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Food Supply within the Regions of Mexico. Food Supply of Mexico - Staples Staples in the Mexican diet can have their history traced back to ancient, pre-Colombian.

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Presentation on theme: "Food Supply within the Regions of Mexico. Food Supply of Mexico - Staples Staples in the Mexican diet can have their history traced back to ancient, pre-Colombian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Supply within the Regions of Mexico

2 Food Supply of Mexico - Staples Staples in the Mexican diet can have their history traced back to ancient, pre-Colombian civilizations Still used widely to this day Staples throughout all regions of Mexico include Corn (maize), Beans, Squash. Known as the three sisters because of their symbiotic use of nutrients in the soil.

3 Food Supply of Mexico - Staples Signs that domesticated corn present in Mexico from as far back as 5100 BC Every civilization to inhabit Mexico cultivated corn. Other staples include chili pepper, cactus, sweet potato, turkey, agave, beets, cacao, tomatoes, avocadoes, amaranth. Spanish introduced European goods such as domesticated animals, their dairy products, and rice, greatly contributing to modern Mexican cuisine.

4 Food Supply of Mexico – History Crops which thrived in the pre-colonial period remain to this day. Foreign influences reflected directly of evolution of Mexican cuisine. Major foreign influences include Spanish, French, and West African. Corn is still used as the dominant grain over rice and white. Nixtamalization is a process where corn is soaked and hulled. This increases available nutrients by neutralizing phytic acic and allowing corn to be made into flour.

5 Food Supply of Mexico – Meal Structure -Families eat together -Foods are highly dependent on what is in season and nearby -Women prepare food for the family -Main meal of the day is lunch -Breakfasts can be heavy with enchiladas and meats. -Cooking is used as a custom to bind communities through holidays and their accompanying feasts.

6 Food Supply of Mexico - Nutrition As with any traditional diet, the nutritional profile of a true Mexican diet is well-rounded as a result of generations of adaptation. Corn often paired with beans and legumes to create complete source of protein Tropical climate and biodiversity offer Mexicans much to choose from. Increased commoditization, centralization, and globalization has led to decline of traditional diet, increase in obesity and related illnesses. Meat was scarce, iguana, larvae, beetles, and other insects are consumed for protein.

7 Food Supply of Mexico - Nutrition Corn has traditionally been processed to increase its shelf life, and available nutritional value through nixtamalization. Beans eaten as a complementary protein with corn or rice.

8 Works Cited ongoing-community-culture-the-michoacan-paradigm-00400 ongoing-community-culture-the-michoacan-paradigm-00400

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