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CSEC 640 Innovative

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1 CSEC 640 Innovative

2 CSEC 640 - Week 4 Individual Assignment #1 For more classes visit CSEC640 - Weeks 4 and 5 Individual Assignment Description The course module #4 covers very important concepts of how Denial of Service (DoS) attacks work. However, the module does not discuss detection, prevention, or mitigation of DoS attacks (or Distributed DoS). The task of this individual assignment is to write a research paper/report in these topics.

3 CSEC 640 Innovative CSEC 640 Lab 1 For more classes visit CSEC 640 Lab 1

4 CSEC 640 Innovative CSEC 640 Lab2 Assignment For more classes visit CSEC 640 Lab2 Assignment Objectives: Use Snort & Wireshark for Intrusion Detection Total Points: 100 points (weight: 10% of course grade) Due date: By the end of Week 7 Goal of the Lab: This lab is intended to provide experience with the Snort and Wireshark programs. Snort is a simple and powerful network monitoring agent. You are given a packet trace data file (snort.out) posted in Week 7 conference and you are asked to write snort rules to identify specific packet types based on the packet data file.

5 CSEC 640 Innovative

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