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What are the Causes Behind Water Coming from the Exhaust System.

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Presentation on theme: "What are the Causes Behind Water Coming from the Exhaust System."— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the Causes Behind Water Coming from the Exhaust System

2 Air and fuel mixture has been ignited in the internal combustion process of the engine. Then the exhaust gases flow away from the engine through a series of pipes.

3 These gases are eventually come out from the tailpipe and spread into the air of the outside environment.

4 If you notice that the tailpipe of your car is leaking water out from it, then it proves that water present inside the exhaust system.

5 It's better to investigate and diagnose your car by a professional mechanic to prevent the worse outcomes and save your thousands of dollars.

6 Here are the common causes of water coming out from the exhaust system of your car:-

7 Condensation

8 After the engine has performed the internal combustion process in your car, the carbon dioxide and water mixture forms in it.

9 After the formation of the mixture, the engine needs some time to cool down. Then the remain exhaust gases leave the chamber and come out of the tailpipe.

10 The condensation of these gases are more apparent, so you will notice the water drop from the tailpipe.

11 Catalytic converter

12 The catalytic converter is used to reduce the size of the gases from the tailpipe that is emitted from the exhaust system as a toxic carbon gas.

13 It can allow your car to be more environmentally friendly and reduce the risk of harming other people in the road.

14 The catalytic converter is used to reduce toxic emissions. As a result, a small amount of water vapor forms little droplets will come out from the tailpipe.

15 Faulty piston

16 When the bad pistons are causing the water to come out from the tailpipe can lead to a serious situation.

17 Here the smoke come out of the tailpipe in addition to the water. In worst conditions, a burning smell will fill the interior of the cabin.

18 If you feel strange smell along with the smoke and water coming from the tailpipe, then bring the car to an auto shop and replace the piston.

19 Heat engine

20 If you are living in an environment with cold temperature, then you will be expected to see the water coming from the exhaust system.

21 The moving components of the engine generate a lot of heat that needs a little bit of time to let the oil circulate through them to cool down.

22 The exhaust system also going to be hot because the produced water vapor merges the heat with cold air and failing the small water droplets from the tailpipe.

23 Conclusion

24 In most of the situation water coming from the exhaust system is not a big deal, but somehow it will put a negative impact on your car.

25 The worst condition is replacing the small component of your car due to the water leakage in the exhaust system will cost you a few hundreds of dollars.

26 It's better to go through all the above causes of leaking the water from the exhaust system by taking the necessary preventions.


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