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Courier Services In Jaipur On Point Express

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1 Courier Services In Jaipur On Point Express is a courier Company which offers the most reliable way of Domestic & international shipping of your parcels to & from anywhere in the world.

2 WAREHOUSING Delivering end-to-end supply chain solutions, Pushpak strives for real-time services. It boasts of a highly optimized supply chain service platform, enhanced by advanced infrastructure, technology and a vast network. Suspendisse enim arcu, convallis non, cursus sed, dignissim et, est. Aenean semper aliquet libero. In ante velit, cursus ut, ultrices vitae, tempor ut, risus. Duis pulvinar. Vestibulum vel pede at sapien sodales mattis. Quisque pretium, lacus nec iaculis vehicula, arcu libero consectetuer massa, auctor aliquet mauris ligula id ipsum. Vestibulum pede. Maecenas sit amet augue.

3 AIR CARGO Despite widespread hopes for a vibrant industry, for decades the air freight did not grow as expected and remained a very small part of total air traffic. For much of the first five post-war decades most carriers saw it as a secondary activity, although there had always been specialized cargo airlines. Some passenger airlines have found the practice of carrying “belly cargo” a highly lucrative enterprise (in fact, it is estimated that 50% of all air freight is moved in this way), to the point where it has lessened the demand for dedicated large cargo aircraft.

4 INTERNATIONAL COURIER The greatest benefit from globalisation is that it gives the world a greater opportunity to deliver goods overseas. We at on point provide international courier service for sending samples, documents, E- COMMERCE products and also shipment of large quantity. Additionally, we serve individuals to remit their gifts and personal essentials to their love ones residing overseas. To accomplish this, we are associated with multinational companies like FEDEX, AREAMAX, and DHL. When shipping globally WE ASSIST our clients in COMPLETION OF PAPER WORK entailed by Indian and Destination Custom Department.

5 DOMESTIC COURIER Today’s business establishment are being highly reliable on courier service.. Every company need to outsource their consignments in & out bound deliveries in no time. ON POINT helps to lessen your workload and save your precious Cash and Time. We are allied with first flight Courier LTD, a well-known name in courier Division to serve nationwide. Furthermore, we have launched satellite offices in all regions to facilitate other form of shipping such as domestic cargo, On Train Cargo etc. Our domestic courier service provide real time tracking, insurance on demand and assistance on paper work.

6 E- COMMERCE Ecommerce authorize consumers to electronically exchange goods and services with no boundation of time or distance. Whether it’s a Retail Delivery to end user or moving large quantity to warehouse such as “FULFILLEMENT by AMAZON” we at ON POINT provide customize and tailor made solutions. We are handling the FBA {FULLFILLMENT BY AMAMZON} shipments of countries like USA, UK, Germany and Canada. Overseas courier delivery by e-commerce are well designed and available in Express and Economic mode. All the services are under one roof and a call or mail away.

7 ROAD CARGO Road cargo is an integral part of logistics freight industry. We at ON- POINT drafted & customized Road Cargo services according to sender 7 receiver. Road cargo includes – ON TRAIN COURIER, TRUCK CARGO and SMALL VEHICLES. Our dedicated team assist on paper work formalities and turnaround time. We outsource services such as Palatalization, Fumigation for handling shipment of ODD SIZES.

8 REVERSE LOGISTICS Business is a two side love affair and we understand it well. Inbound and outbound shipping is an essential requirement of business and we have come up with new solution. With the help of our global shipping associations you can avail inbound and outbound shipping under one roof. Our dedicated back office team is always ready to assist the needs of clients. Furthermore the Inbound Service is available in Express and Economic mode, surely, a call away.

9 Contact US Address : Registered Office: CG/S/38, Near Cafe Coffee Day LAL KOTHI, TONK ROAD JAIPUR 302015 CG/S/38, Near Cafe Coffee Day LAL KOTHI, TONK ROAD JAIPUR 302015 Phone: 91-90573 90573 91-141-4022290 91-141-2742280 Email ID:

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