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Sociology Compared to other Social Sciences

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Presentation on theme: "Sociology Compared to other Social Sciences "— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to Sociology Sociology Compared to other Social Sciences OTHS Mr. Albers

2 Sociology Compared… Today… 1. Sociology Defined 2. Natural Sciences vs. Social Sciences 3. Comparisons 4. Common Sense

3 Sociology Compared… Sociology: 1. The systematic study of social behavior and human groups 2. "Sociology can then be defined as the science of institutions, of their genesis and of their functioning." (Durkheim- The Rules of Sociological Method)

4 Sociology Compared… Natural Science: 1. The study of physical features of nature and the ways in which they interact and change. 2. Examples: Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Geology….

5 Sociology Compared… Social Science: 1. The study of social features of humans and the ways they interact and change. 2. Examples: Sociology, Economics, History, Political Science.

6 Sociology Compared… Sociology and common sense: 1. Common sense comes from our experiences, conversations, reading, television, etc. 2. Common sense is unreliable

7 Sociology Compared… Sociology & common sense: 1. Sociologists do not accept something as fact because “everyone knows it” 2. Instead, information must be tested, recorded and analyzed.

8 Sociology Compared… "Today it is generally sufficient that (truths or ideas) bear the stamp of science to receive a sort of privileged credit, because we have faith in science. But this faith does not differ essentially from religious faith. In the last resort, the value which we attribute to science depends upon the idea which we collectively form of its nature and role in life; that is as much as to say that it expresses a state of public opinion. In all social life, in fact, science rests upon opinion." (Durkheim- The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life)

9 Sociology Compared… Assignment: 1. “What is Sociology” article- Henslin. Homework grade.

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