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1 7-LESSONS I LEARNED FROM MY ANEURYSM SURGERY On May 9, at 1:10 pm, my VA provider called and told me a recent ultrasound, test found a 7.2 cm Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm commonly referred to as a “AAA”. Trust me, this is not the phone call you want to receive. The operation was successful and now in recovery. From that life-changing phone call, through the operation and into recovery, I learned seven lessons that I felt needed to be told to all veterans. Watch for my seven VA “life Saving” lessons

2 7-LESSONS I LEARNED FROM MY ANEURYSM SURGERY GET ANNUAL CHECKUPS! One of the most important reasons to get an annual exam is screenings. Ultrasound for abdominal aortic aneurysms, blood test for cholesterol or diabetes is great for early intervention of potential diseases. A colonoscopy, a pap smear, a breast exam are all key to catching any signs of cancer at its earliest and most treatable stage. When you’ve never been really sick, had an operation or other medical condition, I thought what’s the point. I’m grateful I didn’t listen to my inner self. If I had, I’d be dead. My lesson to you

3 7-LESSONS I LEARNED FROM MY ANEURYSM SURGERY LISTEN TO YOUR PROVIDER During my annual exam, my doctor asked me if I had smoked during the 1960’s, since I served during the Vietnam era, I said yes, everyone did. She recommended an abdominal ultrasound, I thought to myself why, I feel great. She replied, I’m going to order the test. I urge you to get it done. I thought, I can always cancel. Am I glad I didn’t. If I had we wouldn’t be having this conversation Lesson #2

4 7-LESSONS I LEARNED FROM MY ANEURYSM SURGERY KEEP YOUR APPOINTMENTS YOUR LIFE MAY DEPEND ON IT! Did you know more than 9 million VA health care appointments go unutilized each year due to missed appointments? To increase access to health care for all Veterans, the Veterans Health Administration has created VEText, an interactive mobile solution to remind Veterans of upcoming appointments via text messaging. The goal is to offer a quick and easy way to confirm and/or cancel appointments and then make every attempt to schedule another Veteran into that time slot. Had I cancelled my appointment, the outcome would be quite different. Lesson #3

5 7-LESSONS I LEARNED FROM MY ANEURYSM SURGERY FOLLOW PRE-PROCEDURE INSTRUCTIONS As a Veteran Patient Advocate at the local VA, I learned. the appointment reminder may not include pre-preparation instructions. In the case of my abdominal ultrasound, I had to fast for x number of hours prior to my test. Guess what, I did get a phone call, but didn’t follow the instructions and I didn’t get a letter explaining what to do or not do. As a result, one or two things could have happened. Most likely scenario, the technician would send you home with instructions to reschedule. It took two months to get the appointment, in two months I may have been dead. Lesson #4

6 7-LESSONS I LEARNED FROM MY ANEURYSM SURGERY UPDATE PROFILE/CONTACT INFORMATION Did you know, the average veteran has personal/profile information stored in 80 different VA data silos - that’s scary. What’s scarier, none of these VA data silos talk to each other. For example, I have a My HealtheVet Account that contains my profile information(Data silo), such as phone number and emergency contact information. My medical record, another data silo, also contains profile and emergency contact information. When I updated my emergency contact phone number in My HealthyVet, my medical record doesn’t update automatically. When my provider called to give me the life-threatening news, she used the phone number in my medical record, not My HealtheVet. Lucky for me both were up-to-date. Lesson #5

7 7-LESSONS I LEARNED FROM MY ANEURYSM SURGERY REGISTER FOR MY HEALTHeVET Did you know, that when you open a My HealtheVet (MHV) account, you create a portal, a doorway to your VA provider. Click on the VA seal to learn more about this fantastic tool. One of the many benefits in MHV is the ability to choose and download important information stored in your medical records. Once downloaded, you can share the information with your non-VA provider which is what I did. I was able to download 67 VA ultrasound images, save them on a jump drive and share them with my vascular surgeon, residing in Windsor. Ontario. That gave my surgeon a holistic view and help save my life. Lesson #6: Learn more..

8 7-LESSONS I LEARNED FROM MY ANEURYSM SURGERY PARTNER WITH YOUR HEALTHCARE TEAM When my VA provider called and told me they found a 7.2 cm abdominal aortic aneurysm and told me to get to the nearest hospital immediately, I was scared to death and mentally confused. When I arrived at the hospital I couldn’t remember most of what my VA provider told me. That totally confused the triage nurse. I called my VA Team and told them I was at the hospital and needed clarification as to what my VA provider told me. Within seconds my VA provider was on the phone and talked with the triage nurse. Within minutes I was in the emergency room. Lesson #7:

9 7-LESSONS I LEARNED FROM MY ANEURYSM SURGERY I URGE each and every veteran to remember these seven lessons: EACH LESSON HELPED SAVE MY LIFE, MAYBE THEY’LL SAVE YOURS OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW GET annual checkups LISTEN to your VA provider KEEP appointments FOLLOW pre-preparation instructions UPDATE contact information in all silos REGISTER for My HealtheVet PARTNER with your healthcare team Contact information: Cell: 734-612-8757 Email:

10 MY STORY On March 8, 2018, I had my annual checkup with my VA Provider Because I smoked from 1960 – 1970, she insisted I get an abdominal Ultrasound I argued what’s the point, I’m healthy and feel great She insisted, I thought to myself, I can always cancel or not show up On May 8, I showed up for my Ultrasound, but I didn’t follow the pre-preparation instructions When you don’t follow the instructions, two things normally happen They send you home and ask you to reschedule, which takes about 2-3 months or your technician does the best they can. What is normally 30 minutes took an hour, my gut was sore as hell On May 9, at 1:10pm I got a call from my provider that would change my life forever They found two aortic aneurysms, one was 7.2 cm the other 6.2 cm. Both life threatening, aneurysms this large can rupture, you could bleed out in 5 min. or die. I was instructed to get to the hospital immediately, twenty minutes later I was in emergency room

11 MY STORY I met with the triage nurse who asked what was wrong I told her my VA provider instructed me to get to the hospital immediately This is where it gets confusing, so let me explain ….. I am a Canadian, who served with the United States Air Force from 1961 - 1981 I currently live in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, directly across from Detroit, MI Now triage is totally confused and doesn’t what to do with me I called my VA Team, within seconds, my VA provider told the triage nurse, I had a 7.2 cm aortic aneurysm Boy, did that change the paperwork I created an international situation, that worked in my favor Because I served, I’m entitled to healthcare at the VA and in Canada

12 MY HEALTHeVET TIP IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY YOUR VA PROVIDER RETRIEVES EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION FROM YOUR MEDICAL RECORDS (1). IF THE CONTACT INFORMATION IS WRONG, YOUR PROVIDER MAY NOT BE ABLE TO REACH YOU, AND THE RESULTS COULD BE TRAGIC (2) A LIFE-SAVING TIP! On May 9, 2018 at 1:10 pm. My VA Provider called and told me, my recent Ultrasound test revealed I had a 7.2 cm Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. She stressed that this is a “life Threatening” condition, and that I needed to get to the hospital – IMMEDIATELY. (3) (4)

13 GET A ROUTINE ADMONINAL ULTRASOUND SCREENING TICKING TIME BOMB IF YOU ARE A MALE, 65-75 YEARS OF AGE, WHO HAD EVER SMOKED, ASK YOUR VA PROVIDER TO SCHEDULE AAA SCREENING. IF YOU DON’T YOU A LIFE-SAVING TIP! On May 9, 2018 at 1:10 pm. My VA Provider called and told me, a recent Ultrasound test revealed I had a 7.2 cm Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, she stressed that this was life threatening condition, that I needed to get to the hospital – IMMEDIATELY – which I did. I’m alive today, because my provider insisted I get it done.



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