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Towards Conservation Agriculture in Republic of Moldova Mihail Rurac, Associated Professor, SAUM, Republic of Moldova 8/21/2018 KONYA,

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Presentation on theme: "Towards Conservation Agriculture in Republic of Moldova Mihail Rurac, Associated Professor, SAUM, Republic of Moldova 8/21/2018 KONYA,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards Conservation Agriculture in Republic of Moldova Mihail Rurac, Associated Professor, SAUM, Republic of Moldova 8/21/2018 KONYA, Turkey - ITCD, 22-26 may 2017

2 Geographical position 8/21/2018 Moldova

3 About Moldova August 21, 2018

4 8/21/2018


6 SOME DIMENSIONS OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL AREA  Total area – 3,38 million hectares & 3,5 million of inhabitants  Agricultural Land – 2 million hectares  Arable Land -1,8 million hectares  14,5 % of GDP from agriculture and 28% of country population  50 % of country total export 8/21/2018

7 After Land Reforms  Half of agricultural land is farmed by Family farms  And second half by different businesses  Family farms small and orientated on consumption  Big enterprises are export oriented 8/21/2018



10 Water erosion – main factor of degradation In 1965 – 284 000 ha Present - 878 000 ha Every year by 7100 ha increase Annual losses of fertile soil is estimated as 26 mlln tones: Aproximatively 2000 ha of full profile chernozems with 100 of grades 000 ha - Every year by 7100 ha increase 8/21/2018


12 IFAD and MAC-P Provide long term investment loans for procurement of agriculture machines for CA, Provide TA to farmers wishing to convert farms from conventional to CA, Provide on farm professional training and consultation, Establishment of Demonstration Plots, Establishment of partnership between CA farmers and research and education institutions. 8/21/2018

13 IFAD & MAC-P 8/21/2018


15 Providing Grants up to 20000 $ for planters and drills and others Esteblishing 4 Farmer Field Schools, Editing study materials Establishing training courses in CA 8/21/2018

16 Now According to Ministry of Agriculture Data More than 140 thousand of hectares are cultivated under Conservation Agriculture, Including mini till, no-till and strip –till 8/21/2018

17 Oursdays 8/21/2018

18 Oursdays 8/21/2018

19 Thank you for your attention!!!

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