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Trails Carolina Therapy Program

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1 Trails Carolina THERAPY PROGRAM

2 ABOUT US Parents explore trails and therapy programs when they are in trouble with their children and family. Trails Carolina is No. 1 industry pioneer in North Carolina. We have more than 10 years of work experience. Here we provide Individual Therapy, Family Involvement Therapy, Equine Therapy, Wilderness Therapy. Our therapy programs are special for kids and family.Individual Therapy 2

3 Wilderness for Healing & Self-Reflection In the wilderness there are unwritten rules that cannot be broken and offer natural consequences when not followed. For example, if a student refuses to put on a rain jacket when it starts to rain, they will experience uncomfortable wet clothes on their body for an unknown period of time. These rules foster improved accountability and self-reflection. This is the power of wilderness therapy programs.wilderness therapy

4 FAMILY INVOLVEMENT Involving the Family Leads to Better Student Success

5 “ Your child’s long-term success depends greatly on family support, participation, education, and growth. We know that an adolescent who returns to an unchanged family is more likely to begin gravitating back to old habits and behaviors. For this reason, we have a comprehensive family-based program that is an integral part of the Trails wilderness program.



8 Contact us


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