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ENGL 219 Innovative

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1 ENGL 219 Innovative

2 ENGL 219 Week 1 Is It Newsworthy For more classes visit Complete the following in a Word document. The document should be 500- 750 words and APA formatted. Define newsworthy. Find an article from your local paper. Scan it or find an online link to it. Using the newsworthy criteria, determine if your article is newsworthy. Explain why it is or isn’t newsworthy based on criteria provided in the textbook and discussed in the lecture. You must turn in the actual article or add the link to your paper.

3 ENGL 219 Innovative ENGL 219 Week 2 Discuss a Legal Ethical Issue For more classes visit Write a paper based on a real court case involving a newspaper. You may not use Sullivan v. NYT, but all other cases are approved. Select one of the following terms to focus on. Libel First Amendment Freedom of Information Act Invasion of privacy Access/trespass

4 ENGL 219 Innovative ENGL 219 Week 2 Homework Assignment For more classes visit ENGL 219 Week 2 Homework Assignment

5 ENGL 219 Innovative ENGL 219 Week 3 Obituary For more classes visit Write your own 200-300 word obituary. Use the information in the textbook and look at various obituaries, even those in your local newspaper or online, to help you get started. You can fictionalize the obituary, but make sure the content is appropriate to this genre of journalism. Consider including a photo of yourself.

6 ENGL 219 Innovative ENGL 219 Week 4 Conduct an Interview & Write a Feature Article For more classes visit Write a 400-600 word feature article in a Word document. Interview one person in your community. It can be the local mayor about a problem in your community or it can be your father about his lifelong career. Determine a focus for the interview. Include your questions, the interviewee’s replies, and your notes with your article. Use the Wire Service Style for writing located in Appendix 2 on page 500.

7 ENGL 219 Innovative ENGL 219 Week 4 Homework Assignment For more classes visit ENGL 219 Week 4 Homework Assignment

8 ENGL 219 Innovative ENGL 219 Week 5 News Article For more classes visit Write a 300-500 word news article on any national news event that is current. You may also elect to write on a local community meeting in your town that you attend. Even a school PTA meeting could apply for this assignment. Either way, you must research this event and write the article to the best of your ability. Reading other news releases on the topic is acceptable as long as you determine the source is reliable. The Associated Press is a great place to start by searching their press releases. Associated Press – Press Releases. You may also check your local community newspapers. Use the Wire Service Style for writing located on page 500 in Appendix 2.X

9 ENGL 219 Innovative ENGL 219 Week 6 Sports Article For more classes visit Write a 300-500 word sports article. This sporting event must be one you witness either in person or on the television. Take good notes while watching the event. You may write on an event you choose, whether it be a local football game or a national golf tournament. The choice is yours! If you write on a local event, grab your camera and take a few photos to add to the article. Use the Wire Service Style for writing located on page 5 in Appendix 2.

10 ENGL 219 Innovative ENGL 219 Week 8 Project Team A For more classes visit Finalize your class newspaper. Your newspaper and newspaper code of ethics (both as Microsoft Word documents) are due this week (see the Syllabus for the due date). Your editor-in-chief should submit your FINAL newspaper to the Dropbox. See the Course Project tab under Course Home for more details. Use the Wire Service Style for writing located on page 500 in Appendix 2. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by- step instructions or watch this Tutorial Dropbox Tutorial.

11 ENGL 219 Innovative

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