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Things That Can Affect Your Car's Resale Value.

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Presentation on theme: "Things That Can Affect Your Car's Resale Value. "— Presentation transcript:

1 Things That Can Affect Your Car's Resale Value

2 Some people buy a car with the intention of keeping it until it has run into the ground. But, inevitably something happens and they are forced to sell it.

3 It is times like these that your car's condition suddenly comes to the fore, and you may not be prepared to deal with the reality.

4 There are certain factors that affect depreciation and the resultant resale value of a car. If you are unaware of this it will surprise you when you try to resale your car.

5 While most of the people believe that the sole factor that decides the resale value of a car is its current working condition, nothing can be further from the truth.

6 There are several factors that affect the resale value of your car. There are several factors that affect the resale value of your car. Let us discuss some of them. Brand Color of paint Condition of the car


8 Given a choice most people will always prefer a brand that is known for its reputation for impeccable quality, and this definitely not without any reasons.

9 When purchasing a pre-owned car, models that are known to be low on maintenance and efficient, even after the car is a few years old will always attract people.

10 Hence, if you want to sell your car at a good price a few years down the line, it is safe to go for reputed brands, even if they are costly.

11 The brand name does play a pivotal role in determining the resale value of a car, and some names can fetch you close to 60% of your initial cost.


13 This may sound unfair to some, but the fact remains that you should choose a car that's painted in one of the more 'popular' colors, instead of a color of your choice.

14 While it is fine to go for any glamorous or bold color if you don't intend to sell the car, you should stick to the basics if you see yourself trading it for another car in the future.

15 However, there is an exception, if the car is collectible or limited editions of a specific model, which are only available for a limited period, then it will be highly sought-after in the coming years.


17 When we think of the factors affecting the resale value of pre-owned cars, the first that comes to our mind is the condition of the car.

18 The fact that a car which looks new fetches a higher resale value than a car that is in a relatively poor condition is universally true.

19 You have to make sure that there are no visible dents, scratches, rust marks, and other signs of damage to your car's exteriors.

20 Also, deep scratches or marks caused due to accidents in the past can drastically bring affect the resale value of your car.


22 These are some of the factors that can negatively affect the resale value of your car and leave you disappointed.

23 The best thing to do is to get your car serviced regularly to rule out prospective problems in the beginning and ensure that your car is in a good shape.

24 Center-217747024922496/ 673863?hl=en Thank you!

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