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Presentation on theme: "ERGONOMICS FOR PLAY & LEISURE "— Presentation transcript:

1 ERGONOMICS FOR PLAY & LEISURE DR. FATIMA ZEHRA (Physical Therapist) School of Physiotherapy, IPMR Dow University of Health Sciences

2  Currently, health promotion in schools is growing ever more important.  In this context, the students’ “work place” has to receive much more attention in terms of a better inclusion of ergonomic seating and working conditions which has been the centre of public debate.  Not only do adults spend an increasing amount of their time sitting, but students as well

3  Self-affirmation: with positive quality of life  Self-expression: how do we carry out activity belonging and social engagement  Relaxation: hopeful to them  Cognitive, emotional and physical activities WHAT DOES LEISURE & PLAY OFFER'S?

4  Personal traits  Cultural factors: genders  Personal choice and interests like running  Environment and contexts dictates interests like Olympic runners CHOICES INFLUENCE POSITIVELY OR NEGATIVELY

5  Personal behavior like:  Temperament  Personality  Physical stamina and skills  Cognitive skills PERSONALITY BEHAVIOR AFFECT CHOICES

6  Play is main goal  Exposure: need them to develop trust that they can kick soccer ball, play exploration INFANCY AND EARLY CHILDHOOD

7  Lose some interests because of school  Need to take time for self to resolve stress YOUNG ADULTHOOD

8  Marriage, kids, sandwich generation  Taking care-multiple roles  Interests shift when you have kids MIDDLE ADULTHOOD

9  Retirement  Interests reappear  Play/leisure exploration and participation "golden years” OLDER ADULTS

10 1. Realistic: thinks concretely, practice and tools, machines, hands on 2. Investigative: analytical, problem solving, aimed at creativity 3. Artistic: crafty 4. Social: with people 5. Enterprising: creating, working with advisory in persuasive way 6. Conventional: numbers, orderly way to meet different needs HOLLAND'S 6 CATEGORIES OF WORK+PEOPLE

11  Ergonomics for the Therapist by Karen Jacobs 3 rd edition.  Articles on children ergonomics REFERENCES


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