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CCJ 3670 Innovative

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1 CCJ 3670 Innovative

2 CCJ 3670 Week 2 Individual Work Comparing Two Theories For more classes visit Define, then compare and contrast two of the following theories, using both your book and the internet. Merton’s Anomie Theory Labeling Theory Liberal Feminism Radical Feminism Biological Determinism Power Control Theory

3 CCJ 3670 Innovative CCJ 3670 Week 3 Individual Work Postpartum Conditions For more classes visit Define and discuss what postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis are, and how they differ from one another. Then, describe how these conditions can be used as a legal defense. If you were the defending attorney of the woman you discussed this week, would you attempt to use either of these conditions as a defense? Why or why not?

4 CCJ 3670 Innovative CCJ 3670 Week 5 Individual Work Criminal Justice Responses to Domestic Violence For more classes visit CCJ 3670 Week 5 Individual Work Criminal Justice Responses to Domestic Violence

5 CCJ 3670 Innovative CCJ 3670 Week 7 Individual Work Sexual Harassment For more classes visit The year is 1968; Molly has just graduated college and has begun her first job using her brand new degree. Molly has a large number of student loans, a new baby (6 months old) and a 3-year old. She is a single mom who lives over 300 miles from her nearest relative. After Molly's divorce, she remained in the city that she and her husband had moved to for his work, so she could finish her education. From the first day in her new job, the man that shares the next office has shown an unusual amount of interest in Molly. He has made several suggestive comments in front of other co-workers and then said "just kidding." When she asked him to stop, he just laughed and said it was just in fun.

6 CCJ 3670 Innovative CCJ 3670 Week 8 Individual Work For more classes visit What major difference do you find the treatment of men versus women while incarcerated? Looking at female incarceration both historically and today, what changes in treatment do you find? Is there still a gap between men’s and women’s treatment while incarcerated why or why not?

7 CCJ 3670 Innovative CCJ 3670 Week 9 Individual Work For more classes visit After reviewing this week’s reading, discuss why neither men nor women want to work at a female correctional institution? What can be done to change the perceptions regarding female-only correctional institutions? Are these issues actually myth? In your opinion, can these issues be resolved? If you believe they can, discuss how they might be resolved? And if you don’t believe they can be resolved explain.

8 CCJ 3670 Innovative CCJ 3670 Week 12 Individual Work For more classes visit For this assignment, using both your textbook and the internet resources you reviewed; explore what types of crimes adult women commit. Have there been any significant changes in the types of crimes adult women tend to commit over the last 20 years? Examine the types of crimes the juvenile girl tends to commit. Have there been any significant trends or changes over the past 20 years? Compare the information on women and girls that you gathered to the statistics for men and boys. Do you see any significant differences in the types of crimes men commit versus women? Boys versus girls?

9 CCJ 3670 Innovative


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