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The Ear & Hearing By Michael J. Harman .

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Presentation on theme: "The Ear & Hearing By Michael J. Harman ."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ear & Hearing By Michael J. Harman 

2 External Ear

3 Auricle

4 External auditory meatus

5 Middle Ear

6 Tympanic membrane Eardrum

7 Auditory ossicles

8 Malleus

9 Incus

10 Stapes

11 Auditory (Eustacian) tube

12 Internal Ear

13 Osseous labyrinth Outer white layer (osseous means bony)

14 Membranous labyrinth Inner gray layer

15 Cochlea

16 Oval window Behind the stapes

17 Round window Oval Window

18 Organ of Corti Contains receptor hair cells

19 Semicircular canal

20 Ampulla Swelling at one end of all 3 semicircular canals

21 Saccule Expanded chamber that communicates with the cochlea

22 Utricle Expanded chamber that communicates with the saccule from the semicircular canals

23 Vestibulocochlear (Auditory) nerve

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