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Seasonal Car Repairs that you Must Carry Out

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Presentation on theme: "Seasonal Car Repairs that you Must Carry Out "— Presentation transcript:


2 Cars are complex machines and the performance of your car can be affected by many factors, from the age of the car and its various parts to the way it is driven.

3 Due to this there are certain repairs that are most important to carry out in a particular time of the year.

4 If you visit an automotive repair shop, then you can ask them about the common repairs carried out by them for a particular season.

5 Here are the details about season specific repair that you must carry out in your car.


7 If you analyze the spring season, then you will find out the wheel speed sensor and the trunk latch as the standard parts which suffer wear and tear in the particular season.

8 Moreover, nearly 44% of timing chains were replaced in the spring season with their numbers significantly decreasing during the fall & winter.

9 This occurs because spring being a dry season during which a lot of dust & grit get into the oil that clogs the timing chain.

10 Furthermore, window repairs are also very common during these season as the window motor and the regulator malfunction.


12 The components that often require repair in the summer season is not at all surprising as the AC malfunctions because people will use it often.

13 The issues in the AC system can be anything from a simple fix like a standard recharge, or issues in the condenser fan or compressor relay to complicated issues like the whole AC system failure.

14 It is a very good idea to get your AC system inspected before the setting of the summer month which will detect any problem in it before the summer season sets in.

15 Moreover, issues with the general window assembly, cooling fan and fan clutch system are more common in the summer season.


17 The fall season is slightly less predictable time for repairs. However, you can face heater problems in your car.

18 Moreover, problems with your car's air spring might also crop up as it is common for people to take a long trip in the fall season.

19 Furthermore, a problem with the window system may also appear as people spend a great deal of time in the spring and summer getting a great deal of use out of their windows which wear them down.


21 Due to the drop in temperature, it is common for people to use the heating system in their car as frequent use of the heating system also leads to their malfunctioning.

22 Moreover, the fluids will also thicken and at times may even freeze in cold conditions leading to issues with the windshield washer, pumps, resoirvers and oil cooler lines.

23 All these issues highlight the importance of carrying out the regular and preventive maintenance of your car.

24 ReggiesMotorworks/ ions/16294104/reggies-motorworks-inc/ Thank You!

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