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Your Next Construction Project Demands Engineering Consulting Companies BIM ENGINEERING U.S. LLP.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Next Construction Project Demands Engineering Consulting Companies BIM ENGINEERING U.S. LLP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Next Construction Project Demands Engineering Consulting Companies BIM ENGINEERING U.S. LLP

2 Leveraging processes from Building Information Modeling(BIM) through Engineering Consulting Companies can be a real daunting task for owne rs and clients. The AEC industry is filled with comments and advice from various construction and BIM professionals on BIM as a mandatory proc ess for future construction. The use of this technology has become man datory in some countries, and will soon drive the same verdict for other Engineering Consulting Companies global nations as well. Your next construction project demands Engineering Consulting Companies BIM ENGINEERING U.S. LLP

3 BIM Engineering Consultants and their In fluence on AEC verticals Building Information Modeling or BIM has become a true opportunity for in dividuals in the AEC industry. In simplicity, it is a present-future technology for building project management. For budget centric projects, it is vital for e very team member to understand on-time delivery, and on-budget agreem ents. It does not matter if you are a medium sized firm or large entity, the lo gic behind hiring BIM Engineering Consulting Companies is absolute Return on Investment (ROI) in the future. Owners need to make sure their business does well to get their investment covered after the construction pr ocess is over. BIM can be costly proposition at the start, but looking at over all investments, it still stands positive for all the players in the AEC industry.BIM Engineering Consulting BIM ENGINEERING U.S. LLP

4 BIM is not a single entity, but a legion of powerful processes BIM has picked up substantial traction in the global market as large enterprises are deploying BIM through Architects, Engineering Firms, General Contractors, Owners, and the works! For engineering consultants, it is always a goal to do things better and efficiently. As a comprehensive source of information, BIM acts as a digital tool for greater harmony and easy access of vital information across all the trades. It mitigates every-paper based asset and keeps humans errors at bay with complete digital transformations of every bit of data that has been consolidated through all the team members. Getting information out in the open provides better insight through improved collaboration and constant innovation. BIM ENGINEERING U.S. LLP

5 BIM can be as big as you want it to be As mentioned earlier, BIM isn’t constrained to a single entity, it is completely re sponsive and fluidic through various trades. Every project team member and company stakeholder can leverage the power of BIM through new business opportunities, cost justifications, & new technology. Understanding requisite processes in BIM and creating innovations in the existing processes can largely help with understanding roles and responsibilities viz. the BIM Manager, the BIM operator, and the BIM facilitator. Various services rendered by Engineering Consulting companies include BIM execution and planning, pre-fabrication database, modeling with various software’s like Revit, Autocad, and Navisworks, MEP Engineering Services, and more.MEP Engineering Services BIM ENGINEERING U.S. LLP

6 Construction Opportunities created by BIM Engineering Consultants Consultants or engineering consulting companies serve as a robust bridge that connects developers and investors through a common link. Consultants can harness the complete power of BIM based processes for their clients through 3D models, advanced hardware and software technology, clash free designing, precise representations, and the works! Consultants need to focus on three major components viz. information, coordination, and efficiency. When integrating BIM with construction, the process itself takes control over information from the design phase to the construction phase. It collates all the information on a single platform for others to see view and implement. As the information is stored on centralized servers, it makes the construction process all the more easier and efficient through exceptional coordination and collaboration. This mitigates delays in project delivery and proves to be a positive proposition for every member on the construction project. BIM ENGINEERING U.S. LLP

7 Closing lines There may be numerous BIM Engineering Consultants in the AEC industry,BIM Engineering Consultants thus, getting one to get your work done can be quite tedious in terms of the qualifications, work experience, skills, company reputation & more. In the end, it’s all about client, their requirements, and successful project completion. BIM ENGINEERING U.S. LLP

8 THANK YOU…. Source:

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