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MGT 325 Education for Service/

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1 MGT 325 Education for Service/

2 ASHFORD MGT 325 Entire Course For more course tutorials visit Week 2 Assignment and Week 5 Assignment contains 3 Papers each MGT 325 Week 1 DQ 1 Strategic Advantage MGT 325 Week 1 DQ 2 Public Activity

3 MGT 325 Education for Service/ ASHFORD MGT 325 Week 1 DQ 1 Strategic Advantage For more course tutorials visit In transportation management, one component to explore is how an organization’s transportation activity can help to achieve a strategic advantage for the organization.

4 MGT 325 Education for Service/ ASHFORD MGT 325 Week 1 DQ 2 Public Activity For more course tutorials visit To a great extent, transportation project planning is described as a public activity where purely financial return is not the overriding benefit to be attained. In a 250-300

5 MGT 325 Education for Service/ ASHFORD MGT 325 Week 2 DQ 1 Social Responsibility Pricing For more course tutorials visit The text discusses “Social responsibility pricing”. Some argue that a business cannot sustain itself if it practices social responsible pricing. In 200 – 250 words,

6 MGT 325 Education for Service/ ASHFORD MGT 325 Week 2 DQ 2 Funding Highways For more course tutorials visit In 200 – 250 words assess the current method of funding for highways. In addition, include your opinion of fairness as it relates to the trucking industry. Respond to

7 MGT 325 Education for Service/ ASHFORD MGT 325 Week 2 Mitigating Risk in Transportation Costs For more course tutorials visit Appendix 4A provides a detailed discussion of Cost Concepts in Transportation, including Accounting, Economic and Social costs. Review these costs, and

8 MGT 325 Education for Service/ ASHFORD MGT 325 Week 3 DQ 1 Measuring Performance For more course tutorials visit There are two ratios which are used to measure airline performance. One measures efficiency while the other measures equipment utilization. Is this sufficient?

9 MGT 325 Education for Service/ ASHFORD MGT 325 Week 3 DQ 2 CBN For more course tutorials visit Review Case 6-1 outlined in Chapter 6. In 200 – 250 words, address the following question: “Do you think that the decision to lease the locomotives

10 MGT 325 Education for Service/ ASHFORD MGT 325 Week 4 DQ 1 Risk Management For more course tutorials visit Case 9-1 discusses Young Again Pharmaceuticals. The three options that this firm has to manage risk are risk retention, risk transfer, or a mixed approach.

11 MGT 325 Education for Service/ ASHFORD MGT 325 Week 4 DQ 2 Mitigated Risks For more course tutorials visit Given your answer to Discussion Forum 1, discuss in 200 – 250 words what you believe Young Again Pharmaceuticals should focus on once the risks

12 MGT 325 Education for Service/ ASHFORD MGT 325 Week 5 DQ 1 Audit For more course tutorials visit When deciding to form a strategic partnership, the text recommends performing an audit of needs and overall strategies with regard to logistics operations.

13 MGT 325 Education for Service/ ASHFORD MGT 325 Week 5 DQ 2 Green Supply Chain For more course tutorials visit What is meant by a Green Supply Chain? Identify in 200 – 250 words two techniques or processes that you could potentially propose to your organization’s

14 MGT 325 Education for Service/ ASHFORD MGT 325 Week 5 Final Paper For more course tutorials visit You work as a transportation analyst for Peregrine Trucking Co. The company’s president has asked you to evaluate the potential of reducing fuel cost by using

15 MGT 325 Education for Service/ MGT 325 Week 1 Quiz For more course tutorials visit MGT 325 Quiz 1 1. Domestic water carriers have received two major forms of federal promotion. They are: 2. What is the formal method used by Congress to influence national transportation?

16 MGT 325 Education for Service/ MGT 325 Week 2 Mitigating Risk in Transportation Costs (3 Papers) For more course tutorials visit Appendix 4A provides a detailed discussion of Cost Concepts in Transportation, including Accounting, Economic and Social costs. Review these costs, and in a 2 – 3

17 MGT 325 Education for Service/ MGT 325 Week 2 Quiz For more course tutorials visit MGT 325 Quiz 2 1. Which is correct regarding value-of-service pricing?

18 MGT 325 Education for Service/ MGT 325 Week 3 Quiz For more course tutorials visit MGT 325 Quiz 3 1. How many Class 1 rail companies are there?

19 MGT 325 Education for Service/ MGT 325 Week 4 Quiz For more course tutorials visit MGT 325 Quiz 4 1. Which of the following is not identified as a key global transportation challenge?

20 MGT 325 Education for Service/ MGT 325 Week 5 Final Paper Peregrine Trucking Co (3 Papers) For more course tutorials visit You work as a transportation analyst for Peregrine Trucking Co.

21 MGT 325 Education for Service/

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