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Male Organ Rash Causes: Get to Know These Plants!

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1 Male Organ Rash Causes: Get to Know These Plants!

2 A handsome manhood makes a man feel confident and sensual – and can be very enticing to potential partners as well. On the other hand, a member that is blotchy and scaly from a male organ rash does little for a guy’s self-esteem or to win him points with existing or potential bedmates. Avoiding a male organ rash is a big part of good male organ care. One of the ways to keep male organ rash away is to know which plants may be responsible for creating skin rashes. Many men may think that it’s unlikely they will get a male organ rash from a plant unless they go traipsing through a field unclothed. In fact, often the ingredients that cause a rash can get spread to the manhood from clothing or from other skin that comes into contact with them. So even if one is not a naturist, it pays to know which plants are troublesome and to stay away from them.

3 The big three Almost everyone knows about the big three of poisonous plants – poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. But just because they are well-known doesn’t mean people are successful in avoiding them. Before going on a nature hike or a camping trip, it pays to study up on pictures of this trio so that a guy can stay far away. And, as with any potential rash-making plants, if in doubt, just don’t go near them.

4 Nettles Nettles are another culprit in the male organ rash category – and these are perhaps the worst, as they not only can cause a rash but can be accompanied by very painful stinging as well. Some who have wandered through a waist high field of stinging nettles have described it as like having a swarm of bees attack their member and sacks. The sting of the wood nettle tends to go away after an hour or so, but that of t6he stinging nettle can last for several painful hours. And the resulting hive- like rash can last for a day or two.

5 Leadwort Leadwort is a very attractive ground covering, sometimes also called plumbago. It thrives in a hot environment, so those in northern climes are less likely to encounter it. Leadwort has a distinctive light blue petal that tends to appear in clusters of five petals each. Those who are allergic to it may find themselves with red blisters or welts; the associated pain is fairly light but the appearance can be alarming.

6 Ragweed People with allergies know that ragweed is commonly associated with hay fever, but it can also bring about skin issues as well. It manifests as red streaks across the skin.

7 Giant hogweed This other common cause of hay fever can produce an even more severe rash, one which is not unlike a second degree burn in appearance. As it heals, it may even leave scars. Fortunately, the rashing is unlikely to occur unless the affected area is exposed to sunlight – so that may make its danger as a male organ rash less likely for most men.

8 Getting proper treatment for a male organ rash due to allergic reactions to plants may require the involvement of a doctor. But it may also be an aid to keep the male organ skin healthy by regular use of a top ranked male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Manhood skin is generally healthier if it is properly hydrated, so use a crème that contains a combination of superior moisturizing agents, such as vitamin E and shea butter. In addition, the better cremes will also contain L-arginine, an amino acid which helps boost nitric oxide production in the body. This in turn helps keep male organ blood vessels open and available for increased blood volume when required.

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