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Sociology Overview

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Presentation on theme: "Sociology Overview "— Presentation transcript:

1 Sociology Overview OTHS Mr. Albers

2 Which would you choose? 1. An 85% chance of winning $1000 (which means a 15% chance of winning nothing) 2. An absolute certainty that you will win $800

3 My Prediction… The Majority of people are on this side of the room

4 Which would you choose? 1. An 85% chance of losing $1000 (which means a 15% chance of losing nothing) 2. An absolute certainty that you will lose $800

5 My Prediction… The Majority of people are on this side of the room

6 17 x 24 No paper and pencil, no calculators Raise your hand when a possible answer appears: 12,609 123 568 41

7 17 x 24 The real answer has not been revealed yet In your head, calculate the exact answer.

8 17 x 24 By observing your behavior, I can tell who actually attempted the calculation in their head… Those who did it: Muscles tensed up Pupils dilated Heart rate & blood pressure rose Pupils returned to normal after the calculation was complete (or when you gave up)

9 What we are going to do this semester: Is study human behavior, to understand why people react the way they do, and how we can learn to: Predict what is about to happen Understand what has happened Figure out why Differentiate between known response & the randomness of human behavior

10 This semester you will learn… Why violent protests & riot begin, and what factors caused them to escalate How do people trick themselves into thinking their bad behavior is OK? What is the power dynamic within your closest circle of friends? Family? Much, Much More!

11 Sociology Overview What will be expected of you? 1. Reading 2. Writing 3. Participation 4. Presentations

12 Sociology Overview Reading: 1. Text- a Sociology 101 College text 2. Articles - from various sources on either sociological topics, theories or research 3. Statistics- from various sources

13 Sociology Overview Participation: 1. Daily- asking pertinent questions and taking part in discussion topics

14 Sociology Overview Grading: 1. Tests- 50% 2. Homework- 40% 3. Participation- 10%

15 Sociology Overview The Course: 1. Intro to Sociology & Research 2. Topics such as : 3. Social Structure 4. Socialization 5. Lying 6. The power of Groups 1. Grouping and organizations 2. Mass media 3. Deviance & Social Control 4. Stratification & Social mobility 5. Racial/ ethnic. Gender inequality

16 Sociology Overview Sociology: 1. The systematic study of social behavior and human groups

17 Sociology Overview Sociology: 1. "...tradition does not arouse, but tends to rather to preclude, thought and reflection." (from Education and Sociology- Durkheim)

18 Sociology Overview Assignment: 1. “An Invitation to Sociology” - Peter Berger (Homework grade) 2. Do the Pre Test online tonight!

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