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TQM Implementation - Chapter 4

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Presentation on theme: "TQM Implementation - Chapter 4"— Presentation transcript:

1 TQM Implementation

2 TQM Tools and Techniques TypeTools and Techniques MethodologiesSPC, JIT, Taguchi methods- DOE, QFD, TPM SystemISO 9000 Human ResourcesTotal Employee Involvement (TPE), Proactive management and Quality circles MotivationAward, European Quality Award, Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award.

3 The Managementmay use the various suggestions given by the quality gurus for the benefit of their own organization. Contribution ofGurus for TQM Areas of TQMGurus StatisticalGauss, Pareto, Shewhart, Fisher ManagementJuran, Crossby, Feigenbaum ExecutionDeming, Taguchi

4 PDSA TQM Implementation Plan, Do, Check, ActPlan, Do, Study, Act Modified to PDCAPDSA

5 PDSA TQM Implementation Plan establish objectives establish a plan that will facilitate in achieving the goal establish a measurement system Do Plan for implementation and measurements Implement the plan on pilot basis Study compare the result with the objectives identify gaps Analyze the causes for gapsand exceptional results, if any Act standardize the procedure that met or exceeded the goal if there were gaps, improve the plan and carry out PDSA again

6 Beginning Phase of TQM

7 Vision Statement It should be concise so that it is easily comprehensible by all the employees. It should be inspiring as well as challenging to employees also. Mission Statement It should communicate the guiding principles and values held common by the organization Quality Policy It should be like a guide for each section of the organization in developing their own quality objectives It should be ambitious It should be clear and unambiguous Three important activities in Strategic Planning

8 Selection Of TQM Facilitator TQM Facilitator should be an independent person and he should not be made responsible for normal production. He should encourage ideas in group meetings, avoid expressing his own ideas and be tactful.

9 Quality Council (QC) Personal commitment to quality and TQM They should constitute the right teams They should attend QC meetings Keep track of the steps taken by the teams Discuss with the customers and suppliers Facilitate training of the employees Champion for quality in the organization They should walk the talk Role of Quality Council (QC)

10 Strategic Quality Plan Advocates that the strategic business plan that should be integrated. Training for Top Management. Forming improvement teams for specific problems The consultant can train the quality council members Employee Involvement Constitution of PATIdentify the process Do Phase of TQMStudy Phase of TQMAct Phase of TQM

11 Implementation Tips for Winning Organizations

12 According to Tom Peters, the following are the requirements of winning organization: Total Quality Management Reengineering Leveraging knowledge Curious cannibalistic corporation Virtual organization Empowerment

13 Total Quality Management

14 TQM Company versus others

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