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Published byNitin Prajapati Modified over 6 years ago
Registers and Counters Register : A Group of Flip-Flops. N-Bit Register has N flip-flops. Each flip-flop stores 1-Bit Information. So N-Bit Register Stores N-Bit Information. Register may have combinational gates to perform data processing tasks. Counter: It is a Register that goes through predetermined sequence of states upon the application of input pulses.
Registers: Simplest form is one without any external gates. 4-Bit Register with D-type Flip-Flop and Common Clock Pulse Input CP. Four Inputs I1, I2, I3, I4 and Four Outputs A1, A2, A3 and A4.
Triggering (a) Level Triggered. When Clock=1, Output Q follows Input D as long as Clock=1 When Clock=0, information at Input D Just before the transition is retained at the Output Q. This Flip-Flop is sensitive to pulse duration, and output is enabled as long as Clock=1 A flip-flop that responds to the pulse duration is commonly called a Gated Latch.
Triggering (b)Edge Triggered. When Clock transits to Positive Level, during Positive Edge Transition Input D Just Before the transition is sampled by flip flop. Here D=1 before transition, so Q=1 as soon as positive edge transition occurs. Once flip-flop is Positive Edge triggered, now it keep the same value until next Positive Edge Comes. At next Positive edge, the value of Input D just before the Positive Edge transition is sampled. Here it is 0, so Q=0 till the next transition. Flip-flop triggered by edge is called Register.
Register with Parallel Load: Transfer of new Information into a register is called loading. If all Inputs (Bits) are simultaneously transferred with a single clock pulse it is called parallel loading as shown in fig. When CP=0, content of register left unchanged. When CP ↑ to 1, Input bits are loaded to flip-flops. Here Transition takes place during Positive Edge. If it takes place at Negative edge than in Figure, small circle under the triangle of clock pulse line will be shown.
Register with Parallel Load: If Control of Loading is to be done for specific clock pulses, then Clock is ANDed with such control signal. So when that control signal LOAD is 0, O/P of register remain unchanged. When LOAD is 1, at every Clock Pulse Positive Edge Information loaded to register is updated. I1I1 I2I2 I3I3 I4I4 LOAD CP
But ANDing Master Clock adds Gate Propagation Delay in Clock Path to Flip-flop Input Clock Pulses. If this delay is varied over the different flip-flops, then synchronization of circuit fails. So Gates are used in other control signals, and clocks are directly given to each flip-flop. Register with Parallel Load: I1I1 I2I2 I3I3 I4I4 LOAD CP
Register with Parallel Load: Load Input is ANDed with Inputs to the Flip-Flops. Buffer is used to Increase the Fan-out Capacity of Load Input. Even Clock is present, Loading is controlled by Keeping Load=1. With Load=0 Inputs to S and R of each Flip-Flop is 0. So No change in Output at any clock pulse. 4 Bit Register With Parallel load (RS Flip-Flops)
Register with Parallel Load: Clear input via Non- Inverting Buffer goes to one terminal on each flip-flop. ‘0’ on this clears all registers asynchronously. Clear Input is used to clear Register before clocked operation. 4 Bit Register With Parallel load (RS Flip-Flops)
Register with Parallel Load: Clock Pulse CP is given to each Flip-Flop via Inverter. Thus it is Negative Edge Triggering. Clock Input is using only one inverter to reduces load on Clock Generator. 4 Bit Register With Parallel load (RS Flip-Flops)
Register with Parallel Load: For Each I=1, with Load=1, corresponding inputs to F/F are S=1 and R=0, so Corresponding output A will Set at next clock pulse. For Each I=0, with Load=1, Corresponding inputs to F/F are S=0 and R=1, will clear corresponding o/p A. 4 Bit Register With Parallel load (RS Flip-Flops)
Register with Parallel Load: 4 Bit Register With Parallel load (D Flip-Flops) Clock and Clear Inputs are same as Register using RS Flip- Flops. When Load Input is 1, Inputs are transferred to registers on the next clock pulse. When Load Input is 0, circuit inputs are inhibited, and D flip- flops are reloaded with their present value (via feedback). Feedback Connection is necessary as there is no “No Change” input condition in D Flip-Flop.
Sequential Circuit using Registers with parallel load. Design a Sequential Circuit having given State – Table Output Equation and Next State Equations from table Using the Minterms placed in K-Map for each of the above equation
Sequential Circuit using Registers with parallel load. Logic Diagram
Shift Registers Register capable of shifting its binary information to the left or right is called shift register. Flip-Flops are in Cascade Configuration. O/P of One F/F to the I/P of Next F/F. Simplest form is one shown in Fig. which uses no gates, only flip-flops. Each Clock Pulse shifts contents of register one bit position to right. Serial Input Determines what goes into left most flip-flop during shift.
Serial Shift Right Register. Here Information is 5 Bit long, and is saved after 5 Clock Pulses. Shift Registers
Serial Transfer: In one Shift Register, One bit Information is passed from output of one flip-flop to next flip-flop. Serial Transfer of Information of N- bits from one Register to another register is done using Shift Registers connected as shown in Fig. Serial Output (SO) of Register A connected to Serial Input of Register B. Serial Bits Information of Register A is circulated to A to avoid loss of information.
Shift Registers Serial Transfer: Initial Information contained in Register B is Shifted out through its serial output SO and is lost if not captured by third shift register connected to it. Shift Control Determines when and how many times registers are shifted. AND gate allows clock pulses to pass into CP terminal only when Shift Control is 1.
Shift Registers Serial Transfer: For Shift Registers having 4 Bits Each. 4 Bits to be shifted from One Register to Another register. 1 bit is shifted in one clock pulse. So 4 Clock Pulses are required for 4 bit shift.
Shift Registers Shift Control is Kept High for duration equal to 4 clock pulses. It is synchronized with Clock and change its value just after Negative edge of clock pulse. CP Terminal Produces 4 Pulses T1, T2, T3 and T4. At 4 th Pulse Shift Control changes to 0 and CP is disabled. Serial Transfer:
Shift Registers Binary Content of A before the shift : 1011 Binary Content of B before the shift : 0010 Serial Output of B 0100101001 At T1 – Rightmost Bit of A is Shifted in to Leftmost Bit of B. Also it is Circulated in to leftmost position of A. Other Bits of A and B are shifted one position to right. Previous Serial Output from B is lost and its value changes to 1. In Next three clock pulses, identical shift operations are performed, shifting the bits of A into B. Serial Transfer:
Serial Output of B 0100101001 Shift Registers After the fourth Shift, Shift Control goes to 0 and both registers A and B have the value 1011. Content of Register A is Transferred to Register B, while content of Register A remain unchanged. Serial Transfer:
Bidirectional Shift Register with Parallel Load Serial to Parallel If access to o/p of each flip-flop of shift register then serially entered information by shifting can be taken out in parallel form from the o/p of flip-flops. Parallel to Serial Similarly Parallel Load Capability added to shift register allows to take out the parallel entered data in serial fashion by shifting data stored in register. A shift Register Capable of shifting both left and right is called Bidirectional Shift Register. Register having both Shift and Parallel Load Capability is called Shift Register with Parallel Load How to get both operations ?
Most general Shift register is having all capabilities like: 1.A Clear Control to clear register to 0. 2.A CP input for clock pulses to synchronize all operations. 3.A shift-right control to enable the shift-right operation and the serial input and output lines associated with shift-right. 4.A shift-left control to enable the shift-left operation and the serial input and output lines associated with shift-left. 5.A parallel-load control to enable a parallel transfer and n input lines associated with the parallel transfer. 6.n parallel output lines. 7.A control state that leaves information in the register unchanged even though clock pulses are continuously applied. Bidirectional Shift Register with Parallel Load
Serial Addition 4 Bits of Each Input x and y are serially entered and stored in Register A and Register B initially. Carry Flip Flop is Cleared. This carry is entered as z in Full Adder Circuit. Serial Output Bits SO of Each Shift Register Provides a pair of LSBs of two inputs x and y for Full Adder Circuit.
With Shift-right Control Input is 1, at every clock pulse One bit from A, from B are shifted right. At the same time Shift Right Enables D Flip-Flop to give output, which is carry input z to full adder. Serial Addition
At every clock pulse Input bits are entered in Full Adder, Sum bit generated is circulated back to the Register A and If carry generated than, it is added during next clock pulse, with next two successive bits. After four clock cycles Shift right disables clock pulse CP, so Sum is retained in Register A.
To add a new number with contents of A, it is first serially transferred to B, and then Shift Right initiates Serial Addition Operation Serial Addition
Serial Adder using Sequential Circuit and Shift Registers Previous Carry CarrySum C=Q(Next State)
Serial Adder using Sequential Circuit and Shift Registers
Ripple Counter : Flip-flop output transition serves as a source of triggering other flip-flops. CP input to all flip-flops ( Except first flip-flop) are triggered not by incoming clock pulse but rather by transition that occur in other flip-flops. Synchronous Counter: Input pulses are applied to CP Inputs of all flip-flops. Change of state or a particular flip-flop is dependent on present state of other flip-flops. Counters
Ripple Counter : Clock Pulse is Negative edge triggering Type. JK flip-flops with both J and K equal to 1 toggles output at next negative edge transition of clock. 4 Bit Binary Ripple Counter It is Up Counter. For Down Counter (1111 to 0000), O/P taken from Q’ or Positive Edge triggering used.
Ripple Counter : 4 Bit Binary Ripple Counter
Ripple Counter : 4 Bit BCD Ripple Counter State Diagram of BCD Counter Q8 Q4 Q2 Q1 Q1 Complements every Clock Pulse negative edge Q2 is complemented when Q8=0 and Q1 goes from 1 to 0. Q2 is cleared when Q8=1 and Q1 goes from 1 to 0. Q4 is complemented when Q2 goes from 1 to 0. Q8 is complemented when Q4Q2=11 and Q1 goes from 1 to 0. Q8 is cleared when either Q4 or Q2 is 0 and Q1 goes from 1 to 0.
Ripple Counter : 4 Bit BCD Ripple Counter Timing Diagram : Other way to verify operation of Counter. Draw Timing Diagram of Counter with Clock Transitions.
Decade Counter BCD Counter is Decade Counter, as it counts from 0 to 9 and then repeat. To Count Decimal from 00 to 99, two BCD Counters ( Decade Counters) are required. Multiple Digit Decade Counters can be made by connecting them in Cascade. When Q8 goes from 1 to 0, Next Decade Counter receives Negative Edge as Clock Pulse in first flip-flop.
Synchronous Counter Input pulses are applied to CP Inputs of all flip-flops. For 1 st JK Flip-Flop to toggle at every Clock Negative Edge, Count Enable Input is Kept 1 and connected to J and K. A2 toggles when Count Enable and A1 are 1. A2 remains unchanged when A1 is 0. A3 toggles when Count enable, A1 and A2 all are 1. A3 remains unchanged when either A1 or A2 or both are zero. A4 toggles when Count Enable, A1, A2 and A3 all are 1. A4 remains unchanged when any of the A1, A2, A3 are zero or all are zero. Here Clock Pulse is independent so can be Positive or Negative Edge Triggering. 4 Bit Synchronous Binary Counter
Binary Up-Down Synchronous Counter T flip-flop is used for Counter. A0 Toggles for Up or Down any Sequence. For Up Counter, Q of Each Flip-Flop is ANDed with Up Input & its o/p is Connected to OR Gate. For Down Counter Q’ of Each Flip-Flop is ANDed with Down Input Connected to OR gate.
BCD Counter Output y is used as Input to Next Decade Counter Count Input. As in Synchronous Counter, Clock Pulses are given synchronously to each flip-flop, y is required here for next decade counter to start with.
Binary Counter with Parallel Load
Load = 1 then Count is Disabled. Information on I 0, I 1, I 2, I 3 are transferred to Each flip-flop. Load = 1 then Count is Disabled. Information on I 0, I 1, I 2, I 3 are transferred to Each flip-flop. Load = 0 then Inputs are not allowed to enter in flip- flops. If Count=0, Register retain previous value. (JK=00) If Count=1, JK=11, so flip- flop toggles its input at next clock positive edge. Circuit Operates as Counter. Load = 0 then Inputs are not allowed to enter in flip- flops. If Count=0, Register retain previous value. (JK=00) If Count=1, JK=11, so flip- flop toggles its input at next clock positive edge. Circuit Operates as Counter.
Binary Counter with Parallel Load A1 flip-flop toggles when Count=1, Load=0, A0=1 A2 flip-flop toggles when Count=1, Load=0, A0,A1=1 A3 flip-flop toggles when Count=1, Load=0, A0, A1, A2=1 C_out = 1 when, Count=1, A0, A1, A2 and A3 = 1. A1 flip-flop toggles when Count=1, Load=0, A0=1 A2 flip-flop toggles when Count=1, Load=0, A0,A1=1 A3 flip-flop toggles when Count=1, Load=0, A0, A1, A2=1 C_out = 1 when, Count=1, A0, A1, A2 and A3 = 1.
Binary Counter with Parallel Load Function Table
N is the Number up to which the counting is done For Binary Counter of 4 bits, it is called Modulo -16 Counter, From Modulo-16 Counter, any N Between 1 to 16 Count Counter can be constructed. Modulo-6 Counter Counts from 0 to 5 or 1 to 6 or 2 to 7 or so on up to 10 to 16. Binary counter with parallel load capability can be used to design such counter. Modulo-N Counter
Modulo-6 Counter
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