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GSP 125 Innovative Education--

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1 GSP 125 Innovative Education--

2 GSP 125 Final Exam Guide For more classes visit Question 1. 1. In addition to grouping functions together, a class also groups (Points : 3) libraries. math operations. print statements. variables.

3 GSP 125 Innovative Education- GSP 125 Midterm Exam For more classes visit 1. Accidentally inheriting from the same class twice causes terrible ambiguity, and is known as (Points : 2) inheritance overload. the dreaded diamond of death. Von Neumann bottleneck. There is nothing wrong with inheriting the same class more than once.

4 GSP 125 Innovative Education- GSP 125 Week 1 iLab Simple game For more classes visit GSP 125 GSP\125 GSP 125 Week 1 iLab // // INSTRUCTIONS -----------Compile this code. You should see a happy-face character on a field of periods. You can move the character with the 'w', 'a', 's', and 'd' keys.

5 GSP 125 Innovative Education- GSP 125 Week 2 ILab Rectangles For more classes visit / lab2: rectangles // <insert your name here> // read main.cpp, and follow the instructions at the bottom of main.cpp #define NOMINMAX // prevent Windows API from conflicting with "min" and "max" #include <stdio.h> // C-style output. printf(char*,...), putchar(int) #include <windows.h> // SetConsoleCursorPosition(HANDLE,COORD)

6 GSP 125 Innovative Education- GSP 125 Week 3 iLab List of Numbers For more classes visit GSP 125 GSP/125 GSP 125 Week 3 iLab // lab3: listofnumbers // <insert your name here> // read main.cpp, and follow the instructions at the bottom of main.cpp #include <iostream> using namespace std;

7 GSP 125 Innovative Education- GSP 125 Week 4 iLab Simple Game inheritance For more classes visit GSP 125 GSP/125 GSP 125 Week 4 iLab // INSTRUCTIONS -----------Compile this code. You should see a rectangular play field of periods, with 3 Entity objects visible on it. The happy-face Entity moves with the "wasd" keys, and the club Entity moves with the "ijkl" keys. If the happy- face reaches the diamond Entity, the player wins. If the happy-face reaches the club, the player loses.

8 GSP 125 Innovative Education- GSP 125 Week 5 iLab Shapes For more classes visit GSP 125 GSP/125 GSP 125 Week 5 iLab // INSTRUCTIONS // ------------ // Compile this code. After pressing any key to clear the instructions, You // should see three rectangles labeled '#', 'b', and 'c'. You should also see // two triangles, labeled 'd' and 'e'. Pressing '>' and '<' will change which

9 GSP 125 Innovative Education- GSP 125 Week 7 iLab GSP 124 Week 7 iLab win32game For more classes visit GSP 125 GSP/125 GSP 125 Week 7 iLab Looking for help with C++ lab, please see attached zip, inside main.cpp are directions: // 1) Replace Vector2 and Coordinate

10 GSP 125 Innovative Education--

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