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My Career ( D. N. A ) by Garvin-Ruach Osa. In order to know what a career is all about, we'll get to see what it's not:

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Presentation on theme: "My Career ( D. N. A ) by Garvin-Ruach Osa. In order to know what a career is all about, we'll get to see what it's not:"— Presentation transcript:

1 My Career D. N. A Garvin-Ruach Osa


3 In order to know what a career is all about, we'll get to see what it's not: ▪A Career is not a job: it isn't about getting employed in a company. ▪A Career is not a task: it is not an activity to be carried out.

4 ▪ A Career is not an event: it is not something you do once in a while. It is not a special occasion like getting married or having to celebrate Christmas.

5 A career is simply what you're designed for

6 In order to become what you're made for, there are three things we need to look out for:

7 Namely: D. N. A D for Dreams N for Needs A for Abilities

8 Dreams Career and dreams are same, in that, Dreams are your passions, Dreams are your life's pursuit

9 Dreams are those things you see of yourself. And a career is the expression of that passion seen in/through what you do.

10 For example: If you've always desired to be a doctor. You picture yourself always as a doctor. That desire will be expressed in you becoming a doctor. So, your career expresses your dreams.

11 Dream Checkers: What do you want to be in the future ? What pleases and excites you when you see an adult doing it ?

12 Needs Your needs are your desires. They are the things you wish to have that will be required in actualising your dreams.

13 Needs Checkers: What are those things you wish to have ? What are those things that you will need in actualizing your dreams ? What are those things you need help with ? Things that you struggle with or you're yet to understand ?

14 For example: I desired been a painter but I couldn't draw and needed help with it. I could come up with designs in my head but I struggled with putting that design on paper. I didnt communicate my needs and today, I can't draw/paint because my need was not met. So, dearie, learn to communicate your need(s) because your dreams hangs on your needs being met.

15 Your Dreams Are Needs Away.......

16 Abilities: Your Abilities are things you can do now. They're the things you're good at and can help others with it.

17 Your Abilities are manufacturing (production) tools (equipments) needed to make your dreams real (actualized)

18 Abilities Checkers: What are those things you are very good at ? What are those things you can teach/help others (children and adults alike) with ?

19 You all must know this, that, no career is inferior to another. Your career is your shape and it is as relevant as another's career. Stay in and with your career.

20 The fan can never be jealous of the television because each one is unique in its function and your career is your function.

21 Greatness is your D. N. A Therefore, let greatness out

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