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LTC 310 Education for Service--

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1 LTC 310 Education for Service--

2 LTC 310 Entire Course For more classes visit LTC 310 Week 1 Individual Assignment Programs and Services Matrix LTC 310 Week 1 Learning Team DQ LTC 310 Week 1 DQ 1 LTC 310 Week 1 DQ 2

3 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 1 DQ 1 For more classes visit Where should an individual seek assistance when he or she wants to maintain independence but is physically unable? Who can provide this information?

4 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 1 DQ 2 For more classes visit What community services are available in your community? What services do you think should be available that currently are not?

5 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 1 Individual Assignment Programs and Services Matrix For more classes visit Resource: Programs and Services Matrix Grading Criteria Complete University Material: Programs and Services Matrix, located on your student website. Use the matrix to identify five different types of programs or services available for long-term care populations.

6 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 1 Learning Team DQ For more classes visit What do you think is the main reason for the recent expansion of long- term care? What types of programs or services do you think have expanded the most?

7 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 2 DQ 1 For more classes visit Choose one community program and research the qualifications for clients to receive services. Do you think these requirements are too strict or too lenient, or neither? Why? How might the community be affected if these requirements were changed?

8 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 2 DQ 2 For more classes visit What two community programs do you think would be most beneficial for your community? Why?

9 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 2 Individual Assignment Evolution of Programs and Services Paper For more classes visit Resource: Evolution of Programs and Services Paper Grading Criteria Write a 700- to 1,050- word paper about the evolution of programs and services for aging populations over the last 50 years. Include the following:

10 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 2 Learning Team DQ For more classes visit What is the difference in services provided for an assisted-living recipient and a skilled-care recipient?

11 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 3 DQ 1 For more classes visit How can education help with disease prevention?

12 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 3 DQ 2 For more classes visit What are some benefits of social programs? How do these benefits change with different populations?

13 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 3 Learning Team DQ For more classes visit What are some benefits of educational programs? How do these benefits change with different populations?

14 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 3 Team Assignment Community Newsletter Outline For more classes visit Resource: University Material: Program or Service Observation Form, located on your student website; Community Newsletter Outline Grading Criteria Create a list of long-term care programs or services you would like to observe, such as home-delivered meals, fitness classes, or transportation assistance.

15 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 4 DQ 1 For more classes visit Is it easy to find the licensure requirements for administrators in your state? Is it easy to determine the qualifications programs or services must meet to serve the community? Why is it important for clients to be able to find this information easily?

16 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 4 DQ 2 For more classes visit What is the effect of regulation and funding on the delivery of community services?

17 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 4 Individual Assignment New Service Brochure For more classes visit Resource: New Service Brochure Grading Criteria Develop an idea for a new long-term care service or program that is not offered in your community. Create a tri-fold brochure to market your idea. Answer the following in your brochure:

18 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 4 Learning Team DQ For more classes visit What are some sources of funding for community programs and services?

19 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 5 DQ 1 For more classes visit What is the effect of technology on the delivery of health care and services?

20 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 5 DQ 2 For more classes visit How do you think community programs and services will change over the next 10 years?

21 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 5 Learning Team DQ For more classes visit Will the current health care system support the demand increase of the growing population of older adults? Why?

22 LTC 310 Education for Service-- LTC 310 Week 5 Team Assignment Community Newsletter For more classes visit Imagine that you and your teammates live in the same community and all of the programs and services you observed are located in this community. However, most people in your community are not aware of these programs or services. You have decided to create an informational newsletter that will be sent to every household in the community. This newsletter must provide an overview of each program or service your team observed.

23 LTC 310 Education for Service--

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