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MHA 626 Competitive Success--

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1 MHA 626 Competitive Success--

2 MHA 626 Week 1 Discussion 1 Business and Strategic Planning For more classes visit Week 1 Discussions To participate in the following discussions, go to this week's Discussion link in the left navigation. Business and Strategic Planning

3 MHA 626 Competitive Success-- MHA 626 Week 1 Discussion 2 Strategic Planning and Marketing For more classes visit Strategic Planning and Marketing Figure 1.1 in the course text illustrates how various functional plans for a healthcare organization support the overall strategic plan.

4 MHA 626 Competitive Success-- MHA 626 Week 1 Individual Assignment Vision, Mission, and Values Statements (Banner Health Organization) For more classes visit Assignment To complete the following assignment, go to this week's Assignment link in the left navigation. Vision, Mission, and Values Statements

5 MHA 626 Competitive Success-- MHA 626 Week 1 Individual Assignment Vision, Mission, and Values Statements (Department of Defense military medicine) For more classes visit Assignment To complete the following assignment, go to this week's Assignment link in the left navigation. Vision, Mission, and Values Statements

6 MHA 626 Competitive Success-- MHA 626 Week 2 Assignment SWOT Analysis (Banner Health Organization) For more classes visit Assignment To complete the following assignment, go to this week's Assignment link in the left navigation. SWOT Analysis

7 MHA 626 Competitive Success-- MHA 626 Week 2 Assignment SWOT Analysis (Department of Defense military medicine) For more classes visit Assignment To complete the following assignment, go to this week's Assignment link in the left navigation. SWOT Analysis

8 MHA 626 Competitive Success-- MHA 626 Week 2 Discussion 1 Patient-Centered Marketing For more classes visit Patient-Centered Marketing This discussion will allow you to generate content for your Final Project regarding your chosen healthcare organization’s customers and demographics. As mentioned in Chapter 7 of the course text, “marketing involves both the creation and distribution of goods and services” (Stevens, R., & Silver, L. S., 2015, section 7.1: “What is Marketing,” para. 4). Marketing departments should be concerned with customer needs and meeting those needs in the market place.

9 MHA 626 Competitive Success-- MHA 626 Week 3 Assignment The Importance of Marketable Objectives (Banner Health Organization) For more classes visit Assignment To complete the following assignment, go to this week's Assignment link in the left navigation. The Importance of Marketable Objectives

10 MHA 626 Competitive Success-- MHA 626 Week 3 Assignment The Importance of Marketable Objectives (Department of Defense military medicine) For more classes visit Assignment To complete the following assignment, go to this week's Assignment link in the left navigation. The Importance of Marketable Objectives

11 MHA 626 Competitive Success-- MHA 626 Week 3 Discussion 1 Internal and External Environmental Analyses For more classes visit Internal and External Environmental Analyses For this discussion, you will examine information and data

12 MHA 626 Competitive Success-- MHA 626 Week 3 Discussion 2 Examining Market Research Strategies For more classes visit Examining Market Research Strategies For this discussion, you will examine market research strategies and how the information gleaned can be applied to the Marketing Mix section of your Final Project. Services offered by healthcare organizations are becoming increasingly diversified regarding services offered. With this said, health care organizations rely on market research to determine their best course of action regarding time and financial investment.

13 MHA 626 Competitive Success-- MHA 626 Week 4 Assignment Database Marketing (Banner Health Organization) For more classes visit Assignment To complete the following assignment, go to this week's Assignment link in the left navigation. Database Marketing

14 MHA 626 Competitive Success-- MHA 626 Week 4 Assignment Database Marketing (Department of Defense military medicine) For more classes visit Assignment To complete the following assignment, go to this week's Assignment link in the left navigation. Database Marketing This week you will obtain information on database marketing to support the Marketing Mix section of your Final Project. As discussed in Chapter 10 of the course text, database marketing centers on gathering customer-based information such as gender, age, occupation, and lifestyles.

15 MHA 626 Competitive Success-- MHA 626 Week 4 Discussion 1 Marketing Opportunities and Strategies For more classes visit Marketing Opportunities and Strategies For this discussion, you will obtain information for the Marketing Mix section of your Final Project. Specifically, you will focus on your chosen HCO’s marketing opportunities and goals. To prepare for this discussion, read Chapter 9 of the course text. In addition, examine your healthcare organization’s SWOT analysis (Week Two Assignment) and the environmental analysis you conducted (initial discussion from Week Three).

16 MHA 626 Competitive Success-- MHA 626 Week 5 Discussion 1 Planning and Control Measures For more classes visit Planning and Control Measures For this discussion, you will generate content for your Final Project regarding plan evaluations that are associated with a product or service. As discussed in Chapter 12, planning and control processes should be integrated; that is, both processes should be used to obtain feedback that will allow the marketing team to successfully reach strategic objectives through the marketing plan. For your initial post, describe the importance of timely information flow/feedback in terms of your chosen healthcare organization and marketing plan.

17 MHA 626 Competitive Success-- MHA 626 Week 5 Discussion 2 Implementation of Performance Evaluation For more classes visit Implementation of Performance Evaluation This discussion will allow you generate content for your Final Project regarding the implementation of performance evaluation. As discussed in Chapter 12, the implementation of performance evaluation methods is an ongoing process that aids the marketing department in determining the success of its current programs and the positive direction for future marketing actions.

18 MHA 626 Competitive Success-- MHA 626 Week 6 Discussion 1 Ethical and Legal Issues Surrounding Social Media and Marketing For more classes visit Ethical and Legal Issues Surrounding Social Media and Marketing This week you will discuss legal and ethical issues surrounding the use of social media in marketing. As discussed in Chapters 10 and 11 of the course text and this week’s required article, the use of social media within marketing plans provides opportunities for marketing departments to improve customer contact and brand awareness. Based on your chosen HCO, how would you implement the use of social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Myspace, YouTube, and other platforms) into your marketing plan?

19 MHA 626 Competitive Success-- MHA 626 Week 6 Final Paper Marketing Plan (Banner Health Organization) For more classes visit Marketing Plan To prepare for this assignment, read this week’s required article by Firshein (1996). For your Final Project, you will compile the work you have completed throughout the course to develop a 10- to 15-page marketing plan that supports the goals of a strategic plan for a real- world healthcare organization, incorporating instructor and peer feedback as appropriate. The Marketing Plan must contain the following sections:

20 MHA 626 Competitive Success-- MHA 626 Week 6 Final Paper Marketing Plan (Department of Defense military medicine) For more classes visit Marketing Plan To prepare for this assignment, read this week’s required article by Firshein (1996). For your Final Project, you will compile the work you have completed throughout the course to develop a 10- to 15-page marketing plan that supports the goals of a strategic plan for a real- world healthcare organization, incorporating instructor and peer feedback as appropriate. The Marketing Plan must contain the following sections:

21 MHA 626 Competitive Success--

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