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EDU 324Competitive Success/

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1 EDU 324Competitive Success/

2 EDU 324 Week 1 Assignment Colonial Classroom Then and Now For more classes visit EDU 324 Week 1 Assignment Colonial Classroom Then and Now Instruction in colonial schools was primarily religious and authoritarian. Its goal was preparation for eternity. The curriculum stressed the four Rs: readin’, ’ritin’, ’rithmetic, and religion. Memorization and recitation were the dominant instructional processes.

3 EDU 324Competitive Success/ EDU 324 Week 1 Journal The New England Primer For more classes visit EDU 324 Week 1 Journal The New England Primer It has been said that The New England Primer was the most influential textbook in history. This text, written by Benjamin Harris in 1690, was used to teach reading. School in the 1700s was heavily influenced by religion. The common belief was that the inability to read was Satan’s way to keep people from reading the Bible

4 EDU 324Competitive Success/ EDU 324 Week 2 Assignment Take a Stand For more classes visit EDU 324 Week 2 Assignment Take a Stand Education was a priority for the founding fathers. Dr. Benjamin Rush, unlike his peers, was an advocate for education that included both females and blacks. He founded one of the first female academies in the United States, the Young Ladies Academy of Philadelphia. Although he was a believer in women being educated, his

5 EDU 324Competitive Success/ EDU 324 Week 2 Journal What Did He Mean by That? For more classes visit EDU 324 Week 2 Journal What Did He Mean by That? 1. What Did He Mean by That? [CLOs: 1, 4]. Due by Day 7. Horace Mann (1779-1859) is best known as the father of the American public education system. Mann improved the school system by limiting private influence, increasing the number of high schools and increasing attendance. In addition, he was instrumental in bettering

6 EDU 324Competitive Success/ EDU 324 Week 3 Assignment Rough Draft For more classes visit EDU 324 Week 3 Assignment Rough Draft At this point you should have approximately 15 events for your Final Project. You will submit a rough draft of your project, listing at least 10 significant events. You must include the following for each event:

7 EDU 324Competitive Success/ EDU 324 Week 3 Journal What Should Education Teach For more classes visit EDU 324 Week 3 Journal What Should Education Teach W.E.B. Du Bois was the first African American to earn a doctorate from Harvard. He fought for African American rights and cofounded the NAACP. Du Bois sought social, economic and political reforms to expand equality and access for minorities (Pullman & Van Patten).

8 EDU 324Competitive Success/ EDU 324 Week 4 Assignment Major Players For more classes visit EDU 324 Week 4 Assignment Major Players The following list is a very small sampling of reformers in education from 1918-1980: Friedrich Froebel  Jean Piaget  John Dewey  Frazier and Sadker  Thurgood Marshall 

9 EDU 324Competitive Success/ EDU 324 Week 4 Journal A Walk Through Time For more classes visit EDU 324 Week 4 Journal A Walk Through Time Watch the We Didn’t Start the Fire video. Lyrics to the video are available here. There are many references to American education in the video. Choose any two examples from the video or the lyrics. List your examples, and explain how each directly impacted the American classroom..

10 EDU 324Competitive Success/ EDU 324 Week 5 Final Project Interactive Timeline For more classes visit EDU 324 Week 5 Final Project Interactive Timeline For the Final Project, you are required to make a timeline of the events in the history of American education that made a significant impact, and include a summary of each event.

11 EDU 324Competitive Success/ EDU 324 Week 5 Journal What is Balance in the Elementary Classroom? For more classes visit EDU 324 Week 5 Journal What is Balance in the Elementary Classroom? Review the following paragraphs from the Introduction in Chapter 10 of your text: The first president of the new century, George W. Bush, offered a reform plan called No Child Left Behind (NCLB). The most sweeping education reform legislation since the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, it created “a much larger federal presence in educational policy and funding and set the foundation for a

12 EDU 324Competitive Success/

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