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Lions rarely fight to death.. “Lions rarely fight to the death because if they did the survival of the species would be endangered.”

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Presentation on theme: "Lions rarely fight to death.. “Lions rarely fight to the death because if they did the survival of the species would be endangered.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lions rarely fight to death.

2 “Lions rarely fight to the death because if they did the survival of the species would be endangered.”

3 Why animals migrate?

4 How animals migrate?

5 Can behaviour evolve for the good of the group or species?

6 Do you think choosing a group or where you think you belong is very important?

7 Being close to people you hate is not called plastic, it is called respect and making yourself educated. ~ Anonymous

8 G roup S election Reporter: Ralph Vincent C. Roldan BEEd4C

9 DEFINITION It is a process in which an individual acted for the good of the group, regardless of whether it should benefit the individual or be detrimental to the individual.

10 V.C Wynne-Edwards (1962) -he is the proponent of the idea that animals behave for the good of the group. -he suggested that if a population overexploited its food resources would go extinct.

11 Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) -he formulate his theory of natural selection, the idea that competition for survival in a local environment exerts pressure on populations to adapt.

12 Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) -he embraced Darwin's theory of natural selection after Charles Darwin published “On the Origin of the Species” in 1859. Spencer was an influential proponent of social Darwinism, an application of Darwin's theory to human societies. -He coined the phrase “survival of the fittest”

13 Examples of Behavior that Influence Group Selection

14 Cooperative Hunting - animals hunt together in groups that contain both division of labor and role specialization.

15 Lions working together to take down a large Cape buffalo. Hyenas Eat a Young Wildebeest.

16 Cooperative Raising of Young “It takes a village to raise a child."

17 Emperor Penguins “ Cooperative parenting at its finest!”

18 Predatory Warning - is an action that the prey takes to warn its predators when the prey feels threatened. Skunk


20 Drawbacks to Theories of Group Selection

21 MUTATION - a heritable change in DNA. -the original source of variations in heritable traits -is a change that occurs in our DNA sequence, either due to mistakes when the DNA is copied or as the result of environmental factors


23 Body surface coloration (adaptive to two different conditions) LIGHT-COLORED MOTHS (Biston Betularia) DARK-COLORED MOTHS ADAPTIVE TRAIT - is any form of trait that helps individual survive and reproduce under prevailing environmental conditions.

24 immigration -is the relatively long- distance movement of individuals, usually on a seasonal basis. - selfish individuals can migrate to new areas.


26 During the rainy season October/November millions of red crabs living in Christmas Island migrate from inland to the coast in order to spawn. The sheer number of crabs seems to cover the ground in a carpet of red, each year tourists flock to the island to witness the crabs migrate and although they still have to avoid predators the residents of Christmas island have done much to help the crabs. Roads are closed off so that cars don't run the crabs over, barriers are erected leading the crabs to their own special bridges that take them over the road safely and visitors are asked to watch their step and not to interfere with the crabs migration. Special bridge allowing the crabs to cross the road safely without any threat from cars.

27 - migrate during summer from Canada to California coast and Central Mexico to spend winter. Monarch Butterfly

28 Sun Compass Finding Their Way - some migrating animals may use the movement of the sun across the sky to find their way. - this is called "time compensation."

29 Star Compass -the star compass is kind of like a night time version of the sun compass Magnetic Compass - Earth has two magnetic poles, these two poles cause the Earth to act like a really big magnet.

30 Polarized light - comes from special kinds of light waves and it comes in many forms. It creates a pattern in the sky that stays the same as the sun moves across the sky Landscape Maps - Think about how you navigate around your neighborhood.

31 Individual selection -some groups must die out faster than others. -entails an everyone for themselves more likely than group selection in nature FOR EXAMPLE:Light Lions VS Dark Lions

32 Resource prediction - should be able to predict future food availability and population density within their own habitat.

33 INDIVIDUAL SELFISHNESS seems more plausible result of natural selection. Male lions kill existing cubs when they take over a pride

34 REFERENCES: Stilling, Peter D.(1992). Introductory Ecology, p.97-98. Retrieved June 8, 2018. Starr, Cecie (2003), Basic Concepts in Biology, p. 10. Retrieved June 8, 2018.


36 Take a deep breath! Whew……..we’re done!

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