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PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND APPRAISAL SYSTEM. A school district shall ensure that all teachers are provided with an orientation of the Professional Development.

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Presentation on theme: "PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND APPRAISAL SYSTEM. A school district shall ensure that all teachers are provided with an orientation of the Professional Development."— Presentation transcript:


2 A school district shall ensure that all teachers are provided with an orientation of the Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) no later than the final day of the first three weeks of school and at least three weeks before the first observation. PDAS TEACHER ORIENTATION

3 Learner Centered Aligned High Standard of Proficiency Teacher Growth and Teacher Improvement Collaboration PDAS CHARACTERISTICS

4 Research based instruction Students thoroughly engaged Technology integration Teachers actively participating High levels of thought Students using new learning to create and solve Classroom atmosphere that is conductive to learning EXPECTED OBSERVATIONS

5 Teacher Orientation Teacher Self Report (TSR) Formal Classroom Observation Walkthroughs Student Performance as seen in Campus Performance Rating Summative Annual Report/Conference Appraisal Process Steps


7 ► Critical Attributes ► Quality of the lesson ► Quantity – In what percentage of the lesson can the critical attributes be observed? Scoring Factors and Performance Level Indicators

8 Domain I – Quantity and Quality of active students participation in learning process Domain II – Learner-Centered instruction, including appropriate goals and objectives, research based strategies, high level thinking, student engagement. Domain III – Assessment of student progress towards meeting the objective being taught- How do you know they got it? Critical attributes

9 Domain IV – Student and classroom management. Efficient and effective use of class time involving all students. Domain V – Professional communication- Do you communicate effectively and positively with students, parents, co-workers, community members? Do you represent our school well? Critical attributes cont.

10 Domain VI – Professional Development – Are you constantly looking for ways to improve yours teaching. Prof. Dev., research, innovation. Domain VII – Compliance and directives, policies, rules, etc. How committed are you to taking an active role in making our school safe and excellent? Domain VIII – How effective is your work toward improving student performance? Critical attributes cont.

11 S trength I mpact V ariety A lignment Quality Scoring Standards

12 Thinking at high cognitive levels Depth & Complexity Significant Content Connecting within/across disciplines & work/life applications Effective, clear & substantive S trength

13 Promotes student success Effective use of assessments Data-driven decision making Responsibility Reflection Challenging Impact

14 Varied student characteristics Differentiated instruction Support strategies & services Variety

15 Curriculum, instruction and assessment aligned with TEKS & district objectives Targeted instruction Congruent Alignment

16 Remember, “The goal of PDAS is to improve student performance through the professional development of teachers.” Professional Development and Appraisal System

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