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Eradicating Disabilities with Education. The rate of education in India is under stress due to an exploding population and lack of quality education,

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Presentation on theme: "Eradicating Disabilities with Education. The rate of education in India is under stress due to an exploding population and lack of quality education,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eradicating Disabilities with Education

2 The rate of education in India is under stress due to an exploding population and lack of quality education, plus lack of resources. Close to one fourth of the Indian Population is illiterate. However, this number is abysmal when it comes to differently able communities and children. Close to 50% of the differently able children in India are illiterate. Many of these have never seen the inside of a classroom. This number gets worse amongst children with multiple disabilities

3 The reasons of these are plenty, such as: 1. Lack of Trained Resources: Teachers are often not trained to specifically teach differently able children. They may not know sign language or techniques which can make grasping easier for mentally disabled children. Some teachers simply do not have the patience to be able to handle these children. disabled 2. No Faith in System: As a result of this, parents often lose faith in the Indian Education System and either pull their children out of school and into doing odd jobs; or don’t send then to school at all.


5 3. Lack of Awareness: Parents from economically backward groups often not know about the provisions that the government has made for differently able children. Sometimes they just believe that a physical disability till get their child nowhere, no matter how sharp their child may be. 4. Peer Pressure: When special schools are not available in the vicinity of differently able children, they are often placed in a non- specialized school. They may face peer pressure from other kids and back-out being demotivated.


7 Trained tuition tutors outside schools are usually available in cities and can only be afforded by the crème crowd, as their fees structure doesn’t allows normal strata to receive education through them. This is why NGO’s like Narayan Seva Sansthan stepped in to make education available to differently able children through exquisite education programs. Narayan Seva Sansthan is the best NGO for disabled people with specially trained teachers in sign languages and in teaching methodologies that benefit the specially able children. Narayan Seva Sansthan We have realized that e-learning can be great platform to teach children with visual disabilities. We have special systems designed exclusively for the visually impaired children, so they would be treated no less than normal children in the fields of technology and advancement.

8 Such schools for the disabled provide them an opportunity to step up and compete in the real world. Narayan Seva Sansthan is keen on the rehabilitation of the disabled and imparts knowledge with all its key aspects. All students should have a fair choice in deciding the direction in which their life is headed. They do not need to be restricted by anything – not even resources and the right to dream. We hope to provide these differently able children a fair chance in choosing their life for themselves. We aim to provide equal rights and equal opportunities to all children, as everyone deserves a chance.

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