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Chapter Menu Chapter Introduction Lesson 2Lesson 2The Cell.

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2 Chapter Menu Chapter Introduction Lesson 2Lesson 2The Cell

3 Chapter Introduction How do the structures and processes of a cell enable it to survive?

4 Lesson 1 Cell theoryCell theory includes three principles. Getty Images

5 Lesson 2 The size and shape of a cell relates to its job or function. Cells are made of different structures that perform different functions that keep a cell alive. Cell Shape and Movement

6 Section 1 The Diversity of Cells Cells and the Cell Theory In 1665, Robert Hooke was the first person to describe cells when looking at cork with a microscope. Hooke observed cells in plants and fungi. Finding Cells in Other Organisms In 1673, Anton von Leeuwenhoek discovered single- celled organisms (protists : Eukaryotic unicellular)) in pond scum. Leeuwenhoek was also the first to see blood cells, bacterial cells, and yeast cells. Chapter C1

7 Section 1 The Diversity of Cells Cells and the Cell Theory, continued In 1838, Matthias Schleiden concluded that all plant parts were made of cells. In 1839, Theodor Schwann concluded that all animal tissues were made of cells. In 1858, Rudolf Virchow stated that all cells could form only from other cells. These three discoveries led to the cell theory. Chapter C1

8 Lesson 2 With more advanced microscopes, scientists discovered that all cells can be grouped into two types: prokaryotic cells eukaryotic cells Cell Types Most prokaryotic cells are unicellular organisms called prokaryotes.

9 Lesson 2 The genetic material in a prokaryotic cell is not surrounded by a membrane. There is a small amount of DNA in the form of a single, circular chromosome. Cell Types (cont.)



12 cell membrane  cell boundary  controls movement of materials in & out  recognizes signals cytoplasm  jelly-like material holding organelles in place mitochondria  make ATP energy from sugar + O2 nucleus  protects DNA  controls cell ribosomes  builds proteins ER  helps finish proteins  makes membranes Golgi apparatus  finishes, packages & ships proteins lysosome  food digestion  garbage disposal & recycling vacuole & vesicles  transport inside cells  storage centrioles  cell division

13 Lesson 2 The cell membrane is a flexible covering that protects the inside of a cell from the environment outside a cell.cell membrane A cell wall is a stiff structure outside the cell membrane that protects a cell from attack by viruses and other harmful organisms. The cell wall maintains the shape of a plant cell.cell wall Cell Shape and Movement

14 Lesson 2 The cytoskeleton maintains the shape of an animal cell. The cytoskeleton is a network of threadlike proteins that are joined together.cytoskeleton

15 Lesson 2 Cell appendages, like flagella and cilia, are often used for movement. Cell Shape and Movement (cont.)

16 Lesson 2 CytoplasmCytoplasm is fluid inside a cell that contains most of the cell’s water, salts, other molecules, and the cytoskeleton. Cell Shape and Movement (cont.) cytoplasm from Greek kytos, means “hollow vessel”; and plasma, means “something molded”

17 Lesson 2 Organelles enable cells to carry out different functions at the same time. The nucleus is the part of a eukaryotic cell that directs cell activities and contains genetic information stored in DNA.nucleus Nucleus

18 Directing Cellular Activity, continued Nucleus A double membrane called the nuclear envelope surrounds the nucleus. Nuclear pores located on the nuclear envelope act as channels to allow certain molecules to move in and out of the nucleus. The nucleolus is a structure within the nucleus where ribosome parts are made. These ribosome parts are transported out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm where they are assembled to form a complete ribosome. In most cells, the nucleus is the largest organelle. DNA in the nucleus is organized into structures called chromosomes.

19 Lesson 2 Ribosomes are in a cell’s cytoplasm and make proteins. Ribosomes can be attached to a weblike organelle called the endoplasmic reticulum, or ER. ER with ribosomes on its surface is called rough ER and is the site of protein production. Manufacturing Molecules

20 Lesson 2 Manufacturing Molecules (cont.) ER without ribosomes is called smooth ER. It makes lipids like cholesterol and helps remove harmful substances from a cell.

21 Lesson 2 Most eukaryotic cells contain mitochondria, where energy-releasing reactions occur. Chloroplasts (only in plant cells) are membrane-bound organelles that use light energy and make food—a sugar called glucose—from water and carbon dioxide through the process of photosynthesis.Chloroplasts Processing Energy

22 Lesson 2 The Golgi apparatus prepares proteins for their specific functions and packages the proteins into vesicles. Vesicles are organelles that transport substances from one area of a cell to another area of a cell. Vacuoles— organelles found in some cells—store food, water, and waste material. Processing, Storing, and Transporting Molecules

23 Lesson 2 Cell Organelles

24 Lesson 2 A cell is protected by a flexible covering called the cell membrane.

25 Lesson 2 Cells can be grouped into two types— prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. In a chloroplast, light energy is used for making sugars in a process called photosynthesis.

26 Lesson 2 A.appendages B.wall C.membrane D.organelles What is the flexible covering that protects the inside of a cell from the environment outside a cell?

27 Lesson 2 A.eukaryotic cells B.prokaryotic cells C.organelles D.chloroplasts Plants, animals, fungi, and protists are all made of which of these?

28 Lesson 2 A.cell membrane B.nucleus C.Golgi apparatus D.nuclear envelope What is the name for the part of a eukaryotic cell that directs cell activities and contains genetic information stored in DNA?

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