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Emerging. Topic Outline Industry 4.0 Internet of Things (iot) New Role of Industrial Engineers.

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Presentation on theme: "Emerging. Topic Outline Industry 4.0 Internet of Things (iot) New Role of Industrial Engineers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emerging

2 Topic Outline Industry 4.0 Internet of Things (iot) New Role of Industrial Engineers

3 8/27/20183Gabriel Manole,

4 Industrie 4.0 A term introduced by German government referring to the 4th industrial revolution after the invention of steam engine, mass production and automation. It takes the idea of Industrial Internet further to computerization of manufacturing industry.

5 Industry 4.0 Characterized by: Integrated communication along the value Chain Greater automation Machine to Machine, Machine to Human Interactions

6 Item 1 Integrated communication along the value chain

7 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE, AND TECHNOLOGY Subject: Quantitative Management Topic: Introduction to Operations Research/LP (Graphical Method) Lecturer: Engr. Ma. Estrella Natalie B. Pineda

8 Decentralized vs Centralized


10 8/27/201810


12 Big Data Analytics Big Data Analytics in manufacturing is about using a common data model to combine structured business system data like inventory transactions and financial transactions with structured operational system data like alarms, process parameters, and quality events, with unstructured internal and external data like customer, supplier, Web, and machine data to uncover new insights through advanced analytical tools.

13 What is Value Chain A value chain is a set of activities that a firm operating in a specific industry performs in order to deliver a valuable product or service for the market.productservicemarket made up of subsystems each with inputs, transformation processes and outputs How value chain activities are carried out determines costs and affects profits.

14 Management Information Systems Business value chain model – Views firm as series of activities that add value to products or services – Highlights activities where competitive strategies can best be applied Primary activities vs. support activities – At each stage, determine how information systems can improve operational efficiency and improve customer and supplier intimacy – Utilize benchmarking, industry best practices © Prentice Hall 201114

15 Value Chain

16 Item 2 Greater automation

17 Robotics Robotics is the branch of engineering and computer science that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots, as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information computer science robots


19 News Headlines Now Better Than Human: Why Robots Will — And Must — Take Our Jobs

20 Item 3 Machine to Machine(M2M) Machine to Human Interactions

21 Machine to Machine (M2M) The technology that allows wireless or wired devices to have a point to point connection to other devices of the same type.


23 Machine to Human Interactions Also known as a MMI. A MMI is a software application that present information to an operator or user about the state of a process, and to accept and implement the operators control instructions. Typically information is displayed in a graphic format (Graphical User Interface or GUI)


25 Human–Machine Interface



28 Internet of Things

29 What is the Internet of Things

30 Internet of Things (IoT) Connecting everyday objects we interact with in an information network so that they can communicate and exchange data

31 The Internet of Things “Internet of Objects”“Machine-to-Machine Era” (2) Internet of Things refers to the concept that the Internet is no longer just a global network for people to communicate with one another using computers, but it is also a platform for devices to communicate electronically with the world around them.” --Center for Data and Innovation (1) The Internet of Things, also called The Internet of Objects, refers to a wireless network between objects, usually the network will be wireless and self-configuring, such as household appliances. ------Wikipedia “Internet of Everything”

32 Today, 14 billion out of 1.6 trillion objects are connected to the Internet. In 2020, it will be more than 50 billion of totally 1.8 trillion things !!! What Is the Internet of Everything? Everything Talks to Everything! 328/27/2018Gabriel Manole,

33 Data transformation from smart object to the end-user consumers Sensors in Machines Share useful information with other people Data Center (Cloud) Controls the analyzed data and provides service to end-user Application Software Store and analyze data transported from connected machines Consumer Senses surroundings and collects data Mobile, router, wearable, thermometer

34 Applications of IoT Education Food Management IoT Applications Retail Logistics Pharmaceuticals

35 Impact of the Internet EducationBusinessCommunicationsEntertainmentMedical/Health

36 Automated driving 36 http://www.continental- 8/27/2018Gabriel Manole,

37 Management –Data management –Waste management –Urban planning –Production management

38 › Predictive Maintenance › Fleet Management › Worker Productivity Optimization › Energy Management Application areas: Factories


40 Industrial Engineering in the Digital World

41 What is the next big thing 41 Collect more data from everywhere Put more algorithms behind Make more applications More inputs  More processing  More actuators User interface  Application processing  Things back to humans and machines 8/27/2018Gabriel Manole,

42 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Typical Role The Industrial Engineer constantly strives to make things work better, whether it involves processes, products, or systems. The Industrial Engineer is the bridge between management goals and the company’s operational performance

43 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Industry Field of Focus Line Design Methods Development Production Preparation (Facilities Planning) Production Improvement (Productivity and methods improvement ) Quality measurement and improvement Ergonomics & human factors engineering

44 In Today’s Digital Lean and Mean Environment Continued focus on value chain improvements Integration of Lean Management, Six Sigma, TOC principles to create value to customers Job shift from tradition positions to positions such as process/product development and innovation management where higher opportunities to reduce costs exists Increased orientation on people-emotional intelligence, knowledge management, coaching, training and communication Design and develop teams in the entire organization particularly in a global production network setting

45 In Today’s Digital Lean and Mean Environment Penetrate new fields such as information systems, simulation, supply chain networks, and simplification of management processes


47 Future Job Qualifications

48 Future Job Responsibilities

49 Topics Discussed Industry 4.0 Internet of Things (iot) New Role of Industrial Engineers

50 Are you up to the challenge? Thank you


52 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE, AND TECHNOLOGY Subject: Quantitative Management Topic: Introduction to Operations Research/LP (Graphical Method) Lecturer: Engr. Ma. Estrella Natalie B. Pineda

53 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE, AND TECHNOLOGY Subject: Quantitative Management Topic: Introduction to Operations Research/LP (Graphical Method) Lecturer: Engr. Ma. Estrella Natalie B. Pineda

54 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE, AND TECHNOLOGY Subject: Quantitative Management Topic: Introduction to Operations Research/LP (Graphical Method) Lecturer: Engr. Ma. Estrella Natalie B. Pineda

55 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE, AND TECHNOLOGY Subject: Quantitative Management Topic: Introduction to Operations Research/LP (Graphical Method) Lecturer: Engr. Ma. Estrella Natalie B. Pineda

56 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE, AND TECHNOLOGY Subject: Quantitative Management Topic: Introduction to Operations Research/LP (Graphical Method) Lecturer: Engr. Ma. Estrella Natalie B. Pineda

57 Transform into Knowledge workers (KWs) – People who create, use, and disseminate knowledge Students completing business degrees with a global or international orientation Enhance IT skills


59 Role of Knowledge Worker analyzing data to establish relationships assessing input in order to evaluate complex or conflicting priorities identifying and understanding trends making connections understanding cause and effect ability to brainstorm, thinking broadly (divergent thinking)divergent thinking ability to drill down, creating more focus (convergent thinking)convergent thinking producing a new capability creating or modifying a strategy


61 The Internet of Things (4) “Things having identities and virtual personalities operating in smart spaces using intelligent interfaces to connect and communicate within social, environmental, and user contexts”. -------IoT in 2020 (3) The term "Internet of Things" has come to describe a number of technologies and research disciplines that enable the Internet to reach out into the real world of physical objects. ------IoT 2008

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