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Rubicon How To Guide October 2012 Travel Campaign

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1 Rubicon How To Guide October 2012 Travel Campaign Discovering and Negotiating Private Marketplaces Opportunities with REVV CONNECT

2 Why REVV Connect? One of the greatest challenges in setting up effective and profitable private marketplaces is finding the best publishers, figuring out what they are offering, and getting the best deals. With REVV Connect, Rubicon has created an interface for you to discover, negotiate and set up private marketplaces with the most premium publishers on the web. October 2012 Travel Campaign This How-to Guide will walk you though the process of finding private marketplaces opportunities, creating proposals and finalizing deals so you can use REVV Connect to its fullest advantage.

3 Reaching REVV Connect REVV Connect url:
Sign in with the username and password assigned to you This is the alpha release welcome screen. It will change as REVV Connect evolves Click GET STARTED to begin investigating private marketplaces publishers and creating proposals to start negotiating with them

4 Searching for Inventory
After sign-in you will automatically go to the SEARCH FOR INVENTORY page where you can view all marketplaces available on REVV Connect. To help you identify potential private marketplace partners, you can: FILTER INVENTORY to reduce inventory choices to only those that meet your needs Click on a Marketplace name for a DETAIL POP-UP ADD MARKETPLACES that interest you, to your list for further vetting.

5 Filtering Use FILTER INVENTORY to narrow your search to only the publishers that match your needs. You can choose any combination of choices. And you can search by Marketplace and Property names

6 Filtering Results Once you have made your filtering choices.
Click update and the Inventory listings will change to reflect your filters x x 6.25

7 Detailed Information Pop-Ups
You can read detailed information about each private marketplace Click on the marketplace name and a pop-up window will appear. When you have finished reading, you can add the Publisher to your proposal, or click close to return to the page.

8 Choosing Inventory When you had made your choices, click ‘Add to Proposal’ for each publisher you think you might like to send a proposal. Note the Marketplace button at the top right will reflect the number of publishers you have chosen. When you are satisfied with your choices, click ‘Continue’ Continue 2 Marketplaces 3 Marketplaces 1 Marketplace

9 Creating the Proposal A proposal can be created for one or multiple marketplaces, giving you the flexibility to connect to the inventory sources you are looking for. When you complete the process, identical proposals will be sent to each of your chosen Marketplaces. The three chosen Marketplaces are now listed in the right column. The PROPOSAL NAME you create will be the first thing your targeted partners see and the name will be used as a reference throughout the process. It works well to make it descriptive and clear. October 2012 Travel Campaign NOTE: By clicking a publisher’s name at any point while creating your proposal, you can review the pop-up with their detailed information. If needed, you can remove a publisher at any time by clicking ‘Remove.’

10 Creating the Proposal A proposal can be created for one or multiple marketplaces, giving you the flexibility to connect to the inventory sources you are looking for. When you complete the process, identical proposals will be sent to each of your chosen Marketplaces. The three chosen Marketplaces are now listed in the right column. The PROPOSAL NAME you create will be the first thing your targeted partners see and the name will be used as a reference throughout the process. It works well to make it descriptive and clear. You must select your DSP. The pull down list includes all DSPs enabled with deal ID. If your DSP is not listed, NOTE: By clicking a publisher’s name at any point while creating your proposal, you can review the pop-up with their detailed information. If needed, you can remove a publisher at any time by clicking ‘Remove.’

11 Creating the Proposal A proposal can be created for one or multiple marketplaces, giving you the flexibility to connect to the inventory sources you are looking for. When you complete the process, identical proposals will be sent to each of your chosen Marketplaces. The three chosen Marketplaces are now listed in the right column. The PROPOSAL NAME you create will be the first thing your targeted partners see and the name will be used as a reference throughout the process. It works well to make it descriptive and clear. You must select your DSP. The pull down list includes all DSPs enabled with deal ID. If your DSP is not listed, You must also choose a CLASS TYPE from the pull down. It is helpful to keep referring to the marketplace information in the right column as you fill in your proposal. FIRST RIGHT OF REFUSAL — First access to all eligible impressions at a specified price floor. PREFERRED ACCESS — Access to inventory at a specified price floor. This can be done at the advertiser, agency, trading desk, or DSP level. PRIVATE ACCESS — Exclusive access to a segment of inventory as negotiated with publisher. NOTE: By clicking a publisher’s name at any point while creating your proposal, you can review the pop-up with their detailed information. If needed, you can remove a publisher at any time by clicking ‘Remove.’

12 Creating the Proposal A proposal can be created for one or multiple marketplaces, giving you the flexibility to connect to the inventory sources you are looking for. When you complete the process, identical proposals will be sent to each of your chosen Marketplaces. The three chosen Marketplaces are now listed in the right column. The PROPOSAL NAME you create will be the first thing your targeted partners see and the name will be used as a reference throughout the process. It works well to make it descriptive and clear. You must select your DSP. The pull down list includes all DSPs enabled with deal ID. If your DSP is not listed, You must also choose a CLASS TYPE from the pull down. It is helpful to keep referring to the marketplace information in the right column as you fill in proposal. You must enter a BID CPM. This is to start off the negotiation process and can be revised later as you work with various publishers. NOTE: By clicking a publisher’s name at any point while creating your proposal, you can review the pop-up with their detailed information. If needed, you can remove a publisher at any time by clicking ‘Remove.’

13 Listing your Advertisers
Adding advertisers to your proposal details is not mandatory, but it is a very good practice to do so. Most publishers have block lists, and by listing your advertisers, any potential conflicts can be indentified at the beginning of the Marketplace negotiations, rather than causing problems later in the process. If you don’t identify your advertisers, the publisher’s block list will still be enforced. You can add advertisers one-by-one using the ‘Search for Advertisers’ box, or you can create a Saved Advertisers List which can then be loaded whenever you create a proposal. SIDEBAR: To create a Saved Advertiser List click on the ADMIN tab. We are showing you the Saved Advertiser List process on the next slide but it isn’t part of the regular proposal creation flow. If you go to the admin page while creating a proposal, when you return to the proposal you will have to reenter your information. It is most useful to create and save your Advertiser List at another time. NOTE: By clicking a publisher’s name at any point while creating your proposal, you can review the pop-up with their detailed information. If needed, you can remove a publisher at any time by clicking ‘Remove.’

14 Creating a Saved Advertiser List
Before you can save your advertiser list you must fill in the Account information. The name, phone and should be contact information for the person who will receive alerts and who publishers might contact. Populate your Advertiser list by typing in an advertiser name (in this example Ford Motor Company) and a suggestion list will appear. When you click on the name it transfers to your list. Over 63,000 advertisers are in the Rubicon system, but if your advertiser doesn’t appear, When your list is complete, click ‘Save Changes’ and your list will be saved. We will now return to the Create Proposal process Ford Motor Company

15 Proposal Details When you click on LOAD SAVED ADVERTISER LIST, your list will auto- populate. Note: You can still make any additions or deletions to your advertiser list as needed. NOTE: By clicking a publisher’s name at any point while creating your proposal, you can review the pop-up with their detailed information. If needed, you can remove a publisher at any time by clicking ‘Remove.’

16 Proposal Details When you click on LOAD SAVED ADVERTISER LIST, your list will auto- populate. Note: You can still make any additions or deletions to your advertiser list as needed. Adding GEOGRAPHY AND AD SIZES is not mandatory at this point but you will need to furnish this information to your Marketplaces for the delivery of impressions. Entering the information now will save you a step later. NOTE: By clicking a publisher’s name at any point while creating your proposal, you can review the pop-up with their detailed information. If needed, you can remove a publisher at any time by clicking ‘Remove.’

17 Proposal Details When you click on LOAD SAVED ADVERTISER LIST, your list will auto- populate. Note: You can still make any additions or deletions to your advertiser list as needed. Adding GEOGRAPHY AND AD SIZES is not mandatory at this point but you will need to furnish this information to your Marketplaces for the delivery of impressions. Entering the information now will save you a step later. Including DAILY MINIMUM SPEND AND DAILY IMPRESSIONS is not a commitment, but does provide the publisher with some guidance on your expectations. Note: The Spend and Impression numbers are per individual publisher. If you note a Minimum spend of $10k each publisher will see a daily spend of $10k in their proposal. NOTE: By clicking a publisher’s name at any point while creating your proposal, you can review the pop-up with their detailed information. If needed, you can remove a publisher at any time by clicking ‘Remove.’

18 Proposal Details When you click on LOAD SAVED ADVERTISER LIST, your list will auto- populate. Note: You can still make any additions or deletions to your advertiser list as needed. Adding GEOGRAPHY AND AD SIZES is not mandatory at this point but you will need to furnish this information to your Marketplaces for the delivery of impressions. Entering the information now will save you a step later. Including DAILY MINIMUM SPEND AND DAILY IMPRESSIONS is not a commitment, but does provide the publisher with some guidance on your expectations. Note: The Spend and Impression numbers are per individual publisher. If you note a Minimum spend of $10k each publisher will see a daily spend of $10k in their proposal. The START DATE auto-populates as the current date. Marketplace Proposals can be done as immediate, or you can do future planning. Change the start and end dates as needed. NOTE: By clicking a publisher’s name at any point while creating your proposal, you can review the pop-up with their detailed information. If needed, you can remove a publisher at any time by clicking ‘Remove.’

19 Proposal Details When you click on LOAD SAVED ADVERTISER LIST, your list will auto- populate. Note: You can still make additions or deletions to your advertiser list as needed. Adding GEOGRAPHY AND AD SIZES is not mandatory at this point but you will need to furnish this information to your Marketplaces for the delivery of impressions. Entering the information now will save you a step later. Including DAILY MINIMUM SPEND AND DAILY IMPRESSIONS is not a commitment, but does provide the publisher with some guidance on your expectations. Note: The Spend and Impression numbers are per individual publisher. If you note a Minimum spend of $10k each publisher will see a daily spend of $10k in their proposal. The START DATE auto-populates as the current date. Marketplace Proposals can be done as immediate, or you can do future planning. Change the start and end dates as needed. NOTES will go to each publisher with the proposal. Feel free to include anything relevant. When you are happy with your choices, click the SUBMIT BUTTON and your proposal will be sent to each of your Selected Marketplaces. NOTE: By clicking a publisher’s name at any point while creating your proposal, you can review the pop-up with their detailed information. If needed, you can remove a publisher at any time by clicking ‘Remove.’

20 The Deals Page When you submit a proposal you will automatically go to the DEALS PAGE where you will see all your pending, active and denied deals. All proposals remain in NEW DEALS IN NEGOTIATION until the deal has been finalized. Each publisher will review the proposal sent to them and either approve it, deny it, or begin a discussion with you via the comments section of the Deal Detail page. The next page shows what a publisher receives for review and decision. Note: Details of the Deal Examples vary. They are from several deals and used for illustrative purposes only.

21 Negotiations begin Buyer Proposal Dates October 1,2012 to October 31, 2012 Buyer Your company DSP MediaMathRTB Geography -All Countries- Ad Sizes 300x250, 728x90 Class Preferred BID CPM $3.80 Daily Min. Spend US $1,000.00 Daily Impressions 265,000 Advertisers ABC Bank of America Corporation Campbell Soup Company Ford Motor Company Kraft Food Inc. P&G Everyday Free Credit Reports This is the PUBLISHERS VERSION OF A DEALS DETAIL PAGE. The publisher reviews the proposal and approves, denies or starts a dialogue by adding a comment. In this example the publisher is sending a comment. You will receive an notification, and when you return to REVV Connect and click on the deal name in your Deals page... from Your Company Name I will approve this Marketplace with a $3.80 CPM if you remove advertiser Free Credit Reports and commit to the full month at $1000 per day. We are considering a feature article about great movie locations which could be done in October. We would be interested in talking with you about premium inventory possibilities Note: Details of the Deal Examples vary. They are from several deals and used for illustrative purposes only.

22 Negotiations Continue will go YOUR VERSION OF THE DEAL DETAIL PAGE. The publisher’s comment will be in the Discussion section. You have the options to revise your proposal as needed, and/or add a comment to go back to the publisher. When you click the Revise Proposal or Add Comment buttons you will go to... from Your Company Name 3.80 Date and time I will approve this Marketplace with a $3.80 CPM if you remove advertiser Free Credit Reports and commit to the full month at $1000 per day. We are considering a feature article about great movie... locations which could be done in October. We would be interested in talking with you about premium inventory possibilities Note: Details of the Deal Examples vary. They are from several deals and used for illustrative purposes only.

23 Negotiations Still Continue
... this revision page which allows you to make changes and add a comment. In this example, you want to make the changes has requested. You can remove the requested advertiser from your advertiser list by scrolling down as needed and clicking the red X, and then reply to them in the Comment box. When you click the Save and Respond button, your changes and comments will go back to the publisher. This back and forth conversation can go on as long as needed, with the total conversation recorded in the Discussion area in reverse chronological order. from Your Company Name 3.80 I have removed Free Credit report from my advertiser list. I am very interested in talking with you about your October feature. Date and time I will approve this Marketplace with a $3.80 CPM if you remove advertiser Free Credit Reports and commit to the full month at $1000 per day. We are considering a feature article about great movie... locations which could be done in October. We would be interested in talking with you about premium inventory possibilities Note: Details of the Deal Examples vary. They are from several deals and used for illustrative purposes only.

24 The Deal is Done When negotiations are finished and the deal is done YOUR VERSION OF THE DEAL DETAIL PAGE will no longer include a Revise Proposal button. You will still be able to send comments to the publishers but the parameters of the deal are now set. from Your Company Name 3.80 Your company Date and time I have removed Free Credit report from my advertiser list. I am very interested in talking with you about your October feature. Date and time I will approve this Marketplace with a $3.80 CPM if you remove advertiser Free Credit Reports and commit to the full month at $1000 per day. We are considering a feature article about great movie... locations which could be done in October. We would be interested in talking with you about premium inventory possibilities Note: Details of the Deal Examples vary. They are from several deals and used for illustrative purposes only. Page 24

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