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Section English Grammar Lecturer. Mr Mubeen Kakepoto M.A ENGLISH (LITRETURE) Sugar Mills higher secondary school khoski.

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Presentation on theme: "Section English Grammar Lecturer. Mr Mubeen Kakepoto M.A ENGLISH (LITRETURE) Sugar Mills higher secondary school khoski."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section English Grammar Lecturer. Mr Mubeen Kakepoto M.A ENGLISH (LITRETURE) Sugar Mills higher secondary school khoski

2  Grammar= the set of rules of language is called grammar.  Letter = every member of alphabet is called a letter  Vowels = A,E,U,O,I  Consonants = b,c,d,f………..z  Word = A group of letters giving complete sense is called a word. Sit it  Sentence = A group of words giving complete sense is called sentence.

3  1- subject 2- verb 3- object  4- extension  Subject. The work performing person is called subject.  I,WE,SHE,IT.YOU,THEY,HE,NOUN  VERB. A word used to say something about an action of a noun or pronoun is called verb.  Object. The part a sentence towards which the action of verb is directed is called object.  Extension. The part of sentence excluding subject verb and object is called extension.

4  Example  1-I take tea early in the morning  I- subject  Take- verb  Tea- object  Early in the morning -extension

5  English  i- subject  ii-verb  Iii-object  Iv- extension

6  i- subject  Ii-extension  Iii-Object  Iv-Verb

7  Home work  What is noun?

8  The right use of putting points or stop in writing is called punctuation.














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