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INF 620 Enthusiastic Study/

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1 INF 620 Enthusiastic Study/

2 INF 620 Week 1 DQ 1 Information Technology For more classes visit Information Technology. How can information technology support a company’s business processes and decision making and give it a competitive advantage? Give examples to illustrate your answer. Name

3 INF 620 Enthusiastic Study/ INF 620 Week 1 DQ 2 Uses of Information Technology For more classes visit Uses of Information Technology. How could a business use information technology to increase switching costs and lock in its customers and suppliers? How could a business integrate flexible and rigid solutions? Use business examples to support your answer. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

4 INF 620 Enthusiastic Study/ INF 620 Week 2 DQ 1 Computer Capabilities For more classes visit Computer Capabilities. What processor, memory, magnetic disk storage, and video display capabilities would you require for a personal computer that you would use for business purposes? Explain your choices. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts..

5 INF 620 Enthusiastic Study/ INF 620 Week 2 DQ 2 Scripts and Languages For more classes visit Scripts and Languages. How are HTML, XML, and Java affecting business applications on the Web? Give examples. What other scripts and languages (i.e. Visual C++) do you use in your current (or previous) work situation? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

6 INF 620 Enthusiastic Study/ INF 620 Week 2 Simple Databases For more classes visit Simple Databases. Complete Analysis Exercise #4 (p.171): Matching Training to Software Use – 3D Graphing. You may use Access, SQL, or even MS Excel for this assignment. Answer parts a, b, and c.

7 INF 620 Enthusiastic Study/ INF 620 Week 5 Computerization For more classes visit Computerization. In a 2-4 page, APA style paper, analyze a business task you would like to computerize. How could you use the steps of the information systems development life cycle as illustrated in Figure 12.3 to help you? Include examples to illustrate your answer. Include a schematic of

8 INF 620 Enthusiastic Study/ INF 620 Week 5 DQ 1 Change Management For more classes visit Change Management. How can a company use change management to minimize resistance and maximize the acceptance of change in business and technology? Give several examples, you may use personal experiences. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

9 INF 620 Enthusiastic Study/ INF 620 Week 5 DQ 2 E-Business For more classes visit E-Business. What are several e-business and e-commerce strategies and applications that should be developed and implemented by many companies today? Explain your reasoning. What is your favorite store to order from online? Why? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

10 INF 620 Enthusiastic Study/ INF 620 Week 6 DQ 1 Business and IT Strategies For more classes visit Business and IT Strategies. Think about a company you know as a customer, employee or investor. How do their business and IT strategies seem to match? Does it look like their product and service offerings are well supported by IT? Provide several examples. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

11 INF 620 Enthusiastic Study/ INF 620 Week 1 Skydive ChicagoNF 620 Week 1 Skydive Chicago For more classes visit Skydive Chicago. In an APA formatted paper, complete Analysis Exercise #3 (p. 39) Skydive Chicago: Efficiency and Feedback Digital Data. Answer parts a, b, and c, integrating concepts and vocabulary from the reading. Be sure that you prepare your Information Systems Model in a program that can be read in your Word document. You may want to access Word drawing tool bar or for Word 2003, as you

12 INF 620 Enthusiastic Study/ INF 620 Week 6 DQ 2 Company PCsNF 620 Week 6 DQ 2 Company PCs For more classes visit Company PCs. Complete Analysis Exercise #2: Your Internet Job Rights (p.573). Fully answer parts a, b, and c. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

13 INF 620 Enthusiastic Study/

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