that case you have to diagnose if laptop is on and other parts are working if yes then its pure case of lcd failure and you have to replace it by visiting to your nearest service center.

8 Thank you Kindly visit our site Website:

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