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EDD 721 Innovative Education-

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1 EDD 721 Innovative Education-

2 EDD 721 Week 3 Individual Assignment Change Theory Matrix For more classes visit EDD 721 Week 3 Individual Assignment Change Theory Matrix

3 EDD 721 Innovative Education- EDD 721 Week 4 Individual Assignment Annotated Bibliography For more classes visit Compile an annotated bibliography of at least two peer-reviewed sources per change influence.Summarize each article.

4 EDD 721 Innovative Education- EDD 721 Week 5 Individual Assignment Leading and Managing Change For more classes visit Identify the aspects of your chosen organization in which change is needed. Provide a brief background on the existing situation. Choose one model/theory for implementing the requisite change in your organization. What affected your decision to use this model? As an organizational leader, how would you implement a change using this model?

5 EDD 721 Innovative Education- EDD 721 Week 6 Individual Assignment Assessing Change in an Organization For more classes visit Resources: Sample Proposal Template located in your Course Materials Write a proposal based on the identified change needed from your Week five assignment. Be sure to center your proposal around the development/review of the organization’s vision, mission, and long-term plan. Discuss specific techniques and strategies to address the following eight steps for this type of change model:

6 EDD 721 Innovative Education- EDD 721 Week 7 Individual Assignment Organizational Change For more classes visit Background of organization and reason for change explained. Organizational change summarized well and comprehensively. What model did the organization use? What was the outcome of the change process? What were the inhibitors to the process?

7 EDD 721 Innovative Education- EDD 721 Week 8 Individual Assignment New Change Model Paper and Presentation For more classes visit Refer to the previous organizational problem you addressed throughout the course (Kelsey Schools in the Virtual Organization or your instructor approved problem within your own organization). Write a 1750-2100 word board report in which you design an innovative model for implementing an imposed change in an organization that will likely be opposed by a majority of the staff. Identify the steps of the change process the organization would experience. Design an implementation plan, including steps to manage the implementation efforts and create buy-in from resistant staff.

8 EDD 721 Innovative Education-

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