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HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

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1 HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

2 HRM 324 Entire Course (2 Set) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Set of Papers/PPT for each Assignment HRM 324 Week 1 Assignment Organizational Objectives and Total Compensation in Different Markets (2 Papers) HRM 324 Week 1 DQ 1 HRM 324 Week 1 DQ 2 HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

3 HRM 324 Final Exam (New, 2018) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 1) These are the four core characteristics of the job characteristics theory. feedback, task variety, skill-variety, autonomy knowledge, skill identity, autonomy, feedback HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

4 HRM 324 Week 1 Assignment Organizational Objectives and Total Compensation in Different Markets (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Unsure of legal obligations in designing a total compensation plan, a client has asked you, as a human resources consultant, to explain how certain laws and regulations affect total compensation in their organization HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

5 HRM 324 Week 1 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Describe your reaction to the following statement: Compensation has no bearing on a company’s performance. HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

6 HRM 324 Week 1 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What roles do national and organizational culture play in compensation? HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

7 HRM 324 Week 2 Assignment Internal and External Equity (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Write a no more than 3 page paper in which you design a total compensation plan for an organization focused on internal equity and a total compensation plan for an organization focused on external equity HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

8 HRM 324 Week 2 Compensation Evaluation Plan (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers You were hired to work as a HR Consultant for a small local hospital, with the task of expanding the workforce of certified medical assistants. Looking at the current three employees, you find a discrepancy in compensation between Susi, a 2- year employee at HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

9 HRM 324 Week 2 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What is job analysis? Oftentimes job analysis is associated with staffing, but how does it relate to compensation? HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

10 HRM 324 Week 2 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT How does an employer go about determining if their pay is market competitive? HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

11 HRM 324 Week 3 Assignment Performance Based Pay and Employee Rewards Presentation (2 PPT) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 PPT Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation outlining performance-based total compensation plans for two organizations. The organizations must be in different industries, have different employee groups, and utilize different pay strategies. HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

12 HRM 324 Week 3 Assignment Solving Union Issues (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Watch the video in Chapter 5 titled “UPS: Union Management.” At the end of the video, you are posed with the question: What can you do as HR Director? HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

13 HRM 324 Week 3 Candidate Analysis FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers You have two employment candidates for a marketing position. Both have similar educational backgrounds and certifications. However, the first candidate has 20 years of related experience while the second candidate has 6 years of similar experience. HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

14 HRM 324 Week 3 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Does your employer have a pay for performance philosophy? If so, how is this philosophy executed? If your organization does not have a pay for performance philosophy, what are changes to pay based on? HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

15 HRM 324 Week 3 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Discuss your views about whether discretionary employee benefits should be an entitlement or something earned based on job performance. HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

16 HRM 324 Week 4 Assignment Retirement Plan Proposal and Communication Plan (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers You are employed in a newly formed organization with 150 employees. Management has asked you, as an HR benefits specialist, to provide them with a proposal that describes two to three retirement plans that could be HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

17 HRM 324 Week 4 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What is the difference between a defined contribution retirement plan and a defined benefit retirement plan? HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

18 HRM 324 Week 4 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT The communication of employee benefits is key. What should be the objectives of a benefits communication program? What types of communication tools does your organization use to communicate benefits? HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

19 HRM 324 Week 4 Retirement Plan Selection FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Retirement Plan Selection A new employee joins your company at age 24 making $40,000 per year. Currently, banks are paying 5% interest on saving accounts, and the rate of return on the company stock is HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

20 HRM 324 Week 5 Assignment Practice Your Professionalism (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Prepare a list or summary of the four or five things you took from this course to use in an interview or discussion with a professional on the career-relevant skills gained from this five weeks of learning. HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

21 HRM 324 Week 5 Assignment Total Compensation Plan (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Design a no more than 5 page total compensation plan for an imaginary competitor of Google, Walmart, General Motors, UPS, or Merck. Your plan should address the following details: HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

22 HRM 324 Week 5 Assignment Total Compensation Plan Presentation (2 PPT) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 PPT Create a Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation of 12 to 15 slides that outlines the plan’s key components, and its stated requirements and objectives. Include an introduction, a conclusion slide, and a references slide as well as brief speaker’s notes. Use at least five APA-formatted sources. HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--

23 HRM 324 Week 5 Job Description and Total Compensation FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Create the following positions based upon a job analysis: 1. Mailroom clerk: Entry level for a long-term existing company in San Diego, CA. 2. Manager in the marketing department: Mid-level position in a start-up company, in HRM 324 EDU Lessons in Excellence--


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