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MODELS OF CREATIVITY Week 4 discussion 1. Introduction ◦ Creativity is basically the use of imagined and innovative ideas to make something at the long.

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1 MODELS OF CREATIVITY Week 4 discussion 1

2 Introduction ◦ Creativity is basically the use of imagined and innovative ideas to make something at the long end. The framework for the 21 st century learning should embrace the concept of creativity among students in order to allow them remain relevant in the real life outside their learning environments(Robinson, 2011). ◦ Innovative skills are of paramount importance in the learning process of learners and even their educators. ◦ Dr. Robinson (2011) explains in his TED video on the possible educational strategies that he believes support creativity. The question of whether schools kill creativity is well answered in this TEDxTalks popular video.

3 NACCCE Recommendations ◦ Having gone through Dr. Segev’s research, I would like to share my story during when creativity was encouraged. But first, I would like to list some of the strategies NACCCE recommends for facilitating creativity skills as indicated below.  Encouraging creativity  Teaching creativity  Encourage self-expression  Create openness to new and possibly unusual ideas (Robinson et al., 1999).

4 My story ◦ The story of my creativity being encouraged dates back to my fourth grade at Ohio Avenue Elementary school whereby our teacher presented my drawing before other teachers. I remember it was on Thursday morning when I received the good news at the school assembly. ◦ Our teacher had asked us to imagine and make any drawing that we thought was best and I decided to draw out teacher in the classroom writing on the blackboard. To be honest, that was one of my childhood amazing moments especially at school.

5 ◦ The drawing was colorful and demonstrated greater levels of creativity. I remember the entire school, both teachers and other learners congratulating and encouraging me to keep up the excellent job. ◦ Our teacher offered herself to buy me a textbook for drawing so that I may perfect my art of creativity. Fundamentally, creativity was encouraged by everyone thus making students to freely enhance and facilitate their creativity. ◦ Further, I realized that other teachers now jumped into the band wagon of teaching creativity through critical thinking skills and innovative problem solving skills (Robinson, 2011).

6 ◦ Robinson (2011) explains on how educators need to embrace the educational strategies that are meant to support creativity of students. ◦ It is not a matter of employing formative and summative assessments in determining the students’ academic progress but be in a position to enable them connect what was taught in class to the real world in exploring available opportunities and solve real world problems. ◦ In concert with the 21 st century innovative learning skills, learners are supposed to get the required support towards creative learning. ◦ By being given the time to prepare, imagine, develop and act will not only yield better performance but also embrace culturally relevant learning that will enable them solve the real world problems (Segev, 2013).

7 References ◦ Robinson, K., et al. (1999). All our futures: Creativity, Culture and Education Preview the document. Retrieved from ◦ Robinson, K. (2006, February). How schools kill creativity (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video file]. Retrieved from ◦ Robinson, K. (2011). Out of our minds: Learning to be creative. United Kingdom: Capstone Publishing Ltd. ◦ Segev, E. (2013, May 9). When there is a correct answer exercise in creative thinking [ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Video file]. Retrieved from

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