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DHIS2 Interaction Program Government of Nepal Ministry of Health & Population Department of Health Services Management Division.

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Presentation on theme: "DHIS2 Interaction Program Government of Nepal Ministry of Health & Population Department of Health Services Management Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 DHIS2 Interaction Program Government of Nepal Ministry of Health & Population Department of Health Services Management Division

2 HMIS In DHIS2 Platform Girish Kr. Jha IT officer, Management Division/DOHS

3 Objective  To orient on DHIS2 software  To improve the quality of Routine Data (RMIS)  Monitoring at field level (all programmes) by using Monthly Monitoring Data Sheets and Feedback process.  To monitor the achievement, coverage, continuity and quality of health services.  To help assessing progress (evaluation) towards goals and targets of district health programmes.

4 Methodology  Presentation;  Demonstration;

5 Expected outcome  Participants will be familiar with DHIS2 software

6 Tentative Agenda  Introduction to DHIS2 & 3-W concept  Data Entry process (Aggregate & Event based)  Pivot table & Data visulizer  GIS & Dash Board  Standard Report

7 Introduction  DHIS2 (District Health Information System) is a customizable free open source software (FOSS) which can be designed and upgraded according to users' need on their own  A tool for collection, validation, analysis, and presentation of aggregate statistical data  It has very efficient analytics engine that enables data analysis and presentation (Dashboard, Data visualizer, pivot table, GIS)  DHIS2 can communicate with other Information System  Developed and maintained by University of Oslo, Norway

8 WHY DHIS-2  Data quality - validation  Interoperability - OpenMRS  Free and open software platform  Strong analytical tool and visualization option  Group communication/interaction  Easy upgradability  Fit for aggregated and client tracking both  Data validation rules/mechanisms are built-in Ensuring DATA QUALITY  Can be immediately rolled-out to health facility level without major modifications  Legacy data can be imported to DHIS2 and multiple year analysis is possible  User experience sharing, messaging

9 Architecture  Frontend - JAVA  Backend - PostgreSQL

10 Individual Record Mobile Friendly


12 DHIS2 current implementation globally DHIS 2 currently being used at various levels in 60+ countries.

13 Key Features 1. Dashboard 2. Data visualizer 3. Pivot table 4. GIS 5. Data quality modules 6. Event Capture 7. Standard reports 8. Feedback and messaging

14 Features  A user-specific dashboard for quick access to the relevant monitoring and evaluation tools including indicator charts and links to favourite reports, maps and other key resources in the system.  Easy to use user-interfaces for metadata management e.g. for adding/editing datasets or health facilities. No programming needed to set up the system in a new setting.  Functionality to design and modify calculated indicator formulas.  User management module for passwords, security, and fine- grained access control (user roles).  Messages can be sent to system users for feedback and notifications. Messages can also be delivered to email and SMS.

15 Features  Users can share and discuss their data in charts and reports using Interpretations, enabling an active information-driven user community.  Functionalities of export-import of data and metadata, supporting synchronisation of offline installations as well as interoperability with other applications.  Using the DHIS2 Web-API, allow for integration with external software and extension of the core platform through the use of custom apps.  Further modules can be developed and integrated as per user needs, either as part of the DHIS2 portal user interface or a more loosely- coupled external application interacting through the DHIS2 Web-API. In summary, DHIS2 provides a comprehensive HIS solution for the reporting and analysis needs of health information users at any level.

16 DHIS2 in Nepal  Health Management Information System (HMIS)  Customized and planned to be rolled out from fiscal year 2073/74  Early Warning and Reporting System (EWARS)  Customized and Rolled out from Ashwin 2073  Currently a central system and will go to sentinel site in next phase

17 DHIS2 – 3W’s

18 Dimensions of DHIS2  What  Where  When

19 BCG Immunized Children

20 Indicators Type  Total  Ratio  Percentage  Per 1000  Per 100000

21 When Dimension-Period  Daily  Weekly  Monthly  Bi-Monthly  Quarterly  Six Monthly  Yearly  Financial April (Nepali Fiscal Year)  Financial July  Financial Oct  Six-monthly April

22 DHIS2 Login

23 Logging out of DHIS2


25 Application  User Management  Organization Unit  Data Element/Data Set  Indicator  Data Quality (Validation)  Pivot Table  Report  Data Visualizer  GIS  Dash Board  Etc.

26 User Management  User  Data Set  Organization unit  User Group  User can Add/Edit/Delete/View Data as per user role

27 Input: Organization Unit  Can Add/Edit/Delete  Can Upgrade  Can Change Parent OU  Health Facility Registry  Name of OU  HF Code  Maintain Opening/Closing Date  Contact Person (Name, Phone No. Email etc)  Location (GIS)  Latitude  Longitude

28 Input: Data Entry


30 Input vs Output: Data Quality  Not accept “o” where DE type is number  Min-Max outlier  Checks the values against a pre-defined max/min range for each data element+orgunitcombination  Double-click on a value/field in data entry to see the historical values and the range, also allows for individual ranges to be edited  Data Validation  A popup will notify the users if the value is outside the range  Completeness and timeliness reports

31 Data Quality (Validation)

32 Output: 1-Report  Standard Report –Nepal specific Report  Organization Unit Report  Data Set Report  Reporting Rate Summary  Min-Max outlier  St.Dev outlier  Follow-up analysis

33 Output: 2-Pivot Table  DHIS 2 features a fully web-based pivot table which lets you analyse data along all data dimensions and arrange these on columns, rows and as filters at demand. We can include totals and subtotals and remove empty rows, and control display density, font size and digit group separator. Pivot tables can be saved as favorites and be downloaded and used as basis for offline MS Excel pivot tables.

34 Output: 3-Data Visualizer  DHIS 2 provides nice charting capabilities  supports chart types like column, line, pie, stacked column and area charts.  Display trend lines, legends, titles, labels, target lines and baselines. Select easily from all of our indicators, organizational units, time periods and other dimensions Charts can be downloaded as images and PDFs.

35  Column chart  Stacked column chart  Bar chart  Stacked bar chart  Line chart  Area chart  Pie chart  Radar chart  Speedometer chart 35 Types of charts

36 Output: 4- GIS  DHIS 2 supports web-based GIS features that lets you do thematic mapping of areas and points, view facilities based on classifications, visualize catchment areas for each facility.  Can create custom legend sets and link them to indicators and lets you put labels on areas and points and search and filter based on various criteria  Can overlay multiple layers and use Google Maps as background layer  Maps can be saved as favorites and shared with other people.

37 Output: 5-Dash Board  DHIS 2 provides a personal dashboard where we can put our favorite charts, maps and reports for fast access.  We can search directly from the dashboard for analysis related to a particular subject or for other people.  The dashboard features integrated messaging functionality which lets you communicate directly with other users.  Can view the data interpretation feed - data interpretations shared from the various analytics and start discussion on that.

38  Sharing can be used to share parts elements of DHIS with specific users/groups  Example of things to share:  Pivot table  Graph  Maps  Can also share data elements/indicators to specific groups  Share with everyone, user groups or keep private  External sharing - no login required  Let people edit or view only  Works for sharing & access control  Program, data set, indicator, report, chart, map, pivot… Sharing

39 Dashboards are a common tool in data management Designed to give a brief snapshot of critical information: Data elements Indicators Maps Reports Dashboard Concept

40 Easily view the charts/tables/maps you use most frequently Quickly monitor program progress Establish a routine for regularly checking key program aspects Readily share information with others Why create a dashboard?

41 Dashboard contain depending on the situation a set of: Charts Pivot tables Maps What does a dashboard contain?

42 Event Capture event capture is used for data entry of Leprosy/HIV individual Records

43 Standard report  In standard report app we can customize reports as per your need. Our all existing reports have been developed in this module and user can start using them.

44 Manage messages and feedback messages  Within DHIS2 we can send messages and feedback messages to users, user groups and organization units.  When we send a feedback message, it is routed to a particular user group. If we are a member of this user group, we can access to feedback handling tools.

45 Feedback and messaging  Within the application you can send messages and feedback messages to users, user groups and health facilities

46 Thank you

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